Pia Does Hollywood (Elder Races, #8.6)

He approved of their security measures, but why was Bailey directing Light Fae troops instead of Shane? Last he heard, she didn’t live in California but resided somewhere rather remote. Puerto Rico, or maybe Jamaica. She and Sebastian Hale ran a security company. Hale was Wyr and an excellent fighter, and Dragos made sure to track excellent Wyr fighters who weren’t his own.

No wait, Hale had mated and retired. Bailey ran the security company alone now. So why was she here?

After thoroughly searching the perimeter, the troops down below converged again around Bailey. A few moments later, the Cuelebre jet came into view. Watching approvingly as the jet touched down in a textbook perfect landing, Dragos chatted with Pia until the jet’s airstairs were deployed. Then Quentin and Aryal appeared, began to descend and froze halfway down the stairs.

They sensed something too. What did they sense?

He said in Aryal’s head, What is it?

The harpy didn’t evidence any surprise at his presence. She said tersely, Quentin and I think it seems like a lot of troops for a simple pickup.

It is. He told her about watching them spread out and search the area around the airstrip. A group of that size was able to establish a secure perimeter very quickly.

From the distance, he saw the harpy shrug. That’s probably it. Private airstrips don’t have the kind of security that airports do. They were being thorough and efficient before we arrived.

Probably, he agreed. We do tend to be paranoid.

Just because you’re paranoid, blah blah blah, etc., Aryal told him sourly.

I wondered where Shane was, and why Bailey is here, he said. She usually lives in Jamaica. Or Puerto Rico. Whichever one it is.

You’re so nitpicky, Aryal told him. Now I’m wondering that too. Maybe he’s on vacation. Does Tatiana’s captain take vacations?

The dragon snorted. I have no damn idea.

Aryal said to him, Pia says to go ahead. What say you?

We are being nitpicky, he told her. So go ahead, but keep a watchful eye out. Report back to me if you notice anything unusual.

You got it.

The foursome continued to the tarmac, merged with the Light Fae troops, and was swallowed up by the motorcade.

Dragos followed the motorcade until it reached the outskirts of Bel Air, the affluent neighborhood where the Light Fae Queen’s residence was located. When the car carrying Pia turned onto Tatiana’s street, his eyes narrowed at the barricade that waiting troops moved into place across the street. After putting the barrier into place, the troops stood at attention behind it, facing outward.

The Light Fae Queen’s residence was in the same neighborhood as those of celebrities, musicians and movie stars. Ronald Reagan had once lived in Bel Air, and so had Alfred Hitchcock. Tour buses traveling through the neighborhood were a normal way of life.

As far as he knew, blocking the neighborhood off was something new. It looked as though Tatiana was taking no chances with the Lord of the Wyr’s mate, an attitude that he approved most heartily.

He had watched and waited, and touched base with Pia, and indulged in paranoia. Now, there was nothing more for him to do but bide his time until he could talk to her again.

He had packed his laptop. He could go back to the motel to work. Or he could just take time off. It was rare for him to have free time on his hands. He could go fishing again, and fly over the coast and spend the week avoiding other people, and while he liked the sound of that quite a bit, his nitpicking, paranoid discussion with Aryal left him restless and uneasy.

He contacted Aryal again. Have you arrived yet?

Yes, we’re here, the harpy told him. Nobody’s gone insane and stabbed all of us yet. Pia’s in the guest suite unpacking, and we’ve got the suite next to hers. Tatiana is in a meeting, but she’s supposed to have breakfast with Pia soon.

What happened to the Light Fae troops in the motorcade?

They went wherever Light Fae troops go when they fly back to the home hive. They sort of dissipated and soaked into the woodwork, no doubt on the Queen Bee’s orders. Aryal sounded cheerful. But maybe they’ll still swarm back and stab us all to death, before any of us can yell to you for help. You never know.

He snorted. Your sense of humor can be damn odd at times.

All I’m really saying is, maybe this time, our paranoia really was just paranoia. Of all his sentinels, Aryal was the most prone to impatience, but she didn’t sound impatient now. She sounded kind. For now, everything seems fine.

He told her, Good enough. Report back later.

Will do.

He had drifted south and east while they talked, over the Bel Air Country Club. Abruptly, he made up his mind, chose a direction and flew for it. While the distance would take a half an hour or so to drive by car, or even twice that, depending on traffic, he covered his trajectory within a few minutes.