Razor: A Bad Boy Stepbrother Romance

News of my insubordination had spread like wildfire. I’d had people casting furtive glances my way and whispering to each other. I knew what they were probably saying. Something along the lines of, Did you hear about what Victoria said to Christine? She must have been born with a set of balls.

“I know, right? I should be gone. If anyone else had said what I said, they’d have been fired in a New York minute. But me? She threatens to sue me to keep me working for her. It just goes to show how much she delights in my misery.” I shook my head angrily. “She hates the fact that I’ll be able to make a career for myself without her help."

"Will you though?" asked April skeptically.

I sniffed and then stared at her. "Will I what?"

"Be able to make a career for yourself? You still have a lot to learn, Vicky.”

"Yeah.” I paused. “Tyler said that he would help me in any way he can." I quickly outlined Tyler’s offer to help me fund my career and maybe start a business together.

April studied me for a long moment before speaking. "You know I love you, Vick, but I'm sorry. Do you honestly believe this guy? You seriously can’t be that na?ve, Vick. The dude’s a major player. He probably tells girls stuff like that all the time just to get them in bed."

"No, it's not like that, April," I hissed irritably, surprised at the anger dripping in my voice. I paused for a moment, sucking in a deep breath to calm myself before continuing. “At first I was like you, thinking he was a big time player, but I’ve since found out that he’s not like that at all. He’s got another side to him.”

Who am I trying to convince? April or myself?

“I hope you’re right, Vicky.” April really didn’t believe me, and a small part of me wondered if I didn’t believe it myself. “But wait . . . didn’t you find out that the guy is like your stepbrother or something?”

I shrugged. “Yeah? So?”

“So? Isn’t that like kind of . . .”

I rolled my eyes at her insinuation. “Oh please, we’re not related. Heck, we were total strangers until not so long ago.”

“I guess you’re right on that,” April conceded after a moment of thought. “But either way, it’s still going to make everything even more difficult. Besides, Vick, Christine owns your soul.” Her eyes seemed to say to me what she wouldn't say, maybe it’s for the best.

“But that’s the thing . . . maybe I can get out of my contract.”

April shook her head, taking a quick nibble on her celery stick. “Are you kidding me? Christine has like an army of lawyers. You’d never get out of it. I don’t care what Tyler is telling you. Once he knows you’re that much of liability, he’d drop you like a hot potato.”

“You think so?”

April nodded. “I know so.”

“Hey bitches!” chirped a familiar voice. Gabe came walking up to our table with a tray of food. Unlike April, he actually had food on his plate, a big fat hot dog and a side of fries. Gabe was as skinny as a rail, but he could eat as much as he wanted without getting fat. It was so unfair. So, so unfair.

Animated as a cartoon, Gabe sat his tray down on the table and then took his seat. “Hey Vick, you're like my fucking bitch of the hour! I hear you totally told Christine off.”

I held in a groan. I really didn’t feel like talking about anything right then, least of all my confrontation with Christine. “You heard right.”

“Hell yeah!” Gabe picked up his hot dog and took a huge bite out of it before asking me his next question with a mouthful of food. “Tell me exactly how it went down. I want all the details!”

I shook my head and picked up my bagel, only to find my stomach turning. I had absolutely no appetite.

“You don’t wanna know.”

Chapter 13


After Victoria had left, I’d taken a hot shower and started getting ready for work. I was buttoning my last cuff when Jonathan appeared at the top of the stairs.

“Is there something wrong, Master Locklin?”

I turned away from the mirror to regard the older man with irritation, who was peering at me with a look of concern. “What did I tell you about calling me Master, Jonathan?” I demanded. “It makes me sound like a damn slave owner.”

I turned back to the mirror and rolled my shoulders, examining my appearance. There was a sparkle in my eye and a glowing flush to my skin. I knew I was handsome, but there was something more going on here. I looked . . . alive. More alive than I could ever remember.

It’s Victoria, a voice in the back of my mind said. She’s done this to me. It was scary, the way she made me feel. Even scarier, the way she made me lose control of rational thought.

What was I thinking, offering her something like that?

What the hell did I know about fashion? Better yet, I don’t even really know what she knows. How could I offer to fund such a thing? I was supposed to be a damned businessman.

I’ll just explain to her later that I didn’t really mean what I said, I thought. Much later.

“I’m sorry Mast-, umm, Tyler,” Jonathan replied, breaking me out of my reverie. “It’s a terrible habit, I suppose. Call me old-fashioned.”

Lauren Landish's books