PRINCE CHARMING: A Stepbrother Secret Baby Romance


The wedding day came and went rather uneventfully. Thankfully, it had been a small wedding, so Claire didn’t have much to do except cancel the venue, the caterers, and the flowers, and that in itself had been nerve-wracking. In the days that followed, Claire stayed in her room, hardly paying attention to her mother and Amy. She knew they worried about her, but she was beyond caring. The way she felt, her life was as good as ended.

A few days later, Claire overheard her mom and Amy talking behind her door while she was locked in her room.

“This can’t go on,” Willow said to Amy. “She hardly eats; she looks a mess all the time, and I can’t get to her.”

“What about forcing her to open the door?” Amy asked.

“I’ve tried,” Willow said. “Her door is always locked and she doesn’t answer anyone. If anything happens to her in there, I wouldn’t even know it. I should break the damn door down.”

“Then let’s do it,” Amy said.

“Do what?” Willow asked, but before Claire could hear the response, she heard loud pounding on her door.

“Claire, if you don’t open this door I am going to break it down!” Amy yelled. “And you know I will!”

Claire reluctantly opened the door and Amy walked in. Without a word, she walked to the patio doors, pulled the curtains back, and let some sunlight in. “Okay, this has gone on long enough. I know you are hurting, but this isn’t doing you any good. Get up, take a shower, and let’s go somewhere fun.

Willow smiled sadly at her daughter. “Amy’s right. As bad as this may sound now, Trent has probably moved on while you hide out in your room and rot. I know it’s hard but you need to keep moving forward.”

“I’d rather not,” Claire said, her voice full of sorrow.

“So you want to spend the rest of your days off from work like this?”

Claire looked at her mother with hollow eyes. “What do you suggest I do, Mom? Go out and party like nothing happened?”

“No, that’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying you need to pick up the pieces and get yourself together. This isn’t doing you any good.”

“Wait, I have an idea,” Amy said as her face lit up. “I think you should go to St. Lucia.”

Claire looked at her like she was crazy. “You want me to go on my honeymoon by myself?”

“Yes, except you wouldn’t be by yourself. The three of us could go. St. Lucia is a beautiful place, and it will be good for you to get away.”

“That’s an excellent idea, Amy,” Willow said. “And Claire, you have no excuse. Your reservation is still active. Amy and I will get our own rooms if you want privacy.”

“Mom, I can’t…”

“Claire, this is not up for discussion. Now, pack your bags and get ready. We leave in the morning.” Willow walked out of the room, leaving Claire with no choice.

“I don’t want to go,” Claire said after her mother had gone.

“You heard your mom. You know she’ll make you do it,” Amy said as she sat next to her on the bed. “I promise you’ll love it. Besides, I’ll be there to hang out with you.”

“Yeah, right! You’ll leave all those men on the beach to come hang out with me? Do you think I believe you?”

“Claire, just do as your mom says, please,” Amy said, heading toward the door. “I promise it’ll be fun.”

Long after the two had gone, Claire sat alone in her room, picturing Trent in bed with the other woman, laughing and pretending she didn’t exist. She tossed the covers back, and with anger bubbling inside her, she yanked the suitcase from the closet and started packing. Damn it, she was going to St. Lucia without Trent. Fuck him!


It was an exciting moment for two out of the three passengers in the cab that drove along the interstate to the airport that evening. Claire stared as the outside world raced by, her thoughts doing the opposite, remaining fixated on one event.

“I bet you will love it in St. Lucia,” Willow said as she playfully poked her daughter’s ribs.

“Come on, Claire,” Amy nudged. “Blue skies, white sandy beaches, crystal clear water. That’s got to put a smile on your face.”

Claire looked at the girl with a blank expression. “Perhaps.” It was hard to imagine anything fun when hurt weighed on her like an anchor. Her entire life was drifting by, and as far as she was concerned, she was just floating into oblivion.

Mia Carson's books