RYDER (Slater Brothers 4)

“Oh, my God!” I gasped and instantly reached out and pressed my hand on his arm. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart.”

Ryder looked at my hand then back up to me. “It’s okay, don’t feel sorry for me… my parents—let’s just say they weren’t like yours.”

I furrowed my brows in confusion and it caused him to sigh.

“My mother cared more about materialistic things than she did her sons’, and my father’s only interest in us was when it was to talk about us joining the ‘family business’.”

I shook my head in shock. “I am so sorry, I can’t imagine what that must have been like for you and your brothers’.”

Ryder shrugged seemingly like it was no big deal. “We leaned on one another when things got tough,” he explained. “It’s why we’re so close, Branna. We aren’t a normal family, we would die for one another without hesitation.”

I blinked. “I’d die for Bronagh without hesitation so I’d say it’s normal.”

Ryder’s lips quirked. “Not many people feel that strongly about their siblings, but mine are all I have and I’d do anything to protect them. Any. Thing.”

I understood that.

I nodded. “I would, too.”

“Keep that in mind for what I have to say next, okay?”

Oh, shit.

“Okay,” I said warily.

“I never thought I’d have to explain this to someone,” he murmured before training his gaze on me. “My parents were murdered by Marco for crossing him. They got greedy and wanted more money than they already had, so they double-crossed their business partner and friend. Understand that in our life, loyalty is everything. Every. Thing. In the compound, we were a family, and you never betray your family. If you weren’t loyal, you were nothing.”

It seemed a little over the top, but I didn’t live his life, so I nodded in understanding.

“When they died, it wasn’t like me and my brothers didn’t feel anything.” He admitted, rubbing his fingertips over his knuckles. “No matter how they treated us, they were still our parents’. That being said, we accepted their death pretty easily considering what they did, and I know that sounds inhumane, but it was what it was. Damien though, he took their death hard. He always held out hope that they would both change and become affectionate towards us. It’s my fault he is so soft hearted, I coddled him and Dominic too much to make up for what our parent’s never showed I guess.”

I couldn’t imagine what it was like to yearn for affection from your parents, but that was probably because I freely basked in it from mine.

I frowned as sadness hit me. “Poor Damien.”

Poor all of them.

Ryder kept his face expressionless as he nodded. “He had a cute girlfriend at the time called Nala, her dad was involved in the business too, but she was like the twins. She hated what he did, but accepted it because she had no other choice. Marco’s nephews, Trent and Carter, were kind of close to the twins because they were the only ones around the compound in the same age bracket. Dominic and Carter never took great interest in Nala, but Trent did.”

“What happened to Carter and Trent’s father?” I asked, wondering why their uncle seemed to be the one in that position.

“I don’t know, I don’t even know if they have the same father, I just remember Marco always being the dad figure for them since they were babies. Marco’s little sister was their mother, but she died from a drug overdose shortly after Carter was born so Marco stepped up and raised them.”

I whistled. “That’s pretty admirable.”

Ryder humourlessly chortled. “Not when you come to realise Marco raised those boys to be exactly like himself. They were evil little bastards, and I argued with my brothers to stay away from them, but the twins got bored easily and Trent and Carter provided a distraction to that boredom.”

Ryder sounded like he instantly became the parental figure to his youngest brothers, like I did with Bronagh when our parents died.

“How old were the twins when your parents’ died?” I quizzed.

“It happened a couple of weeks after their fourteenth birthday.”

I gasped. “Oh, my God!”

Ryder nodded. “I know, it was shitty timing.”

Very shitty.

“Don’t get me wrong.” I stressed.” I’m glad you’re here and that I’ve met you, but if you’re so loyal to your compound family, then why are you here in Ireland?”

Ryder’s eyes averted from mine for a moment. “We’re here on a job. Dominic’s last job, actually.”

I levelled him with a stare. “Explain.”

“I’m trying to,” he assured me. “Marco’s nephews have to be explained before we get to why we’re here, they’re directly involved in why. I promise.”

I nodded, and closed my mouth so he could continue speaking.

“A very long story short—Trent got a little too close to Nala and my brother called him out on it. My brother was only a kid, but we were raised around the mentality that no other person touches what is ours, and that included chicks. Damien was already on the edge from our parents’ murder, so when Trent moved in on his girl, he snapped.”

L.A. Casey's books