PRINCE CHARMING: A Stepbrother Secret Baby Romance

The past month had gone in a blur, and now it was the day of Quincy’s wedding. It had all been planned by Gigi and her mother. Quincy had faked as much enthusiasm as he could, but several people saw through it. Mostly Pascal, but Lamont had pulled him aside several times to ask him what his problem was. This was the woman he’d picked, and he either needed to accept his decision or call off the wedding and pick another. Either way, he was out of time, and the only woman he wanted was in Nebraska.

His anger towards Olivia had faded, but it flared up any time his eyes caught sight of the painting in his room. He kept it out of sight and only pulled it out when his longing for her caused him to dream of her in his arms, whispering his name, moaning as they made love.

“Sir? I’ve brought your clothes. Are you ready to get dressed?” Pascal asked as he entered.

“Yes, I think I’m ready,” he said. He’d been on the balcony before the sun rose, remembering the nights he had climbed across to Olivia’s. The times she’d laugh and pull him straight into her arms before he even had a chance to greet her. They’d tumble into bed and spend all night talking and exploring each other’s bodies.

“Sir? Have you eaten anything today? You look a bit pale.”

Quincy wasn’t sure what made him decide, but he saw the painting he’d forgotten to tuck away last night. His eyes stared at the couple on the beach, the image of him and Olivia, so deeply in love, captured in that moment in time.

“No, I haven’t. I think I’ll head to the kitchens and get something. How many hours until the ceremony?”

Pascal hung his clothes up on the door of the wardrobe and turned to face Quincy with a suspicious glint in his eyes. “Sunset. Are you planning on eating a feast before then?”

Quincy laughed as he grabbed jeans and a t-shirt from his dresser and changed quickly out of his sweats. “No, course not. Just need to take care of something, that’s all.”

“As long as you’re not late. Your father will kill you.”

“Don’t worry, Pascal, I know exactly what I’m doing,” he said as his mind hurried through his new plan. Get to the Jeep, book it to the airport, and get the hell off the isle. He couldn’t get married, not yet. Not until he knew why she’d left like that. Why she couldn’t say goodbye.

And why she left him behind instead of letting him fight for them… for her. No one made decisions for Prince Quincy.


Olivia got out of the car, noting the size of her stomach. She was about three months, according to her doctor, and everything looked good as far as they could tell. The baby was healthy, she was healthy, and the only person who knew she cried herself to sleep most nights was Helen. She’d moved into the house with Olivia when they returned to Nebraska, and Olivia knew one of these days, she’d have to do something really nice for her friend.

Leaving Quincy behind had been the hardest decision of her life, but her mom had reported during their last phone call that his wedding was today. Everything worked out the way it should, and he would be a great king for his people. She tried not to think about him being in Gigi’s arms that night and focused on moving forward. It was all she could do.

That, and she was starving. The baby had certainly doubled her appetite these past few weeks.

“Helen,” she said after she unlocked the front door. “What do you want for dinner tonight? I’m craving Chinese right now. Helen?”

Olivia felt the floor rush up to meet her. Strong arms caught her before she hit, cursing about her fainting. He hoisted her up into his arms and laid her gently down on the couch.

“That’s not the reaction I was hoping for,” Quincy murmured as he kissed her forehead. He stared down at her, a smile warring on his face with worry and anger. “Olivia? Can you hear me?” She vaguely noticed him glance down the length of her and frown when he saw her stomach. Suddenly, his face went blank, and he sucked in a breath.

“Quincy? Why are you here?” she asked as her heart hammered in her chest, but he didn’t seem to hear. “Quincy?”

Very softly, he laid his hands on her stomach that was clearly a pregnant belly. A smile twitched at his lips, showing his left dimple as his gaze met hers. “You’re pregnant… Why…why didn’t you tell me?”

She saw the sheen of tears in his eyes, and she couldn’t hold hers back. Her hands covered his, and they held her belly together. “I couldn’t,” she whispered. “You had to get married, and I had to leave. It would ruin you… It still will. Quincy, what are you doing here?” God, how she just wanted to kiss him and make love again. His touch set her on fire, and it took everything she had not to pull him down to her and have her way with him.

He helped her sit up and sat on the edge of the couch beside her. “I couldn’t do it.”

“Get married? Oh God, you didn’t just leave, did you?”

“I did, actually,” he said with a laugh. “I couldn’t do it. Every night, I missed you, and I was mad at you for leaving me, but… God, Olivia, I can’t do this, especially not now. You’re pregnant with our child.”

Mia Carson's books