Power and Empire (Jack Ryan Universe #24)

The CAC Task Force Commander, FBI Special Agent Kelsey Callahan, didn’t believe in separate offices. If her team was going to wade through the river of shit that the perverts they hunted caused, they should do it together as a unified group. She did, however, put her desk at the head of the open bullpen so she’d have direct access to the whiteboard behind her.

No straitlaced Betty Bureau Blue Suit, Special Agent Callahan wore a Neiman Marcus silk blouse in subtle pink and stonewashed jeans over hips that she wished were a smidge smaller, but that were still small enough so as to make the .40-caliber Glock 23 in the holster on her belt look huge. Her instructors at Quantico had called her curly copper ponytail a “murder handle.” She considered chopping it off for the academy, but she’d had long hair since high school—and besides, she needed to cling to every last vestige of femininity in this overly masculine profession. Callahan resolved early on to unleash nine kinds of hell on anyone who got close enough to even touch her hair—and went on to prove that resolve to an exuberant defensive tactics instructor who thought he’d teach her the error of her thinking and grabbed her from behind. She’d dislocated her own shoulder but ruptured the instructor’s testicle. Her injuries saw her recycled into the next class of NATs—New Agent Trainees—but the badass reputation that followed her into her career was worth repeating three weeks of training. The reputation of being what Texas Department of Public Safety sergeant Derrick Bourke called “a half a bubble off plumb” only added to her success leading the North Texas CAC Task Force.

Sergeant Bourke’s desk was to the immediate right of Callahan’s, facing the bullpen, but the forty-year-old trooper and father of three now stood beside her, looking over her shoulder at the files on the screen of the standalone laptop at her desk.

It was Sergeant Bourke who had brought her the USB drive, retrieved the night before by a trooper posted to Mansfield. Department of Public Safety computer gurus had run all manner of diagnostics to check the drive for viruses. FBI techs had double-and triple-checked it for remote access Trojans, ransomware, and other viruses. Even after the device had been pronounced free from malware, FBI higher-ups still directed it only be inserted into a computer with the modem disabled and not attached to any network.

Bourke leaned in, his hand on Callahan’s desk. “Looks like some kind of spreadsheet,” he said. “Accounting records maybe . . . and encrypted notes.”

The FBI agent scrolled upward, nodding. “Not encrypted,” she said. “Coded. We can open them. We just can’t tell what they mean. I see the word ‘coronet’ a lot. Mean anything to you?”


Callahan mused as she scrolled, as much to herself as to Bourke. “I’m not finding anything to give us a location of this Eddie Feng bastard. After what Blanca Limón told me about him, I really, really want to find this guy.” She leaned back in her chair and looked up at the sergeant. “I’ll let the organized-crime squads figure out the rest of the trash on this thumb drive. What I do need is to have a little chat with the guy who pays for sex with a little girl as young as Blanca. According to her, there’s another girl, a friend of hers named”—Callahan looked at the printed FBI 302 beside her laptop—“Magdalena Rojas. The guy your trooper killed dropped Magdalena at some creepy mansion in the country. She is at this very moment being made to do God knows what. If we find this Eddie Feng and squeeze him a little, maybe, just maybe, we can find her.” Callahan took a breath, as if she was coming up for air. Bourke, who was used to her passion, stood by and listened.

Callahan glanced back down at the 302. “Your trooper made the traffic stop south of Mansfield. Blanca says a pimp named Parrot took her and Magdalena to work a party with a bunch of other girls south of Dallas last night. Eddie Feng was there. He gives us the address of that party and we’ll have a search line between there and the Mansfield traffic stop.”

“That’s still a lot of open ground,” Bourke said.

Callahan scrolled through the columns of numbers, looking for anything that might give her an address. “It’s all we’ve got right now. Maybe we’ll get lucky and Feng will know where the mansion is, the sick bastard.”

Two desks away, FBI Special Agent John Olson pitched his cell phone onto a stack of paperwork and slumped in his chair, rubbing his eyes.

Callahan looked up at him. “I sincerely hope you’re about to tell me Fort Worth PD has Parrot Villanueva in custody.”

Olson shook his head. “I wish. His apartment’s empty and he’s in the wind. We have an APB out for him, but unless he gets jammed up over a broken taillight or something . . .”

Callahan stood and used the flat of her hand to pound on her Vietnam War–era metal desk. The noise echoed off the high ceiling of the spacious hangar. She did this at least twice a week, and everyone on her team knew what it meant. A new turd had floated to the surface of their little world, and he was now their priority. Six police officers from four different municipalities and two sheriff’s departments, three Texas Department of Public Safety investigators, three special agents from Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and three from the FBI Dallas Field Office all peered around their computers, ready to receive marching orders. Some were relatively new, others had been on the task force for a couple years. But all the CAC Task Force members had so much experience rescuing kids that they’d accumulated a deep and abiding hatred for the men and women they hunted. It was controlled hatred, hatred that Callahan made sure they kept within the bounds of the law, but it was hatred nonetheless. Callahan banging on her desk was like the horn to a foxhound. Every member of the team sat poised, twitching to channel their hatred into the hunt.

“Okay, listen up! There’s a thirteen-year-old girl out there named Magdalena Rojas who needs our help. Right now, our best chance at finding her is a worthless little creeper named Eddie Feng.” She threw the last name like an expletive. “Not sure if it’s Edward or Eddie. He speaks English, but judging from the scant information we have, he may be Chinese.”

Joe Rice, a detective working off a federal grant from the Waxahachie Police Department, raised his pen. He was in his fifties, with thinning blond hair and a drooping mustache he’d probably not shaved since his first days in the police academy thirty years before. A new grandfather and a deacon in the Waxahachie First Baptist Church, he was the reason Callahan didn’t curse as much as she would have liked to.

“Do we got a photo of Eddie Feng?”

“We will as soon as you get me one, Joe,” Callahan said.

She’d conducted the interview with Blanca Limón, so she had a general physical description. “Our only witness is another thirteen-year-old girl named Blanca who was being forced to turn tricks with Magdalena. Blanca describes Feng as being in his mid-thirties, around five-feet-eight, slender build, with glasses. She says he downs energy drinks like they’re going out of style . . . and he’s sporting a fauxhawk.”

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