Razor: A Bad Boy Stepbrother Romance

In a way, I suppose I felt special. After all, it was rumored that Tyler didn't give a girl more than a day or two of his time, and here he was giving me weeks.

Despite the warning signs going off in the back of my mind, I was thrilled beyond belief. Here was this incredibly handsome and rich guy who could literally have any woman he wanted—and he wanted me.

And the wild, crazy sex that involved a bit of domination? I lived for it. Rough and exciting, each time was like a dangerous adventure where I never knew where I'd wind up.

I was so caught up in my new arrangement that Christine's mistreatment of me at work ceased to bother me. The only thing that mattered in my world was Tyler.

* * *

I was working with April and Gabe in the factory room, helping with the finishing touches on the wedding gown for Tyler's best friend's wedding, when a young man came walking in.

Tall, blonde and handsome, he was dressed in a business suit, and it looked as if he was looking for something, or someone.

April and Gabe were busy talking to a group of workers while they complained about a problem with a gown, and I was the only one who seemed to notice the guy, so I walked over.

"May I help you?" I asked politely.

The man looked at me for a moment and then smiled. I noticed that he had straight, white teeth. "I'm looking for Victoria Young."

What the hell could he want with me? I wondered.

"You're speaking to her."

He was surprised. "Oh." He held out his hand. "I'm Charles Whitmore, an executive from Armex."

For some reason, his name sounded familiar, but I couldn't place it. But I did recognize the name of Tyler’s company.

After a moment, I took his hand and gently shook it. He firmly had my attention now. I wondered what this was going to be about. "Nice to meet you," I said. "So what brings you here?"

And why the hell are you looking for me?

Charles shifted on his feet and then glanced over at April and Gabe. “Can we talk?”

“I’m kinda busy,” I said. “If you can just tell me what this is about.”

Charles gave me a look that brought me up short. “It’s about Tyler.”

* * *

“You’re making a big mistake,” Charles said to me.

We were sitting in a high-class coffee shop down the street from the corporate fashion building. He ordered me a latte that was topped by a mound of whip cream.

I played with it a little. “How’s that?”

“Tyler . . . he’s no good.” He gestured at me. “This relationship he has going with you? It won’t last.”

I scowled. “I fail to see how our relationship is any of your business.” Honestly, I didn't know why I agreed to talk with this Charles guy.

Jonathan’s words came back to me in that moment, filling me with anxiety.

Walking through that door and never coming back is the best thing that will ever happen to you

Charles pressed his fingertips together and gave me a direct gaze. “It does when it affects my position at my company.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Before you came around, Tyler was on the verge of losing his position due to his . . . uncouth behavior. He’d slept with so many women that I’m sure he lost count. His dalliances were costing us, and when confronted about it, he refused to stop—which is why we were going to vote to remove him. Then you show up, and suddenly he says he’ll clean up his act.”

I glared. “So what are you saying? He’s just playing me?”

Charlie nodded. “Like a fiddle.”

“I think I’ve heard about enough of this,” I hissed. “I’ve let you waste enough of my time.” I rose from my seat, my latte still untouched.

“A word of caution, Miss Young,” Charles said, giving me pause. “Keep messing with Tyler, and you’ll likely find yourself without a job.” He looked me up and down critically. “And after everyone finds out you were Tyler’s little whore, you’ll only find work on the street corner with the looks you have.”

His words were more than I could take. Without thinking, I grabbed the latte and splashed it all over his suit.

“Fuck you, asshole!” I growled.

Cutting my eyes, I turned and walked out, leaving him sputtering.


I wiped the whipped cream off with a napkin and cracked a smile. There was fire in that one. I could see why Tyler was intrigued with her.

My intuition told me this one wasn't quite the same; she seemed more high class. Maybe that’s why Tyler was seeing her long-term—she represented a challenge.

Whatever the case, my mission was accomplished. I’d planted the seed in her mind, and her fears and insecurities would do the rest.

“Is everything alright, sir?” a light voice asked. I turned to see a waitress staring at me.

“I’m fine." I give her a smile and she smiled back.

“Why did that lady throw her latte on you?” she had to ask.

“Her boyfriend left her and she’s having a mental breakdown.”

“Oh that sucks. She didn’t have to take it out on you, though.”

I shook my head. “Nope, she didn’t. So . . . what’s your name?”

Chapter 9


Lauren Landish's books