Queen of Gods (Vampire Crown #1)

There was no more death associated with the Blood Rite. The name was now fanciful.

I watched for a while, the vampires waiting for their human companions to start falling further under the spell of the drugs. It wasn’t long before a lot of them were sipping from wrists as well as necks.

Adelie led her choice human by me. “The part I didn’t tell you earlier was there is something about the drug in the human system that affects us through our blood.” She turned and pulled the handsome man down to kiss him hard. “The sexual desire goes through the roof, and it just fucking feels amazing. Get yourself a human, Gwen. Take them for a ride. This is so much better than killing them.” She pulled the man along, and I could see he was completely erect behind the shapeless robe.


Scanning the room, I found a few of the very handsome men I had spotted earlier and headed for my number one choice. He was of medium height with a dark complexion and light hair. An unusual combination with his night black eyes, but I could see he was well hung, and while I didn’t plan to use that, it was good to know.

Grinning as he saw me approach, he gave me a serious full-court bow. “Hello to you this evening.” His Spanish was a delectable sound as it rolled past his lips.

I stepped into him and wrapped a hand around his neck. “Good evening to you, too,” I answered in kind. “Are you enjoying the party?”

“More now that I’ve got you here. I was watching you all night, thinking about how much I would enjoy your lips…,” he leaned down to my ear, “...and your breasts.” He grazed over the top of my nipple, and I felt it pucker. How my nipples hadn’t been erect already with the scent of sex in the air, I didn’t know.

Pulling him down, I kissed him. Soft and sensual and liquid—he was a damn good kisser. He tasted like the punch, sweet and bitter at once. I let him enjoy my mouth as I took my light pleasure from the kiss.

I nipped his tongue with my fang. He didn’t seem to notice, but the taste of blood danced across mine, and I waited for a moment to get a proper taste of him. Once I had a little mouthful, I swallowed.

The shock rolled through me. Adelie had been right. There was something in their blood that transmuted the drug for us and made it taste sweet, succulent, and sexual. It dropped right to my pussy, and it was going to take a miracle for me to stick to my ‘not having sex’ pledge.

I drove a fang into his tongue, piercing him enough to feed myself, and pinned him there against me. I waited for a mouthful of his blood and swallowed. And again and again. It was deliberate and careful, and the consuming feeling of ‘fuck him’ drove through me with each taste.

Even better, he was nonplussed by the fact I was drinking his blood. He smartly had kept his throat closed, tipping his head toward me. All the wonderful, sweet liquid dripped into my mouth.

I couldn’t use only this man. I needed more of the sweet wine of blood they had created in the humans here. It wasn’t fair to hog him, either. Some other male or female deserved to taste him and ride him and give him his release.

So many to choose from…

A swipe of my tongue over his sealed the fang puncture and I pulled back.

“Gra?ias, se?or. There are many others here who should have the pleasure of your company. Find one, and let them enjoy you as thoroughly as I would.”

He took my hand and kissed the back of it, leaving a little imprint of the blood on his lips. “If you have need of me later…” He smiled and moved away.

The scent of sex was in the air, and I walked toward the room with the couches. I hadn’t truly understood why it was there. I assumed it was much like a renaissance parlor, where there would be discussion and flirting. I also suspected I was wrong. My suspicion was confirmed when I walked in and witnessed every single body in the room writhing in the pursuit of climax.

Holy yes.

It was heady, and I was ready to just pin someone against the wall and have him take me and get this over with. But I wanted to show I was better than the base instincts of our race.

Proving that was going to be a real bitch.

There was another one of the men I had picked out. He was sitting on a couch watching his friend as a vampire was riding him. He was clearly enjoying the show they offered him, and I thought how this would be a good place for me to take my next drink.

Walking up behind him, I smiled at the woman mounted on the human. She bowed her head and then rolled her eyes as she clearly hit a good spot. “He’s yours for the taking,” she managed to whisper a moment later. “I have my toy right here between my legs.”

“I see that.” I smirked and wrapped my arm around the watcher. I used my other hand to turn his head to the side to make my access easier. Mesmerized by the show, he barely acknowledged me.

I sank my fangs into the tender flesh. The first mouthful almost drove me to orgasm, and I pulled harder, but then I forced myself to let the blood drip down my throat. I would be blood drunk and stuck with a dead man if I gave in to it.

It was easy to see, as I sipped this perfect man’s blood, why they didn’t want to kill anyone anymore. There were males and females throughout the room who clearly waited for this night to reconnect with a human whose blood had called to them. The Blood Rite was the chance for people to resample the tastes of those who had intrigued them. It wasn’t unusual for a vampire to find a human they found particularly tasty. In ages past, those humans were captured and turned into blood slaves. No more—this was the replacement for that. Blood freely given tasted better than chained chattel, even if we did still have those.

This man was wonderful on the palate. I could feel the slight tingle of actual drunkenness slipping through my veins. He groaned as I drank—and that didn’t help me, especially as I felt him grinding against the couch arm where he was perched.

I pulled back from his vein and whispered in his ear, “Go ahead. Take your cock out. Pleasure yourself.”

He eagerly pulled his hard cock out and fisted himself. I paid him no mind and went back to just tasting him, taking my pleasure from his flavors. I could feel his body moving, and it took all I had to not hop up on the couch arm with him and grind myself to orgasm. His body sparked hot a few moments later as I gifted him a particularly deep draw from his vein.

He shuddered as he came, and the flavor of his blood changed again.

This drug was marvelous.

Trying to turn his head, I held him still and sealed my bite. “Thank you. Quite tasty, young man. You’ll find another tonight who will bring you more pleasure. Put your cock away, and enjoy yourself finding her.”

How debauched could I get without actually finding my own dick to ride? Could I hold out the whole night? Or would I end up riding the couch arm…or maybe a convenient hand?