Preppy: The Life & Death of Samuel Clearwater, Part Two (King, #6)

Instantly my temper cooled at the reminder that we’d gone without him for so long. We fucking BURIED him for fucks sake and now we knew he was alive but didn’t know where he was.

“We will find him. And then you will talk to him. I promise if that fucks things up more then we can talk about speeding up you getting me pregnant again.” She pressed her soft lips to my neck and smell and nearness combination sent a shot of sensation directly to my already hardening cock.

“But what about right now?” I asked.

“Now?” She asked, growing bolder, slipping her hand into the back waistband of my jeans and cupping my ass. “Now we practice.”

A growl tore from my throat as I lifted her up into my arms, her legs instantly wrapping around my waist. I felt the heat of her pussy against my cock as I walked with her into the shadows under the house and pushed her up against a pillar. “I’m particularly fond of this particular pillar,” she cooed, tightening her legs around me.

“You make me fucking crazy woman,” I said, grabbing her face in my hands and kissing her furiously. “You can bargain with me all you want, but you best remember who’s in charge here.” I squeezed her ass. “Of this,” she arched her back against the pillar. “Of this,” I said, pinching her nipple between my fingers. “Of this,” I growled, shoving my hand down the front of her shorts and cupping her pussy in my palm. Her head dropped back as she rotated her hips, her body begging for more.

“More,” she said, breathlessly.

I claimed her lips again, rocking rhythmically against the opening of her pussy, kissing her deeply and furiously, my tongue intertwining with hers in a way that made me ache to be balls deep inside of her.

It never mattered how many times I’d kissed Pup or even how many times I’d fucked her since we’d first met. None of that even mattered because it was as if time only made me want her more and more. I was sick with lust for her. A sickness I never wanted to be cured of. I pulled back for air and pushed a stray hair from her eyes, tucking it behind her ear. Her face flushed, her lips swollen and red. As soon as she spoke the last syllable of her question I entered her pussy in one long hard thrust that has me seeing stars as she squeezed around me like a fucking vice. She cried out and dug her fingernails into my shoulders.

Of course my phone rang right when I was about to drive home into my girl. It stopped but only to start back up again. Finally, Pup reached into my back pocket and handed it to me. I glared at her when I barked “What? We’ll be right there,” I said, clicking END on the phone and dialing Bear’s number. I set Pup down on her feet and righted my jeans while waiting for him to answer.

“Who was that?” Ray asked, jogging beside me to keep up as I made my way to the garage where Bear had been tinkering around earlier.

I pounded on the door and it lifted seconds later, Bear stood there with a cigarette dangling from his mouth and a greasy wrench in his hand. I looked from Ray to Bear. “Billy called. He said Preppy came in screaming and knocking shit over at his crab shack. When Billy tried to settle him down he darted out the back. He can’t find him anywhere and he just hopes...” I trailed off.

“What? He hopes what?” Ray asked, pulling at my shirt.

“That he didn’t jump off the seawall.”



When there was a knock at the front door I assumed it was the realtor who was coming by to show a perspective buyer the house, but when I opened the door and saw Ray standing on my porch I was pleasantly surprised.

Well, I was pleasantly surprised until I realized what state she was in. Her eyes were red. She was twisting her hands together and bouncing nervously on the balls of her feet. King was standing outside of the truck in the driveway, an unreadable expression on his face? “Is he here?” Ray asked, glancing over my shoulder into the house.

“Who?” I asked.

“Preppy!” Ray shouted, pushing passed me and ran through the empty house, darting from room to room. She ran out just as quick as she’d run in and shook her head at King who clenched his fists and pounded them against the roof of the truck. His head dropped.

Ray ran to the truck and King got in the driver’s seat.

“Wait! What’s wrong?” I asked, running after them, feeling a sense of dread building inside of me.

They ignored me. King threw the truck in reverse. They’d gotten about three feet down the driveway when I jumped behind the truck and held up my hands. King slammed on the brakes to avoid hitting me. “What the fuck. Get out of the fucking way!” King said, sticking his head out the window.

To say that King was frightening was the understatement of the century. The man was downright terrifying, but there was no way in hell I was letting them leave. “I’ll move when you tell me what the fuck is going on and why you’re searching my house and asking me if he’s here.”

King threw the truck in park and got out. He slammed the door and stormed up to me in a few long strides. He glared down at me and I could feel the anger in his gaze. “You need to get out of the fucking way,” he seethed.

I shook my head and although my hands were shaking there was no way I was moving. “No. You’ll have to run me over first. Tell me what the fuck is going on,” I said, standing my ground.

King opened his mouth to speak but Ray appeared next to him, took his hand in hers and beat him to it. “Preppy freaked out and bolted. Can’t find him anywhere. Thought he might have come here.” Ray paused and looked to the floor. “He’s not in a great place right now, and we’re worried that he might have done something...stupid.”

King let go of her hand and they both got back in the truck. I stepped out of the way with a sinking heart, watching them roll away when suddenly it hit me. I bolted to the passenger side and threw open the door of the truck. Again, King was forced to slam on the brakes. “What the hell are you doing?” Ray squealed as I jumped inside, forcing her to slide to the middle.

I closed the door and turned to a very confused and worry looking King and Ray. “I know where he is.”

King called Bear on the way and told him where to meet us. After only a few minutes Bear appeared behind us on his bike, the roar of the engine rattling the rearview mirror as he followed us down the road.

It wasn’t until we’d cleared the fence and the tall pine trees that we realized the moon wasn’t the only thing lighting up the water tower.

Parked in the field below was an array of flashing red and blue from a fire truck, several police cars...and an ambulance.