Reckless Temptations (Tempted #4)

“Dude, speaking of Pea…” Bones started, glancing at the clock.

“Pea?” Jack asked, as he stared at the door his daughter closed behind her.

“Don’t ask,” I said, turning back to Bones.

“Didn’t Lauren have the doctor’s appointment today?”



I pulled my phone out of my pocket and saw I had missed three messages from Kitten.

Kitten: I’m here.

Kitten: Are you on your way?

Kitten: I guess you’re not coming.

The last message came an hour ago.

“Shit!” I roared, lifting my head as all eyes were on me. “I’ve got to get out of here,” I said hastily, looking back at Blackie. “Glad you’re awake, brother,” I added before jetting out of the room.

I fucked up.

I tried calling Lauren but my call went straight to her voicemail.

I was off to a great start.

I was a contender for father of the year.

Pea was lucky to have me.

I pulled my hat from head and dialed Lauren again.


I didn’t blame her.

I sucked.

Chapter Twenty

I climbed the stairs, carrying a bag of groceries as a consolation prize for letting down Kitten and Pea. Because stocking the fridge you bought and cooking dinner for your baby mama was as good as standing next to her while she listened to your kid’s heartbeat for the first time right?

Yeah, I didn’t think so either.

But it was worth a shot.

I paused at the door, reaching into my pocket for my key when I heard voices from behind the door. I leaned my ear against the door, sure it was Mama “Leone” lashing out about what a piece of shit I was but to my surprise Kitten had a different house guest.

A male one.

And not her brother either.

I set the brown bag of groceries on the floor and reached behind me for my gun, prepared to blow the head off the guy inside getting cozy with my Kitten.

I opened the door and stepped inside with my gun cocked and aimed that shit toward the man standing next to Lauren with his back toward me.

“Riggs!” She said, eyes wide as she stared at me.

“Kitten,” I ground out, taking a step closer. “Want to introduce me to your friend?”

“Want to put the gun down?” She countered.

The guy slowly turned around.

“Whoa! What the hell man?”

“Who are you?” I growled.

“Put the gun down, damn it!” Lauren shouted, stepping around the guy and grabbing my forearm.

I glanced down at her.

“One more time, Kitten,” I warned. “Who is your friend?” I asked, holding my gun steady on the guy.

“I’m just here to buy the car listed on Craigslist,” he said, holding his hands in the air.

“What?” I asked, dropping my gun and turning to Lauren. “What’s he talking about?”

She rolled her eyes, ignoring me as she walked toward the guy standing in the middle of the living room shitting his pants. “I’m sorry about that, he’s just been released from the asylum,” she began. “We’re still working on a treatment plan for his irrational behavior,” she began, batting her eyelashes at the douche. “I hope you won’t let my ill brother interfere with your decision to buy the car.”

“Your brother?” I asked incredulously.

“I think it’s time for his medication,” she added, dangling the keys in front of him.

He peered at me skeptically as I tucked my gun into the back of my pants and crossed my arms against my chest. He handed Lauren an envelope, and I watched as she peeked inside before handing him over the keys.

“Congratulations you’re the proud owner of a used car,” she winked.

One of my favorite things about my Kitten was the way she handled herself. She owned that guy with her smile and her sharp tongue.

She didn’t need a prince to rescue her, she was her own hero, and that was the sexiest thing about her.

That and well, maybe, her ass. She had a killer ass.

He looked at Lauren, taking the keys she offered.

“Are you sure you’re safe with him?”

Lauren didn’t even look at me as she answered him.

“I’ll be fine, once he’s medicated he’s a pussycat,” she reassured him, as she led him toward the door. “Thanks for coming by and enjoy the car,” she said.

“Thanks,” the guy said, glancing over his shoulder at me again.

I moved to reach for the gun again but he scampered out the door before I could. Lauren glanced down at the bag of groceries I had left in the hallway, bending down to grab them before walking into the apartment and kicking the door closed.

She walked into the kitchen and dropped the bag onto the counter before walking passed me toward the couch.

Kitten was pissed.

I bring out the best in her.

“Why’d you sell your car?” I asked.

She continued to ignore me as she flopped down onto the couch and grabbed her phone. I took a deep breath and accepted my fate as I sat down beside her.

“I know you’re mad…” I began.

She threw the phone onto the couch and twisted around, pulling her glasses off her face and her big blue eyes narrowed at me.

Janine Infante Bosco's books