Reckless Temptations (Tempted #4)

“I never pegged you to be one for cuddles,” I teased, as I moved closer to him.

“Yeah, didn’t peg the girl next door to be a wildcat in the bedroom either,” he replied, wrapping his arm around me. “Guess we’re both full of surprises.”

That was for sure.

“Christ, your feet are like icicles,” he said, lifting himself slightly to cover us.

“My feet are always cold,” I replied, as I snuggled against him. He threw his leg over mine in what I think was an attempt to warm me. We remained silent for a few moments, my head resting on his chest as he lazily stroked my shoulder.

“I was worried about you,” I admitted in the dark.

“Nothing to be worried about,” he said automatically.

I traced my finger along one of the red marks on his chest wishing I could believe him, knowing I couldn’t.

Chapter Twenty-Four

The best thing about getting your ass kicked by a bunch of crazy fucks is coming home to your girl and having great sex. It made up for my body feeling as if I had been hit by a Mack truck. I rolled over and reached for Kitten, hoping she’d be up for another ride on the “Riggs Express,” but my hands grabbed air instead of titty.

I would have to talk to her about that. There were few things I required, at the top of the list was; no creeping out of bed without chomping down the morning wood. Major no-no.

I glanced down at my dick. Poor guy. I wrapped my hand around the length, giving it a slow pull as I pictured Kitten’s mouth wrapped around it, her eyes peering up at me from the rim of her glasses.

She didn’t wear them last night but it wouldn’t have mattered anyway. I barely looked at anything but her tits and her pussy. That fucking pussy was sweeter than anything I’ve ever tasted. I could eat her twenty-four seven and never crave anything else. It wasn’t such a bad idea, living off Kitten’s pussy, at least I know I’d die happy.

My dick was harder than steel, all this talk about Lauren’s pussy and I was sitting here with my hand wrapped around my cock. Fuck that, I climbed out of bed to find me some of the real thing. I didn’t bother with clothes as I took my fine ass into the living room, spotting Lauren in the kitchen with her back toward me.

My plan was to sneak up on her, press myself up against her before I picked her up and laid her out on top of the counter. They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and eating Lauren would be the breakfast of champions.

She turned around, holding a mug in her hands and nearly jumped out of her skin when she saw me.

“You scared me!” She cried, as she set the coffee mug on the counter and stared at me. “You’re naked,” she accused.

“Yeah and you’re not,” I said, drawing my eyebrows together. “Why is that?” I’m pretty sure my lip curled as I locked eyes with the cock blocking pajama pants and t-shirt she was wearing.

“I…well…I figured,” she stammered, nervously pushing her glasses further onto the bridge of her nose as I started for her.

“You figured…” I coaxed, closing the distance between us as I pressed my dick against her thigh and took hold of her hips.

“I figured it’d be like last time,” she whispered, lifting her eyes to mine, challenging me to deny her words.

I lifted her up, turning around and placing her on the counter. I had no idea what she was talking about and rather than trying to figure it out I decided to have breakfast. She gasped at first as I pulled off her pajamas with my teeth and then she laughed. I loved Kitten’s laugh.

“Riggs, wait!” She protested, as she wrapped her legs around my waist and I buried my face between her tits. I teased one perfect nipple before wreaking havoc on the other one.

How the fuck did I get so lucky?

She giggled again as I worked my mouth down her stomach, pausing for a second, realizing that my kid was inside of her, just hanging out while Kitten took care of him.

So, fucking lucky.

“Riggs, seriously, hang on a minute,” she said as she cupped my face and tilted my head back so I was looking at her. “What are we doing?”

“Right now? You’re stopping me from making you come,” I pointed out, licking my lips for extra emphasis.

“I mean besides that.”

“Kitten, you’re losing me,” I groaned, trying to rub myself against something…anything.

“You’re not going to ignore me and pretend like I don’t exist again?” She blurted the question, forcing me to give up on humping her leg and stare at her as if she had lost her marbles.

“Don’t look at me like that,” she warned. “Last time, you completely blew me off, and that’s fine, you’re not into repeats, okay, but that was before there was Pea,” she explained.


No, I rarely did them.

And after the last time, I pulled away and turned my back on her because I wasn’t a man who stuck with one woman. I wasn’t the boyfriend type and wasn’t ready for an old lady. I wasn’t about that life.

But here we are.

And there’s nowhere else I’d rather be.

Janine Infante Bosco's books