Queen of Gods (Vampire Crown #1)

My ass was firmly planted in the seat farthest away from the Original druid. And that was saying something in the cavernous jail—lots and lots of empty chairs between us. The overlords and the druid were on one side of the room, and I was on the other side. I had done my job getting a possible candidate for king here. Now, I was just snooping—out in the open— to hear what the overlords said to him.

And I didn’t want to get any closer.

My best friend probably had the right idea.

She’d run off as soon as we’d walked downstairs.

Exasperated, Lord Cato turned in his seat to face me. He called from across the room, “Are you sure you don’t want to join us?”

“No. I’m just fine sitting here.” I shrugged, not bothered by my bad behavior. “I can hear you just fine.”

His brown eyes rolled. “Are you positive?”

Without even turning to look at me, currently in a stare down with the Original, Lord Belshazzar barked, “Gwynnore, get your ass over here right now.”

My lips pinched. Dammit.

I pushed off the chair and walked toward them.

I wasn’t pouting.

No, I was glowering at the Original.

I crossed my arms and sat next to the overlord who had demanded I join their group. “I’m here. Not willingly.”

His eyes never left the Original. Lord Belshazzar groused, “So I’ve guessed.”

Master Niallan sat forward on his chair. He smirked at the lord, but his gaze…was wary. If I wasn’t mistaken, he appeared guarded around Lord Belshazzar. But, with his grin still in place, he asked, “Miss me, old friend?”

The lord chuckled. “Like I miss a case of lice.”

His lips curved even further, and he motioned at his own face, fluttering his fingers over his features. “What about this face? Do you miss that?”

Lord Belshazzar’s jaw clenched. “Shall we move on to our business, old friend? Or would you rather talk about how handsome you are? If memory serves me correctly, you’ve only given a shit about yourself your entire life.”

I snapped my fingers and pointed at the Original. “That is a fine point, my lord. He definitely shouldn’t be king. So if all that is settled, we can just go try that spell—”

“Gwynnore?” Lord Otto interrupted, his blond head snapping in my direction.

“Yes, my lord?” Pure innocence.

“From now on, keep your mouth shut.”

“Yes, my lord,” I griped.

I slunk down on my chair and crossed my arms.

This was the worst day ever.

Master Niallan lifted a blond brow. He only had eyes for one person in this room. And they weren’t for me. The druid was still staring at the lord sitting next to me. With no arrogance in his tone, only business, he asked, “Only I came for her?”

Lord Belshazzar nodded once. “Correct.”

Green eyes did flick in my direction. They ran up and down my frame slowly, taking their time to study each part of my person. I didn’t squirm. I simply glared harder. When his eyes returned to mine, meeting the hatred in my gaze, his lips quirked in humor.

My eyes flashed red. I gave him one warning.

That was all I would give him.

His green eyes dipped to my breasts, then back to the only lord he seemed to want to talk to. “I’ll take it.”

My shoulders tensed.

Lord Belshazzar’s head cocked. “Do you mean you want to be considered for King Novitiate? Or are you saying you’ll take her?”

“Both.” An arrogant shrug. “Both appeal to me.”

My breath came in short pants.

The lord gradually nodded his head. “The Council will consider it then. However, nothing will be officially stated until the next queen is crowned. And you will need to stay at this stronghold starting now. There are duties you will need to do for the Queen Novitiate.” He paused and cleared his throat roughly. “And whether Gwynnore allows you to ‘take her’ is entirely up to her.”

My jaw clenched.

Master Niallan smiled. It was beautiful. “Deal.”

I shoved from my chair. I’d had enough of this.

They wanted him.

What the overlords wanted, the overlords got.

As I shoved the door open to the jail, I peered over my shoulder at the Original. His green eyes were following me. I showed my fangs, and then I slammed the door shut behind me.

Droplets of water dangled from my black hair, my soul refreshed from a hot shower, as I bent down to lift the envelope from my floor. Someone had shoved the innocent white letter under my apartment’s front door while I recuperated from the King Challenge. I ground my teeth together as I straightened from my crouch, noticing the official royal wax seal on the back, the symbol as powerful as the blood pumping in my veins—two deadly swords protected by the almighty crown.

Another Challenge.

It had to be.

Only an hour after the last was completed.

I cracked my neck and tightened my bathrobe. This one couldn’t be too bad. Hopefully. The ancient book had said the third Challenge would be— Secret.

If I were to receive a secret of royal proportions…

I smiled with genuine delight as I flopped down on the crème-colored lounge chair and tucked my legs up under me. I tapped the edge of the envelope on my right knee, my grin never fading.

Knowledge was everything.

And I was about to learn a real secret held closely to the crown. I would hold it dear and never speak of it to anyone. Not even Adelie. I wouldn’t fail this Challenge.

With careful fingers, I opened the letter.

The wax cracked with a sharp snap, little red flakes falling onto my lap, dusting my black robe with the royal seal. With two fingers, I pulled the thick paper out of the envelope. I gazed at it as I held it before me, my brows lifting in surprise as I read the contents.

It was indeed the next Challenge.

But I was foolish to believe the secret would be told through a letter. The Council would never operate that way with delicate information—where anyone could steal a simple missive and read it. No, I was to meet the eldest lord in his private chambers for this one. The words would be spoken in a quiet setting.

I nibbled on my bottom lip as I set the letter aside.

Lord Belshazzar was ancient.

It was one thing to deal with him while the other lords were around and in the public eye, but another entirely to speak with him alone in a secluded location.

Every aspect of the ancient one was deadly.

From his looks. To his personality.

To his charm. To his power.

Out of all the lords, he frightened me the most.

The man had plans within plans within plans.

Within even more plans…

Every word he spoke had meaning.

Why? Because he planned everything he said, too.