Raptor's Desire (A Planet Desire novelette)

“There’s only one ship,” she said.

“You will tell them you’re experiencing some sort of trouble with your ship. Anything that will convince them there is a reason for your ship to halt its progress. While they await your ship, I’ll pull them into another reality and we’ll escape.”

Andromeda glanced at him. “When I open the communications line, they mustn’t see you.”

Belatedly, Khalim’s gaze fell to her naked chest, and he frowned. “You need clothing.”

Andromeda grinned, displaying a dimple in her right cheek. “You did say to distract them.”

With her kiss-swollen lips and distended nipples, she’d certainly do that. It rankled that she was right. He glanced at the space beneath the console and screen. There might be just enough room…

Before she could gasp a protest, he was on the floor and underneath the console, his hands pressing apart her thighs.

“What are you doing?”

Without preamble, his long fingers slid inside her vagina.

Andromeda’s toes pointed to the floor, lifting her heels and giving him greater access to her cunt. “Stop,” she said, and then moaned. “I have to return their call.”

“Do it,” he said then leaned closer and kissed the inside of one thigh.

“You’re insane.” Her head pressed back into the headrest, and her hands gripped the armrests as if she were afraid she’d fly off the seat. “I won’t be able get out an intelligible sentence.”

He spread the pretty pink folds guarding her entry with his fingers and stabbed his tongue inward.

She lifted her hips off the chair, and he had to hold her down to accept his loving. “Make the call.” He circled her opening with a lap of his tongue.

“Bastard!” He heard a click and then a breathless, “This is the captain of the Osprey. Identify yourself.”



“What must they have thought when I cried out in the middle of their greeting?” I asked, rubbing his bottom absently. I’d never grow tired of exploring those hard, rounded muscles.

“Andromeda, does it matter?” His head rested on my shoulder and his breaths still held a ragged edge. “They will not realize how long they hover at those coordinates…until I release them from their dream.”

The tip of my finger traced the crease between his buttocks. “Where exactly did you take them?”

I felt his shiver all the way to my womb. “To a place they will not be eager to leave.”

I heard the smile in his voice, and I answered with a grin. “You took them to a whore house, didn’t you?” I smoothed my hands over the rise of his ass, and then grabbed both cheeks and squeezed.

His cock lengthened inside me. “They are in a pleasure-giver’s palace,” he corrected me.

“They rate a palace?”

“Let us change the subject, hmmm?” The roll of his hips wasn’t needed to remind me where his pleasure lay.

I was filled to the brim with his pleasure, so wet and sore from overuse the ache pulsed. Still, I couldn’t have him complaining. I pumped my hips and drew a long moan from him.

“Mercy, Ha’abib!”

I hoped I exhausted him. While in my arms, he’d never feel the lack of wives.

He’d also never lack for laughter. His heart was lighter than when we first met. He smiled often, and I relished his sly sense of humor, even when the laughter was at my expense.

Once again, he had brought me to Qahir-Jadiid. His flesh still embedded inside mine, his weight pressed me into silken blankets. They were spread upon a sandy shelf of rock overlooking a shallow pond. We arrived at sunset and watched the aqua sky fade to mauve and the stars appear like a billion phosphor-pots set to light our way.

“If my ship were near enough, would we see us in the sky?”

Khalim grunted and lifted his head. “We aren’t going to sleep, are we?”

“This is a dream,” I reminded him. “You don’t need to sleep.”

He shook his head then rose on his arms and disengaged our bodies. “You have much to learn.” Rolling to his back, he placed a hand behind his head and yawned.

I climbed on top of him, stretching over him like a blanket.

His hands closed over my ass.

I folded my hands on his chest and planted my chin on top. I loved staring at him—his golden gaze warmed me to my toes. “This dream-sex could be the answer to birth control.”

“Do you think so?” His slow smile was a study in masculine arrogance.

Unable to resist the curve of his lips, I leaned down and slanted my mouth over his, lapping at the tip of his tongue.

His body hardened beneath mine, his cock once again pressing at my cunt.

I broke the kiss and gasped. “You give me so much, I’ll hardly miss flying at all.”

Delilah Devlin's books