Reckless Temptations (Tempted #4)

“The Dragons tried to slay a Knight, Prez, you know what that means don’t you?” Pipe questioned.

“It means the fucking Chinese resurrected a war with us,” Jack ground out. “It means, get your fucking saddle ready because we’re going to ride ‘til our hands are covered in Dragon blood,” he vowed, fixing his eyes on me. “Means Riggs is going to show them who the fuck breathes fire. You with me, brother?” He asked.

“I’m with you,” I said, numbly.

He cupped my chin, forcing me to look at him.

“Heart,” he hissed, before dropping my chin and turning toward Bones. “Get him cleaned up and a goddamn cut,” he ordered, before he turned to Pipe.

“I’m hungry,” Jack said. “You hungry Pipe?”

Fine time for them to be talking about food while Bones hoisted my naked ass off the dirt road. I had a motherfucking price tag on my head and they were talking about their stomachs. Join an MC—it’ll be fun—still waiting for the fun part.

“Starving,” Pipe replied.

“Let me guess…you’re in the mood for a little General Tso’s chicken?” Wolf questioned, as he stepped into stride alongside them.

“Ay,” Pipe agreed. “With a side of Wu,” he added.

Time to hunt.

Chapter Twenty-Two

Once in the cage, Bones pulled his cut off and threw it onto my lap.

“Put it on,” he ordered, turning the key in the ignition as the rest of the Knights straddled their bikes and peeled away from the scene of my drop off.

I looked down at his cut, wincing as I put it on.

“You don’t happen to have a pair of pants lying around here somewhere, do you?” I asked.

He said nothing, keeping his eyes on the road as I glanced down at myself, my dick flailing around every time we went over a bump. Luckily for me, Bones and I have been close friends for years. So close as boys that we used to measure our dicks against the wall. If we didn’t have that kinda friendship, this shit might’ve been awkward.

Boys who turned into men.

My brother.

The one person I trusted more than anyone.

I glanced over at him, noting his knuckles whitening as they gripped the steering wheel and how his jaw clenched as he worked his neck from side to side.

“I took my mask off,” I said, breaking the silence between us. “When Wolf was still upstairs in the apartment I turned around and lifted the ski mask from my face,” I explained.

“Why you telling me this?”

“Because Wu let me go,” I said running my hand over the hair missing from my head. “You and I both know he only let me go to deliver a message. He’ll be back, The Dragons aren’t going to let me get away with that shit,” I said, turning and glancing out the window.

“We’ll handle it,” he barked. “That chink fuck can try to do whatever he wants…we’ll shut the motherfucker down,” he added.

I nodded in agreement because he needed me to but I was realistic, there was a fucking price tag on my head, literally, and I needed to accept that shit. I’d fight alongside my club, fight to the death of me, but I needed to prepare myself in case I was fighting a losing battle.

“Need you to take care of something for me,” I began, turning my eyes back toward him.


“If this don’t end my way, I need you to get my parents to give my money to Lauren,” I said. His eyes turned to mine in a flash, anger reflecting in them at my request.

“Nothing is going to happen to you,” he seethed, turning his eyes back to the road.

“Right, but if anything ever should. Even if it has nothing to do with the Chinese, and ten years from now I get hit by a truck, I need to know you’ll get her the money so she can take care of Pea.”

“Do your parents even know about Pea?”

“No, and I don’t want a fucking thing from them while I’m breathing but if something happens to me, then my kid deserves that money,” I said, as we pulled into the Dog Pound lot. I glanced out the window and saw Bianci standing outside, next to my bike.


I sighed and looked back at Bones.

“Can you do that for me?” I asked.

“Yeah,” he hissed. “For Pea,” he said through clenched teeth, before he pointed his index finger at me. “Don’t fucking talk like that again, like you’re going to get clipped and leave that kid fatherless,” he ordered.

Pea was worming his or her way into everyone’s life.

I shoved his finger out of my face and rolled my eyes.

“I’m not going anywhere, asshole. It will take a lot more than a pack of ninjas to take this guy down,” I declared, reaching for the door handle and climbing my naked ass out of the van.

I squared my shoulders back, head held high as my dick flapped in the wind and strode toward the compound like the badass I am.

My demeanor dissolved when I saw my precious Harley covered in red fucking paint and Bianci standing next to it with a sponge.

“Step away from the bike!” I demanded, my one good eye assessing the damage before I looked back at Bianci, staring daggers at him like the one eyed bandit. Just call me Cyclopes.

Janine Infante Bosco's books