Reckless Temptations (Tempted #4)

“You sat at that table when everything was going down with Gold. You know it was me who offered up a way to get the drugs to save Blackie and Reina. What you don’t know, and I’m not even sure I should tell you, is who we took them from,” I paused, deciding it didn’t matter.

Anthony was better off not knowing, one less casualty when the dust settled, and I needed Bianci breathing. I needed him to be there for Lauren and to be the man in my kid’s life. I had no doubt he’d be there for Pea. It was a good thing I spent all those months keeping him safe, keeping him out of the enemy’s line of fire.

Time to pay it forward Bianci.

“They know it was me who gave up their stash house. They know it was the Satan’s Knights who robbed them and it doesn’t matter that we’ve paid them back because we killed their men. They won’t quit until they’ve settled the score, until they’ve taken our blood.”

“Jesus, Riggs,” Bianci hissed, taking a deep breath before he shrugged his shoulders.

“So what do you want me to do? Jack wants my help?”

“Jack doesn’t know I called you,” I said, lifting my hand to rub that ache away from my chest, the one that seemed to keep nagging me.

“He’s putting prospects on Reina and Lacey until he figures what our next move is. He wanted one on Lauren too but…” I shook my head and paused, “…I’m not about to put her life in the hands of some little shit who doesn’t have a patch,” I said, looking away from him.

I hadn’t expected this to be so hard.

I hadn’t expected for it to hurt.

“I need you to look after Lauren,” I whispered, lifting my head to meet his wary stare. “I need you to keep her and the baby safe.”

“Riggs, I don’t like where this is going,” he started.

“C’mon man, you fucking owe me and I’m collecting. You love your sister, hell, you even love that kid she hasn’t given birth to yet. No one will look out for her like you will. No one will protect her and make sure this shit doesn’t land on her.”

“And you? Where does that leave you?”

I shrugged my shoulders.

“I want you to take Lauren back to your place, keep her close until everything dies down. She’s going to be upset, so make sure she doesn’t get herself worked up.” I pleaded. “It won’t be good for Pea if she’s sick,” I rasped. “Anything she or the baby needs, you come to me and I will make sure they have it.”

“Got it all planned, huh?” He questioned. “You still didn’t answer me. Where does that leave you?”

“It doesn’t matter, bro. I’ve got to do the right thing by them and being away from them, making it like they don’t mean shit to me, it’s the only way I can fight for them. They probably know about her already but if I end things now, if I prove to the world she’s nothing to me, no one will hurt her. She’ll be old news and they’ll be looking for another way to hurt me, another way to get to me.” I removed my hat and nervously ran my fingers through my hair.

“You’re going to break her heart,” he said.

“I’m going to save her life.” I countered. “She’ll bounce back from a broken heart, can’t bounce back from death,” I choked out.

“I did what you’re doing, you know? I stayed away from Adrianna and Luca, told myself I’d only poison them with my lifestyle—”

“Stop!” I interrupted. “Don’t try to give me hope because I’m not like you. I know you think we run in the same circles, but we don’t, brother. This shit isn’t the mob, it doesn’t go away because your boss goes up the river and spares your life. This is an oath, it’s a way of life. It’s my life and a choice I made long before I knew Lauren existed. Would I take it back? I can’t even ask myself that question because I’m a Satan’s Knight and I will ride to my death,” I argued. “But I won’t take Lauren on that ride or my kid. Now do I have your word?”

He remained still for a moment as he absorbed my words and stared at me. It took everything in me not to turn my head and pretend like I didn’t just hand over my heart to this man.

Anthony slowly nodded in agreement but it wasn’t enough.

“Man, need your word, not just a shake of your head. This is my…” I paused, taking a deep breath before I continued. “… we’re talking about my kid. My flesh and blood. Gonna need the words for this one,” I said, my voice sounding more like a plea than an order.

“I’ll take care of them. I’ll keep them safe,” he promised.

I nodded before I bowed my head and swiped my hands along it.

Goodbye Kitten.

Goodbye Pea.

Be safe.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

I stormed into the clubhouse, headed straight for the bar and ignored everyone that was watching me. I pulled the strongest bottle of poison I could find from the shelf and grabbed a glass. Blackie stared at me with his signature beady eyes as I poured myself a shot and took a seat beside him.

I threw the shot back, letting the amber liquid worm its way down my throat and into my belly. I had hoped that the burning sensation in my chest would dull the ache that wouldn’t leave me.

Janine Infante Bosco's books