RYDER (Slater Brothers 4)

“Neither has Aideen.” Kane chimed in.

“Aideen is busy with Jax, Keela is busy with her writin’, Bronagh is pregnant, and Alannah is swamped with work. They’re all under enough stress as it is. I didn’t want to burden them with problems that don’t concern them so I kept this to meself.”

“Nothing about you is a burden, Bran,” Alec frowned.

I managed a small smile. “Thanks Alec, I appreciate you sayin’ so.”

“It’s the damn truth,” Kane firmly stated. “You’re family, and family isn’t a burden. Understand?”

I nodded, and my mind wondered if they would still consider me family after I broke up with their big brother.

“When you find Ryder, please, don’t tell ‘im any of this. I have to talk to him about this meself, okay?”

Both of the brothers glumly nodded.

“What set him off anyway?” Alec asked a moment later. “What was the big fight about?”

I filled them in on what went down with Ash at work earlier in the day, and what Dominic said to Ryder about it.

“I’ll kill him!” Kane growled, talking about his younger brother.

Alec grunted. “Not if I get my hands on him first.”

I chewed on my nails. “You don’t think Ryder would hurt Ash, do you? He really is me friend, and I’d never forgive Ryder if he hurt him.”

Kane and Alec shared at look.

“What does that look mean?” I questioned.

Alec sighed and looked at me. “I’m not going to lie to you, Bran. Ryder, when he is pissed and pushed to the edge… he can be, well, terrifying. He hasn’t been that angry in a long time, I honestly don’t think you’ve ever seen him lose it before, and I don’t want you to either. We’ll find him and bring him home to you.”

I swallowed down bile. “Thank you.”

They both nodded and stood. “Let us know if he comes home in the meantime.”

“I will.”

When they left I was on my own with just my thoughts for company, and that didn’t bode well for me because, like earlier in the day, my mind drifted to happier times with Ryder. It was like I was hurting myself on purpose by remembering how incredible things were with us, but I couldn’t help it.

Ryder, the way he used to be, was my addiction, and like any addict I had to have him in any way possible, even if that way was just a memory.

Five years ago…

“Just sit her down and tell her about Ryder.” Aideen demanded. “She won’t go crazy like you think she will.”

“But she will.” I groaned and adjusted my phone against my ear. “Bee doesn’t like people, and she especially doesn’t like me bein’ with people. Men in particular.”

Aideen clicked her tongue. “She’s goin’ to have to take the stick out of her arse and get over it. She can’t stay closed off forever, and she can’t expect you never to have a relationship. You’ve been datin’ Ryder over eleven weeks now, Branna, the longer you leave it the worse it will be when you do eventually tell her. You love ‘im so it’s time to introduce them.”

“Shhhh!” I hissed. “Don’t say that out loud!”

Aideen laughed. “No one can hear me, you freak.”

I relaxed. “Just don’t say it out loud, I’m still overwhelmed that I have feelin’s like that for ‘im. We’ve only been together a few months.”

“You’re spendin’ a shit load of time with ‘im on the sly, what did you expect to feel for ‘im?”

I frowned. “I don’t know, but love definitely wasn’t it.”

“Well, you love ‘im,” Aideen said firmly, “and that’s not just goin’ to go away because you’re scared. It will only grow and develop into an even deeper lover the longer you’re with him.”

“I know,” I groaned. “I know that it’s time for Bee to meet ‘im but just don’t know if now is the right time. That Nico kid in school has been a huge bother for her, then she was jumped by that girl a couple of weeks ago and I just don’t know if I should throw this curve ball at her. She is stressed as it is, Ado.”

“Bring her to Darkness to cheer ‘er up,” Aideen suggested. “She’s eighteen now. Bring her out for her first official drink and have some fun. Slip Ryder being your boyfriend into the conversation somewhere after her fifth or sixth drink. She’ll take the news much easier then.”

I blinked. “That’s actually a good idea.”

“I’ve been known to have them,” she grinned.

I smirked. “They’re few and far between.”

“You’re such a bitch,” Aideen quipped and laughed.

“But of course,” I teased then sobered. “What time will you be at the club?”

“Sorry, babe, I can’t make it tonight,” Aideen grumbled. “I’m in work at seven tomorrow mornin’ which means I’ll have to be up at six to shower. Me class is going on an outin’ and we leave at eight.”

I groaned. “You mentioned that, but I didn’t think it was this week. Shite.”

How can I do this without my partner in crime?

“I’ll be there in spirit,” Aideen quickly said. “Don’t back out of it.”

“I won’t,” I sighed, “but I’ll be more nervous without you there.”

“You got this, Bran.”

L.A. Casey's books