Queen Alpha (NYC Mecca #2)

I had no idea why I was so excited. Going crazy over clothes was not my normal personality, but there was a magic to the summer festival. It had always been my favorite time of the year.

Spinning around, my breath caught in my throat as I took a second to stare at my reflection in the full-length mirror. The upper bodice of the corset was a soft baby pink, laced so tight my breasts were pushed up high into my neck, but because I was naturally small breasted it didn’t look slutty – just made my B’s look like C’s. The gown then fell out into a large bell shape from there and slowly went from light pink to a deep teal that matched my eyes. As if this weren’t breathtaking enough, I was wearing teal glittering wings, and a mask of shimmering pink had been painted around my eyes, and streaks of my hair were coated in teal glitter.

I was a faerie – ironic, really, considering the war we were fighting, and the information Baladar had spilled about the origin of shifters – but there was no denying that Jenny and Christy had done an amazing job. I couldn’t have chosen better if I’d tried.

“You’re breathtaking,” said Calista from the door, and I turned to meet her gaze. I felt my body relax, and realized I was no longer angry with her. After reprimanding her for talking about my potential mates in front of the king, things had been a bit awkward between us, but seeing her now, her pride as she gazed at me, I put it all to rest.

I turned to my two costume designers. “Thank you.”

They both curtsied. “We will see you tonight, Your Highness,” Christy said as they left with the hair and makeup artists. Then it was just me and Calista. I finally noticed her festival outfit. I had to smile at how amazing she looked in her deep purple mermaid silk gown. She had a fake tail across the bottom of her dress, and shells woven into her hair.

“You look fantastic, Cal,” I said, knowing she’d probably let Winnie choose her costume for her.

She caught me off-guard then when she crossed the room and scooped my hand into hers. What had brought on this sudden break in protocol and show of affection?

She leaned into me. “You’re happy, right, Ari?” I startled when I noticed that her eyes were dancing with tears. Where was this seriousness coming from?

She was just standing there, waiting for my answer, so I thought about her question. Really thought about it. Generally, I’d just answer with an affirmative. Most people didn’t ask that sort of question really wanting to know the answer. It was a throwaway, an attempt to show that you cared without actually having to care. But I knew Calista wasn’t careless with words like that, despite some questionable actions of late. She genuinely wanted to know.

Was I happy?

I was the queen of the wolf shifters, about to be honored at one of the greatest festivals we had, and afterwards I was going to fix the mecca and save everything. All happy things. All things I’d strived for my entire life, successes I could count as my own. But was I happy? A deep part of me shouted “No!” There was a hole inside of me that I feared could never be filled. If I were to fill it, my kingdom would fall into chaos.

I didn’t want to lie to Calista, so I said: “No, but I hope I can be someday.” Then I squeezed her hand and fled from the room before I could cry. This was the summer festival and I would not ruin it with my sorrow.

The boat ride to the Island and following drive up to the royal home was beautiful. It was around noon and the sun shone high in the sky, illuminating all of the breathtaking party décor. People ran out of houses and tents to greet my entourage, and I was so humbled. A new queen and the summer festival – it was a happy time for my people.

Despite the select few alphas I had chosen to share knowledge of the fae with, most shifters didn’t know the true extent of the fae battles being fought behind the scenes, and I would do everything in my power to make sure they never had to find out. I waved until my arms ached, and even leaned out the window to brush against the children’s outstretched hands. People’s smiles were infectious and I couldn’t help but feel my spirits lift. I was causing this happiness in them, my presence. What an amazing thing. I realized then that maybe I had not been completely truthful to Calista – there might be an empty spot inside of me, a sorrow I couldn’t shake, but there was happiness too. My people made me happy, and being their queen was an honor. Maybe there would always be this void inside of me, but I could live with it if I brought such joy to their lives.

As we reached the royal home, my happy glow dulled at the sight of Selene standing on the porch with Torine and a few other council members. She was decked out in a full gold dress with draping tulle and glitter. She also wore a diamond tiara. Looked like she’d come as a queen. Typical Selene.

I wasn’t exactly surprised to see them all. The royal Island home was spacious and could accommodate Selene and the entire council, but I’d been hoping they would choose to stay elsewhere. As my car drove down the long tree-lined road, we passed half a dozen large motor homes and I spotted Blaine grilling hot dogs with Ben. The guards would stay in the motor homes and surround the property to ensure I was safe. I used to camp with them. We’d never stay in one spot for long, driving our motor homes around the Island, parking in all the best places for the festival. A huge part of me missed those days.

The vehicle pulled up in front of the royal home. The council and Selene bowed in greeting as I exited the SUV. When I was standing before them, my full costume on display, Selene’s eyes narrowed on me. Her features darkened and it was clear she was regretting her costume choice, wishing she was the queen, with access to my amazing seamstresses.

Never going to happen.

“Greetings,” I said to everyone, and I was pretty proud of my sincerity. I actually sounded like I liked them all.

Making my way up the large staircase, I was pleased to not see Selene’s familiar around. She had not forgotten my threat to turn him into a fried snake delicacy. Torine stepped in beside me, taking a look at my gown and smiling. As much as the council was driving me crazy lately, the summer festival was a time of merriment, so I returned his smile.

“How is security?” I asked.

The council was responsible for the security of the event, tasked with keeping the two shifter populations at peace, and keeping prying human eyes from seeing anything otherworldly. They would keep the four magic born close by in case of any incidents. Violet, Sabina, Seamus, and Jesabele were on their way right now. My best friend had my crown in her possession. I’d need it for later when the official ceremonies kicked off.

“Security is top rate, as always. We have no incidents to report, and the bear king has already paid his respects.” He waved a hand as if that was that and I didn’t need to hear anything further.

Leia Stone & Jaymin Eve's books