I had no business being there or trying to pick apart his life. I honestly had no idea what my business was at all. Just to stay away from Dad and the store until all of this stuff blew over.

When I saw the bathroom, I paused. Call it stupid but I definitely needed a shower. A nice hot shower could calm my nerves. Plus, I hated the way I looked. Waking up and going on the run wasn’t part of my plan in life.

I had no choice but to go outside to my car and get my bag. I didn’t have much clothing but enough to last me a night or two. I managed to get back inside without any black cars and bullets flying at me. That alone was a victory to me.

I went to the bathroom and stripped myself naked. My skin tingled as I stood there in the outlaw’s bathroom. It was kind of silly the way it made my stomach flutter but I couldn’t stop picturing him in the bathroom, naked. I had seen how thick the root of his cock was. My mind demanded to know what the rest looked like.

Foolish. Stop.

I looked at myself in the mirror. It was long enough of a mirror that I could see my breasts. My darker complexion gave way to rosy pink nipples. They were a little too big for my liking, always leaving me a little self-conscious. I cupped under my breasts and bit my lip, running my thumbs across the nipples. They were instantly hard as I sucked in a breath. My body jumped, my hips jerking a little, a flood of moisture between my thighs.

No lie, it had been a long time since I had enjoyed myself. Everything for me was best left casual. That’s how I survived. I feared anyone getting close… but I longed for it. I was desperate…

I shut my eyes and let my right hand ease down my body. My middle finger moved over my belly button and down my body. I was at the soft crest of my mound, just about to touch myself when I hesitated. I stopped myself, letting out a long sigh, and I grabbed for a towel. I bunched it up and stuck it to my face, smelling Jace. The clean scent of his soap, the smell of a clean man. Something about him being so dirty yet smelling this clean drove me wild.

I slowly wrapped the towel around my body and hooked it at the top.

It was probably the closest I’d get to feeling Jace, right?

I walked to the shower and turned the water on.

I turned the knob for hot and waited.

Taking a few breaths, mixed with the rushing water and the steam rising, I felt peace. For the first time that day.

But a few seconds later, before I could take another really good deep breath, that all changed.

A hand slipped around my body, another around my waist…

I kicked and thrashed as I was dragged back to the sink. When I looked at the reflection, I felt my heart race even more.

It was Jace.

He broke his hold and backed up, smiling like the son of a bitch he was.

I spun around and swung my hand, slapping him across the face.

“What is wrong with you?” I yelled.

“This is my house, sweetie. And that’s my towel.”

He reached out and grabbed the weak knot. His fingers were touching my skin, almost touching my breasts.

He waited a few seconds and said, “And that’s my shower. My water. My everything. Should I take my towel back?”

I swallowed hard. “Please…”

He pulled but didn’t strip me of the towel. He forced my body to crash into his. I could smell him. The outlaw. The roughness. The scent of grease and steel. The scent of a criminal. And it was all turning me on.

“I want to know why you’re here,” he said.

“I told you…”

“Someone went after my guys. Ran one off the road. Shot another in the head and killed him.”


“The description was a black car. You said a car was following you.”

My heart sank. My jaw dropped. “Oh my…”

“I need all the truth you’ve got, sweetie. Or there’s no protection.”

“I’ll tell you anything,” I said. “I swear, Jace, I don’t know about the car. I was on the porch, knocking on your door…”

“I smell nothing but bullshit,” he said.

He let me go and walked to the shower. He turned the water off.

“What are you going to do?”

Jace stepped toward me. “I’m going to get the truth, Ava. I need to piece this together, one way or another.”

I backed up. “Don’t hurt me, Jace. I’m not lying…”

His hands grabbed my waist. “You’re too beautiful to hurt, sweetie. That’s my downfall and your saving grace. Right now, I’m thirsty. I’m hungry. And you’re going to tell me what I want to hear. Understand me?”

I slowly nodded. I had no idea what he meant by all of that.

His hand reached up and touched my cheek.

Slowly, he led me from the bathroom and around the corner to his bedroom. He shut the door behind him. My legs felt wobbly.

I turned and stood there. “I don’t know a thing about that car. I don’t know how this connects to you and me except that you were there at the store. You hit Uncle Frank.”

Jace moved at me again. He closed the gap in seconds.

“Keep going,” he whispered.

Jaxson Kidman's books