Perfectly Imperfect

His steady movements falter as my gaze comes back to his, those eyes of his so bright and open as he tenses against me and I feel a rush of heat burst from him as he comes on my stomach.

I’ve never felt so close to someone as I do at this moment. The honest intimacy we just shared was more powerful than words could have ever expressed. He’s managed to break down every wall, insecurity, and doubt I’ve ever had in myself in such a short time; there’s no doubt in my mind that this man is worth the trust he asks of me. The way he makes me feel, only a promise of what could be, reassures me that I have the strength I need to give myself completely to him. I give him a wobbly smile, and through the blur of tears filling my eyes, I watch his handsome face transform with the knowledge that I’ve handed myself over to him.

“Thank you,” he breathes, his mouth peppering the lightest of kisses against my temples. As the tears spill over my lids, he takes my tears of acceptance on his lips before licking his tongue over them.

“For what?” I utter.

“For giving me your trust. I’m not letting you go now, Willow. I’m not making cheap promises. I’m going to do everything in my power to ensure you never doubt that.”

His lips take mine, and after a heated kiss, he lifts from my body and walks into the bathroom. I hesitate for just a second as old insecurities try to knock back in, but then I remember the way he looked at me and I settle my tense muscles to relax against the bed. When he walks back from the bathroom, towel in hand and not even attempting to cover his body from my eyes, I give in to my urge to ogle him.

Every golden, hard, and toned inch of Kane Masters.

He lets out a low chuckle as my eyes widen when I see his hard and heavy erection bob with his movements. I give him a smile—not from nerves, but to let him see I’m loving every second.

He makes quick work of cleaning himself off my stomach before tossing the towel over his shoulder. Turning off the lights and pulling back the covers, he climbs in and holds his arms out for me to move on him. After we adjust our bodies, pulling the covers over us, his arms tighten until my whole body presses against his. My head rests on his chest, and our legs tangle as we wrap ourselves together.

The rest of the night, we lie in the darkness and spend hours just enjoying our closeness as we continue to nurture the bond between us into something that feels unbreakable.

Strong, solid, and sure.


One Month later

I’M JUST BARELY HOLDING MY temper back right now.

As I stare down this defiant woman in front of me, her posture is equally as annoyed as mine seeing as we’ve been having the same argument for the last thirty minutes.

“I’m not backing down from this, Kane.”

“Why the fuck not? I don’t understand what the big deal is.”

Her temper flares again, and I have to fight my cock when her tits press against her shirt. She isn’t wearing anything revealing; the long sleeve black shirt covers her completely, but I know what’s under there. When she’s mad, those tits heave, and I’m seconds away from coming in my pants like a little teenage shit.

“The big deal is that I feel like a whore!” she shouts.

My head snaps back at her heated scream, and I can feel my control slipping. A whore? How in the fuck she got that impression is beyond me.

For the last month, we’ve spent every second we weren’t filming—and a few stolen while on set—getting to know each other. We’ve grown from testing the waters to what I had hoped she saw as a relationship. Sure, I haven’t come right out and said the words, but how could she be clueless to how I feel?

She knows everything about me … well, not everything, but this woman knows more about me than my own mother does. I’ve given a hundred percent of myself to her while I watch her become more and more confident. Left no word unsaid that wouldn’t reassure her of my feelings. Fuck, did I ever straight up tell her I wanted a future with her? Now that she’s standing in front of me claiming she feels like a whore, I doubt it.

After that night a few weeks ago, she’s had no trouble letting me in. Just as I’ve shared all with her, she’s done the same with me. We’ve managed to even sneak away for a few carefully executed dates without the media catching wind of our relationship, which I know is only a matter of time.

Which brings us to where we are now.

“A whore?” I repeat through thin lips.

She nods, crossing her arms over her chest and making her tits strain even more against their confinement.

“A whore!” She jumps at my outburst, but I ignore it. She knows I won’t hurt her. “A fucking whore, Willow? When have I ever treated you like that?”

Heat rises to her cheeks, and for a fleeting second, she looks a little embarrassed. Something I haven’t seen on her beautiful face since I broke through the last of her lingering fears about my intentions.

Harper Sloan's books