Queen of Gods (Vampire Crown #1)

We collapsed forward on the bed, Elex wrapping his arms around me. He pulled me close, cuddling me.

I could barely keep my eyes open. I was so wonderfully exhausted from his relentless fucking.

I was satisfied.

I only just managed to look up and gasp.

“Elex. Look.”

“Hmm?” The grin on his face was ridiculous and wonderful.

“Look up.”

He rolled a bit to look up at the ceiling, and I felt him jerk a bit in shock. “Are those—”

“Binding threads.”

“They look like ropes. Giving me ideas.”

I slapped his arm. “They’re binding threads, dirty bird. We’re true mates. We can ask those to bind us if we want to. Right now.”

Elex looked slightly terrified for a moment. “Kimber—”

“No, sexy. Not right now. But the magic approves of us. We are true mates, and when we’re ready, we can bind ourselves to one another.”

“It approved of that filth?”

I rolled in his arms and kissed his nose. “I don’t care if it approved of what we did—I approved of it, my beast.”

“Mmm, good. I was slightly afraid…”

“Nope. Loved it.” I grinned. “We’ll have to do it again soon.”

He took my hand and placed it on his cock, which was rising again. “Very soon.”

There are unsaid rules about biting a vampire. Like, you don’t fucking do it without their permission. Blood is life. And the consequence of said action could be horrible if you weren’t prepared for a life-changing day.

Like finding your damn soul mate.

But since the lord hadn’t passed out on the floor from his first brutal gulp of my blood, it wasn’t an issue here. One problem averted. Thank fuck.

What was an issue? I hadn’t had sex in…

Well, hundreds of years thanks to my Rest.

And even though I was terrified, locked in his unyielding, furious grip, a new frenzy took over my mind, flooding in like pure bliss. His heated mouth pulling my blood into his body like he couldn’t get enough of it was ambrosia to my skin, to the cells inside my body as they burned with need, my thoughts as I envisioned what his mouth could do in other places.

I stopped struggling inside his hold.

And his arms relaxed against me.

His gulps turned into succulent sips, the burn of his pull lessening from excruciating agony to the point of delicious pain. The strong muscles in Lord Belshazzar’s chest flexed against my back as he gentled his hold even further, his fist in my hair relaxing to cup my tilted head softly.

With fire burning inside my cold soul, a moan escaped my lips. I cut off short and struggled to contain myself. This was a damn ancient vampire—and lord—pressed up against me. I could not do what my body was screaming to do with him. I tried to stiffen in his arms as I took my punishment for rifling through his private belongings to fortify my libido against his vampire bite…and sexy as sin body holding mine.

His lush lips curled into a smile against my flesh.

My brows puckered at his flirty attitude.

I was trying to behave. But…

Lord Belshazzar pressed his lower half against my backside, aligning our bodies despite our height difference.

Air lodged in my throat.

A fine as hell erection was pressed against my ass.

A hard, hard, big fucking cock.

“Oh my…fuck yeah,” I groaned, giving up the fight within myself. My ass started rubbing instantly against his dick trying to get friction where I needed it the most. “What the hell are you packing in there? Jesus.”

His fangs retreated from my flesh, but he didn’t lick over the wound to seal the two cuts. He allowed my two hot lines of my blood to run down my neck, keeping my head tilted to the side with his hand, and watching the crimson liquid flow gently from my body with his ice blue eyes. Thick black lashes fluttered as he peeked up into my gaze, his regard amused…and full of lust.

With a slight tilt of his lips, a sultry grin just for me, Lord Belshazzar murmured quietly, “Tell me, Gwen, are you sure you want to do this with me? You’re still very young.”

I snorted. “I’m almost a thousand years old.”

“Yes. Young.” He dipped his head right when I started to feel woozy from the blood loss and licked over the two bites, closing the wounds. The lord pressed two soft kisses over each mark, delicious brushes of the sweetest lips, before rising to his full height. He was almost a foot taller than I was and towered over me, not only in height, but also in power and prestige. As he turned me inside his hold to face him, he asked once more—simply and bluntly, “Yes or no. Think before you answer.”

I stared up into his blue eyes framed by the most beautiful eyelashes, thick, black, and curled naturally. They were the same length as mine. My blue gaze continued to watch his blue gaze as I truly thought this through. I asked with honesty and curiosity, “How old are you?”

He tsked. “You know that’s not polite to ask.”

“And you know it’s not when in this situation.” My lips twitched, actually enjoying his evasion of the question. I had to try, too curious about his age. “Is this against the rules for a candidate?”

Still blunt and to the point. “It’s frowned upon, but not against the rules. I would prefer no one know about it, though.”

“Same here.” I nodded absently. The last thing I would need was for people to think I was getting special treatment. My head cocked in curiosity. “Is it because of the bite? Is that why you want to fuck me?”

“No, I want to fuck you because I’m attracted to you.” His black brows rose. “Are you done with the twenty questions now?”

My eyes ran over his features slowly. Besides the five o’clock shadow covering his jaw, we looked a lot alike. One feminine, one masculine. He was built for seduction. I snickered softly and shook my head a little. “We’re both very vain since we find each other attractive.”

His lips curled up on one side in a teasing smile. “Ah, so you do find me attractive. I truly hadn’t figured that out yet. You hide it well.” He sniffed the air, his eyes flooding red. “I should have known, though. Your arousal hasn’t disappeared, even after my bite ended.”

“Not polite,” I grouched.

“I’m simply stating the truth.” He bent at the waist and placed his face in front of mine, the tip of his nose a mere inch from mine. “Answer my question. Yes or no. If it’s a no, I’ll need to ask you to leave. We’ll deal with the third Challenge in the morning when we’re both in a different…mood.”

My own eyes charged with lust, burning as red as his, my breaths coming in short pants. “Yeah, I want you. I want this.”

“Yes?” An arrogant black brow lifted.
