Reid's Deliverance (The Song, #2)

“It is.” She toyed with a carrot stick on her plate. “I don’t come here enough to justify keeping it and paying the caretaker’s fees, though. The Realtor already has a list of potential buyers. It should sell pretty quickly.”

And you’ll regret it. Reid washed down unproven concern with more lemonade. She didn’t need him butting into her decisions. He stood. “I need to finish.”

Lauren stacked plates and bowls. “I have to make a run to Fast Mart. Otherwise we’re eating PB and J again. Can I pick anything up for you?”

“Don’t worry about me. I don’t need charity. I’m not staying.” He spun on his heel and stomped down the stairs. The image of her hurt expression stayed with each reverberating chop into the wood. Rude didn’t define him. Asshole described him perfectly. That’s how she needed to see him. Not with compassion and caring in her eyes.

After Reid finished the tasks, he put the ax back in the shed where he’d found it. The caretaker clearly appreciated order. Each clear box had a card attached listing the contents down to the number of screws and nails.

Reid headed inside and cleaned up in the bathroom. In the hallway, Lauren approached carrying the makeshift pack he’d fashioned out of her rain poncho. Her chilly attitude sliced into him as he accepted it.

“I made you sandwiches. I also packed granola bars, fruit, and water.” She exhaled a breath and her expression turned defiant. “I may as well tell you because I’d hate for you to lose it—I put an envelope with money inside of it with my address. I don’t care if you pay me back, but you obviously have some sort of hangup about accepting help from me.” She stalked off.

“Wait. Lauren. That’s not it.”

She marched back and got in his face. “Then what is the problem? One minute you’re making me coffee and cereal. The next you’re rude. You apologize and then you do it all over again. I get that you’re frustrated, but that doesn’t give you the right to be a total bonehead. I’m not going to let you jerk me around with your hot and cold attitude. If you want to be stupid and refuse my help, fine. Go.”

Did she just call him stupid? “You really want to know what my problem is?”

“Yes, I do.”

He threw down the makeshift pack. “You.” He grabbed her shoulders harder than intended. A stunned look froze on her face. Good. Scaring her into understanding would get the message across.

“I showed up here out of nowhere. I’ve lost my memory, but I don’t want to speak to the authorities. Wake up, Lauren. I’m not being stubborn. I’m trying to protect you from digging yourself into this mess any deeper.”

“Don’t you dare make this about me.” Anger snapped in her gaze as she poked a finger into his chest. “I’m a grown-up. I make my own decisions, and I know how to take care of myself. You came to me. Why can’t you just drop the macho bull crap and accept my help?”

“Because I don’t want your help.” He pulled her flush against him and pushed his hard-on into her softness. “I want to be inside of you, Lauren, hard and deep. I want to discover what makes you come and then do it over and over again until you’re so wrapped up, the only thing you know is my name. The thing that I don’t want is your pity because you feel obligated to help me.”

Her mouth dropped open in surprise. Her expression softened into one that made him want to kiss her until they both couldn’t breathe. He gave his hands the order, but they refused to let her go.

“Like I said, I know what I’m doing.” She flattened her hands on his chest. “I also know what I want.”

“You don’t know what you’re in for.”

She rose on her toes and her soft exhales warmed his lips. “Neither do you.”

Chapter 9

Reid’s fingers flexed into Lauren’s arms. His expression tightened as if fighting an internal battle. “What are you doing to me?”

Lauren grabbed his nape and kissed him hard.

She was breaking rules on her list for him, and she didn’t know why. He couldn’t leave. Not today, maybe not even tomorrow. Fate had brought him there. Inexplicable familiarity bound them in ways she didn’t understand. Instinct told her the answers lay in their desire.

He crushed her to him and plunged his tongue into her mouth. Exploring, claiming, leaving her breathless. If kissing him were on a list, hell yeah would sit on the same line.

“Fuck it.” He picked Lauren straight up and carried her into the cabin. An expression bordering on anger sharpened the angles of his jawline. Doubt warred in his darkening eyes.

Upset she could handle, but she didn’t want him tamed by worry. Or for him to agonize over all the reasons they shouldn’t. Worrying or trying to reason it out was a waste of time.

Lauren clawed into his shoulders. Brushed kisses along his temple down to his neck. Sucked his warm, salty skin.

His steps faltered and a shudder ran through him. Reid turned and her back hit the wall. Desire clearly snapped control as he unfastened her jeans and tunneled past lace.

Nina Crespo's books