RYDER (Slater Brothers 4)

Don’t cry.

I repeated the thought over and over as I read Ryder’s note. I was so happy that I could have let myself cry for days, but I didn’t want to do that. I didn’t want to cry anymore, not even if it was happy tears. It was hard though, because his message made me giddy with excitement. I scanned my eyes over the words he wrote one more time, and did a little happy dance.


I love you, and I’m going to prove it to you all over again. Ash is going to bring you to me so follow his every instruction. Don’t give him a hard time, okay? He’s helping me out.

All my love,

Ryder xxx

“What is goin’ on?” I asked my friend.”

Ash smiled as he said, “I have strict instructions for you to hold the box, but do not open it. You’re to come with me. No questions and no talking, just follow me.”

He turned around after he spoke and walked down the hallway. I looked from him to Sally when she laughed and said, “I’d hurry after ‘im if I were you.”

I looked back at Ash then grabbed the box and card and ran down the hallway after him, shouting for him to wait up. He didn’t slow down his pace until we reached his car that was in the car park. By the time I caught up to him, I was panting for air, which he found amusing.

“Your legs are longer than mine,” I panted. “That’s not fair!”

He opened the passenger door for me, and gestured me into the car with his hand, but I stayed rooted to the spot.

“Talk to me,” I pleaded.

“I said no questions.”



I stomped my foot on the ground. “You’re being horrible.”

He laughed. “I know, but the faster you get in the car, the faster you get answers.”

I glared at him for a few seconds before I turned and got into his car. I balanced my box on my knees as I buckled my seatbelt. Ash closed my door then walked around to his side of the car and slid into the driver’s seat.

He turned to face me and when I saw he had a black piece of fabric in his hand, my heart almost stopped.

“What’s that for?” I asked, warily.

“I have to blindfold you, it’s part of the instructions… is that okay?”

He wanted to blindfold me?

I cleared my throat.

“Yeah,” I said. “I trust you.”

I did trust him. This was Ash, my friend. I trusted him with my life.

He tightened the fabric around my head and I listened as he buckled his seatbelt and stuck his key in the ignition and started his car.

“Are you ready?” he asked.

“How can I be ready when I don’t know where we’re goin’?” I replied.

“You’re just going to have to trust me, Angel.”

He was going to meet real angels if he didn’t give me answers soon.

Ash pulled out of the car park, and pulled onto the main road. I tapped my fingertips on the box as we drove, and I worked really hard to be patient but it was very difficult. When twenty minutes had passed I came to the conclusion that I had no more patience and felt I was near my breaking point.

“Where are you bringin’—”

“Don’t ask because I’m not telling you.”

“Ash,” I groaned. “Come on, mate, give me a break.”

“Haven’t you ever heard the phrase don’t distract the driver?”

I wanted to thump him.

“You suck.”

“Still not telling you.”

I let go of my box and crossed my arms over my chest like a five year old who didn’t get her way. Ash wasn’t bothered though, he only laughed at my little tantrum.

“We’ll be there in about one minute if these sets of lights stay green.”

They did stay green because he didn’t slow down. I sat very still as we pulled into an area that had very uneven ground if by the way Ash’s car was jumping around was anything to go by. When we exited the car, I waited for him to come around my side and help me out. I held onto my box and Ash held my bag with one hand, and took my arm with his other as he instructed me to walk.

“It’s bloody freezin’,” I grumbled after Ash instructed me to take my time as we climbed a few steps.

I listened as a large door was opened and felt Ash’s hand on my lower back as he nudged me forward. I jumped when Ash let the door go and it shut behind us with a little force.

“You could have done that gentler!” I chastised.

“Sorry, mum,” he chuckled and took my arm once more.

He told me he brought me to a room and that I was to take a seat. I sat down when he told me it was safe to do so and almost instantly I heard a door open.

“Ah, right on time.” The voice belonged to a female that I had never heard before.

“Branna, listen to me carefully, okay?” Ash began. “This lady, Sandy, is going to remove your blindfold and do your make-up and hair for you. You’re not to open your eyes, not even once. Sandy won’t speak to you, so don’t try and get any info from her. Got it?”

“You’re a right bloody arsehole, do you know that?” I grumbled.

Ash tittered. “I’m aware of it, yep.”

L.A. Casey's books