Pipe Dreams (Brooklyn Bruisers #3)

His big brown eyes took measure of hers. He set the glass down on the bedside table and picked up the empty one, filling it slowly so that it wouldn’t bubble over. “I’m not playing,” he said quietly. “I’m well aware that the last two years happened, and they were terrible.” He set the second glass down and placed the bottle carefully into the ice bucket on the floor.

When he straightened up again, he began unbuttoning his shirt. “But we’re both here and I have missed you. So here I am, Lo. Come and have a glass of champagne with me, because you’re the only one in the whole goddamn state of Florida that I want to talk to, anyway. What are we waiting for?” His face was dead serious, that handsome cleft chin pointing at her, waiting.

Lauren stood in the doorway, feeling agitated. He made it sound so easy. She was still too angry to just go along with this little fantasy. “Maybe I wore the dress just to make a point. It’s not like you don’t deserve it.”

He nodded slowly. Then he picked up both glasses and offered her one.

She shook her head.

Mike took a sip of one of them, then he closed his eyes in pleasure. “There hasn’t been enough champagne in my life lately,” he said, taking a second sip. “Not much to celebrate.”

“Likewise,” she said, because twisting the knife was something she did often when he was around.

He eyed her over the rim of the glass. “See, I considered that maybe you wore that dress just to piss me off.” He took another sip of champagne, and she watched his throat work as he swallowed it, his Adam’s apple bobbing. A dark dusting of stubble on his rugged jaw was visible even from this distance, and her traitorous mind wondered how rough it would feel under her hand.

Lauren’s mouth watered, and she wasn’t sure if the cause was the wine, or the man drinking it.

“. . . But then I realized that can’t be it,” he mused, admiring the tiny bubbles rising up the sides of his glass. “The Lauren I know isn’t a bitter person. She wouldn’t torture me, even if I deserved it. So I decided I was right the first time—the dress was a summons. An olive branch. I accept, baby. Have some champagne and sit with me.” He patted the bed beside him. Her bed. In her private suite. How did he even get in here?

“Let me get this straight,” she said through a throat constricted by anger and surprise. “Either I jump on your dick in gratitude, or I’ve become an angry, bitter person?”

His eyes flared with both heat and amusement. “That’s an oversimplification, but I do like the sound of that first thing.”

She folded her arms in front of her chest, clasping her elbows to prevent her hands from shaking. Every nerve ending in her body was standing at attention. So this is what fight-or-flight feels like. “Maybe I didn’t mean to make a statement, Michael. Maybe it’s just a dress.”

Slowly, he shook his head, his glimmering eyes fixed on hers. “It’s not just a dress. And I’m not just some guy you used to date. A lot went wrong between us, and I take all the blame, okay? But we’re both here. Right now. Just us.” He stood up suddenly, grabbing the other glass of champagne off the table and stepping toward her. “Please.” He held out the glass. “There’s eleven hours until we get on the bus to the airport. Spend them with me.”

Her mind reeling, Lauren grabbed the glass and took a much-needed sip. The bright taste of champagne burst across her tongue. Ten days from now she would probably be giving up wine on her obstetrician’s orders. And giving up men was also a certainty.

Last chance, her subconscious whispered.

The bubbles tickled her throat as she swallowed. “I’m still angry at you,” she said, eyeing the attractive man standing in front of her. “I don’t think that’s going to go away even if I let you talk me out of my clothes.”

It was tough talk. Except she left out the part about how she was still in love with him.

“I know you’re still mad,” he whispered. “I’m still mad at me, too. So we’ll have that in common.” He leaned forward and brushed his lips across her cheekbone.

Lauren inhaled a deep breath scented with both his aftershave and the wine in her glass. She felt hyper-aware of everything happening, as if the moment were transpiring in slow motion. The rustle of his shirt fabric against her shoulder felt louder than it should have. And the warmth of his body leaning close to hers gave her goosebumps.

“It can’t be that easy,” she said, her voice low. She wouldn’t bother to pretend that she wasn’t tempted. But still. “After all this time, it would be weird.”

“That’s the thing. It won’t.” He drained his glass and set it on the bedside table. Then he moved around to stand behind her. “Drink your bubbly. It’s a good bottle. I still love champagne.”

She took another sip on command. So much for giving him a piece of her mind.

A warm, calloused hand landed on her shoulder. With his other hand, Mike gathered her hair and smoothed it away from her neck. “The guys tease me for drinking it,” he said, his voice low and private, his thumb tracing the curve of her neck. “Sometimes I’ll order a glass at the bar after we’ve won a road trip game. Doulie will rib me about it while he slugs back the Scotch. But I drink it because it makes me think of you.”

Lauren closed her eyes and let herself be overwhelmed by the sensation of his hands on her body. Too many hours had been spent trying to remember how this felt. This man’s loving touch had always made her pulse race. The drag of his fingers over her skin made her feel more alive than she had in months.

“Lo,” he whispered, his breath at her ear. “Let me love you tonight.” His lips landed at the juncture of her neck and shoulder, and she shivered. He began to drop teasing kisses on her sensitive skin, and she barely held in her gasp.

As he continued this torture, her eyes stayed slammed shut, and her mouth hung open. When the backs of his fingers traced a slow line down the side of her dress, she bit her lip until she tasted blood.

Thank God he was standing behind her, because she couldn’t possibly keep the shock and lust off her face. He probably knew that, though. He was giving her a few minutes to get used to the idea.

You could never outmaneuver a world-class competitor—not when he really wanted to win.

As his nibbles became soft, open-mouthed kisses, Lauren’s nipples grew tight. And when he pulled her earlobe into his mouth and sucked, she felt slickness gather between her legs. But she stayed silent, a death-grip on her champagne glass, until his fingertips snaked around the front of her body and began to tease her breasts. Even then, the sound she made was just a needy, breathy gasp. Hardly audible.

His whole body stilled. “It’s been too long since I felt your skin on mine,” he said. He tugged her backward with his hands at his hips until her ass was tucked against his legs, and his hard cock could be felt through the fabric of his tuxedo pants.

The feel of it tightened her lungs and made her dizzy. Alarm bells went off in her heart. It was easy enough to just jump into bed with him. Lord knew she could use a night of naked fun.

But not with him. Anyone but him. The hangover would be too much to bear.

Sucking in a breath, she stumbled forward out of his grasp. “I can’t, Mike. I just . . . I can’t have a fling with you.”