Reid's Deliverance (The Song, #2)

A hug and an apologetic smile to Celine spelled out the situation. She was the dinner companion and something had held her up. She lowered into the seat. Without bothering to open the menu, she smiled at the server and ordered.

Her laugh floated over to him and goose bumps raised on his arms. As she flipped her hair over her shoulder, it was as if he could smell her perfume, soft, feminine, like flowers in summer.

Lauren tore a piece from a roll and ate it. She captured stray crumbs with her tongue.

His chest tingled just as it had when she’d nipped him with her teeth.

She sat back and crossed her legs.

Reid’s gut pulled tight with the recollection of them wrapped around his waist.

Damn. He was getting a hard-on like a high school freshman hot for a senior cheerleader.

If she were sitting across from him right now, they wouldn’t only enjoy a meal. He’d ask her about her day and let her vent about what had gotten on her nerves. They’d talk about things they’d read or heard about. He’d find out what she enjoyed doing in her spare time. They’d probably make plans for after dinner. Where would they go? The movies? The Song for drinks and dancing? Afterward, they’d go to her place or maybe his and—.

Pull it together.

He shot up, grabbed his phone, and tossed bills on the table. He’d checked on Celine. She was fine. End of story. Thane could put his worries to rest and focus on healing.

As he walked past Lauren, she glanced up and gave him a subtle once-over. Her gaze narrowed with a pensive stare.

What if she did remember? What if she called him by name?

He slowed down.

Celine caught her attention, and she looked away.

A strange discomfort gathered in his chest. Reid stalked out of the restaurant. What was he doing? They’d shared physical chemistry. Big deal. He jumped in his truck and sped off. He wasn’t infatuated with a woman he couldn’t have. He wasn’t like Thane.

Chapter 5

Back at The Song, a week after the mission, Thane’s announcement hit Reid like a sucker punch.

“I’m leaping into the future.” Thane widened his stance. The thud of his booted feet on the wooden floor echoed in the empty nightclub. “If I can get there the day before the mission went wrong, I might be able to save Celine.” As he pulled up the sleeves on his white pullover, Thane met Reid’s gaze. Then he turned his attention to the rest of the team, sitting on stools in front of the bar. “And I won’t be coming back.”

“Hold up.” The snap in Reid’s voice drew the team’s attention and a frown from Thane. “You’re leaving us for a woman you barely know?”

“I don’t have a choice.”

“Like hell you don’t.”

“I’m not going to stand by and let her die. Too much time has already passed. I have to leave now. Dalir said she’s fine here, but her future is disappearing. Eventually, she’ll vanish altogether. She’s paying for my actions. It’s my responsibility to make sure she’s safe.”

“You can’t—”

West lifted a hand. The tribal ink on his bicep rippled. “Can’t we all make the jump?”

Thane shook his head. “Time two years from now is barely being held together. All of us phasing permanently would cause too many changes.”

“So this is temporary.” Mace’s deep, raspy voice flowed into the stillness. “In two years, we’ll catch up, and you can rejoin the team.”

“Maybe. There’s no guarantee.”

“I don’t like it.” Mace ran his hand over his brown, shaved head and released a long exhale. “But it sounds like this is something you have to do.” He walked to Thane. In one fluid movement, Mace pulled him into a bro-hug and thumped him on the back. “I won’t say goodbye because I’m betting on seeing you again.”

Colby followed up on Mace’s goodwill and embraced Thane. “We won’t be there to watch your back so keep your damn head on a swivel.”

A sick feeling spread through Reid. Just like that? Thane was jumping out and no one had a word to the negative but him? He caught West’s gaze. If the rest didn’t see that it was a bad move, West would.

West stood, clasped Thane’s hand, and bro-hugged him. “Go handle business, brother. Be safe.”

As Mace, Colby, and West walked out of the club, Thane’s gaze landed on Reid. “If you’re going to take over leading the team, you have to wrap your head around this and focus on supporting Dalir.”

“No. You need to wrap your head around what this thing with Celine is really about. You like her. You made a mistake, and now she’s part of the collateral damage. It’s hard to accept. We’ve all been there.”

“She’s more than collateral damage.”

“More than the team?”

“It’s not the same.”

“Damn right it’s not the same. We’re your family.” Reid vaulted from his seat. “I know you feel guilty about what’s happening to her, but going on a suicide mission won’t make it right.”

Nina Crespo's books