“Yes,” Ava yelled. “Yes, Jace. Fuck me, outlaw!”

I thrust at her with more force. My balls were exploding like firecrackers, wanting to shoot my cum through my dick and into her body. I gritted my teeth and sucked in a breath, holding off for a few more seconds.

I managed to keep that way until Ava came again. She was on her toes, her head back, moaning that matched the pulsing of her body. She sheathed and squeezed me tight, making it impossible to hold back any longer.

With one last thrust, I reached my own climax, shooting my seed into her body. My hands ended up wrapped around her body, holding her tight, gently pumping at her. My nose was buried into her hair, smelling her.

Goddammit, I felt like my heart was going to explode next.

Even after I was done coming, I just stood there. My balls throbbed. My heart pounded. My dick pulsed. I slid my right hand up Ava’s body, cupping her left breast. I stood her up and held her.

Mine. All fucking mine.

That was the thought that kept running through my head.

She turned her head to look at me.

Our eyes met yet again.

Then I had another thought.

Do not kiss her. Do not fucking kiss her. Not right now. Not in this moment. You kiss her right now, Jace, and you’re stepping too far over the line. It means more…

Our lips moved closer together.

Just the slightest brush of Ava’s lips to mine made me feel alive.

We both hesitated for a second and then lost our moment for good.

Her cell started to ring again.

“I should get that,” she whispered.

Right on fucking cue, my phone started to ring.

I gritted my teeth. “Yeah. Right.”

I eased out of her and watched her strut away, her shirt barely covering her bare ass.

I tucked my dick back into my pants and turned, charging to get my phone. Whoever was on the line was going to get a punch to the face. I wanted to spend all morning inside Ava.

Instead, I grabbed my phone and saw it was Sid calling.

I couldn’t punch the President of the MC in the face… but for pussy, maybe.

I took the call. “Prez, this better be fucking good.”

I ran a hand through my hair. Sid wanted me at the clubhouse like five minutes ago. He was pissed I wasn’t there.

“Prez, what’s going on?”

“Your information is adding up fast,” Sid said.

“Meaning what?”

“That night. The attack. I get it now. The murder thing doesn’t make much sense. But if Arnie was there…”

“Just hold on,” Sid said. “The money we took was from a big name. Bigger than I expected. But we can handle it, Jace. Here’s the thing though… I had eyes out there looking. And those eyes stumbled across something.”

“What’s that?”


“Frank,” I said. “The driver of the car. The one that cruised by my house and then attacked the prospects.”


“What about?”

“He’s dead,” Sid said.

My eyes went wide. “Whoa. Really? Who did it?”

“That’s the shit part, Jace. I didn’t order it. I don’t know who the fuck did it.”

My heart sank a little. I stood up. I spotted my jeans on the floor. I tucked the phone to my shoulder and started to strip down. I knew the end of this call would result in me booking to the clubhouse to figure this mess out.

“So this was a random hit on Frank?” I asked.

“No,” Sid said. “Someone running with Frank did it.”

I looked to the doorway and saw Ava standing there, her phone in her hand. She had tears in her eyes. She looked shaken up. I put up a finger and turned around.

“Prez, what do you think is happening right now?”

“It’s time to press Ava some more,” Sid said. “I’m sorry. One of my guys told me that her father and Frank were together. Recently. Now Frank is dead and Jake is missing. And the other name in this… Glen… shit, Jace, I don’t even want to go down that road.”

“One thing at a time then,” I said, not sure if I wasn’t talking to Sid or myself.

“First thing, get your ass here. Bring Ava too. We need more answers. By any means necessary.”

Sid hung up on me. I felt my body filling with rage.

Slowly, I turned, not wanting to face Ava, but I had no choice.

“Sweetie,” I whispered. “Listen to me…”

“Jace,” she cut in. She wiped a tear off her cheek. “My father is in the hospital… he had a heart attack…”

chapter twenty-four



I held my father’s hand. Machines beeped. Nurses were checking vitals. Jace stood behind me, giving me space, but still honoring his word to protect me. He told me that Uncle Frank had been shot and killed. I felt like everything I knew was completely falling apart. I felt empty and worse yet, when Dad turned his head and looked at me with his weak eyes, I knew more was about to get dumped on me.

His lips quivered. “Ava…”

“What happened?” I asked him.

“I’ll leave you be,” the nurse said. “If you need anything, Jake, you press that button there.” The nurse pointed, smiled, and left the room.

“Where were your heart pills?” I asked.

He shook his head. “Oh, Ava. There were never any heart pills.”

Jaxson Kidman's books