Razor: A Bad Boy Stepbrother Romance

"It will pass," I muttered to myself. “Before long, I’ll forget a Tyler Locklin ever existed.”

After making sure everything in Christine’s office was in order, I made my way outside the building.

I’d only gotten two steps out of the front door when a familiar Limo pulled up.

Oh no.

I started to turn away and walk as fast as my sore feet could carry me, but the back door swung open and I went weak in the knees at the sight of Tyler climbing out.

He was dressed in his normal business attire, the outfit most likely costing more than my rent. He had a determined look about him. Even though I was angry as hell, I had to admit—he looked sexy. Fucking hot.

Run, I urged myself. Run and don’t look back. But I couldn’t move. My feet were rooted in place.

“Hey,” Tyler greeted me.

I let out an explosive breath. I was so captivated by the image of him that I’d forgotten to breathe.

“What are you doing here?” I demanded, trying to sound as bitchy as possible but failing. “I don’t want to talk to you.”

Even with it being dusk out, I could see the ever-mischievous sparkle in Tyler’s eyes. “You sure about that?”

“Yes, I’m sure. Get lost,” I said, but my words didn’t sound convincing at all.

Tyler chuckled and then his expression became serious just as fast. He gestured at the limo. “Get in,” he growled, his deep voice filling me with dread and excitement all at once.

I hesitated for a moment, my mind filled with turmoil.

You can still walk away.

“Now!” He added. “We need to talk.” My body tingled at the sexy, guttural sound that seemed to promise retribution and pleasure all at once.

Before I knew it, I was moving past him and into the limo, thinking to myself, I’m making a big mistake.

Chapter 16


“So this is your office?” I asked in disbelief.

Tyler had brought me to his office, nestled on the top floor of the Armex headquarters. The view, which had wall-long windows, was absolutely spectacular. The skyline twinkled in the background, crowded with hi-rise buildings.

In the middle of the room sat a large, cherry wood desk and a giant-sized leather chair that looked inviting. The chair almost reminded me of a throne.

Made for a King.

The whole room had a luxurious feel. Swanky and high class. I could learn to love working in a place like this, I thought.

The little office Christine had me working in was a dilapidated hovel compared to the splendor before me. Tyler stuck both hands in his pocket and grinned, amused by my awe. “You like it, don’t you?”

I walked over to the glass window and peered out at the breathtaking skyline. “How could I not? It’s stunning.”

“I’m glad you do. It’s the best view in the entire building.” His intense gaze made goosebumps rise on my skin. I averted my eyes back to the skyline.

“This is beautiful,’ I breathed.

“Not as beautiful as you.”

I rolled my eyes. “Stop it.”

“Don’t bait me then.”

That wasn’t my intention in the least. “I wasn’t baiting you.”

God, he makes me want to kill him, I thought, and screw him at the same time.

I turned away from the window and crossed my arms. “I bet you thought that two-bit waitress at Bixby’s was beautiful too.”

Tyler sighed. “Come on. Why are you acting so pissed about that? It was nothing.”

“So did you and Brad find a resolution to our—your problem?” I asked, changing the subject. I didn’t want to keep talking about the waitress. He was right, it was nothing.

Tyler shook his head. “No. In fact, he was pretty useless.” A shadow passed over his face. “Let’s not talk about that right now.”

“Well, I’ve decided not to put in my notice with Christine,” I announced suddenly as I watched for Tyler’s reaction.

He was silent for a moment.

“Why?” he asked finally.

I walked away from the window and circled his office, eyeing all the exquisite details before stopping at the side of his desk. “Because I realize that I’d probably be making a very big mistake. I’m lucky that Christine didn’t fire me. I still don’t quite understand that one. If she had, who knows where I’d be?”

Tyler scowled. “You’d be lucky? You said she treats you like shit, remember?”

“I’d rather be treated like shit than to fall in love with a guy, only to find out that he’ll cheat on me once he’s bored and finds another desperate chick to warm his bed.”

“Is that what you think will happen with us?”

Lauren Landish's books