Out of the Ashes (Sons of Templar MC #3)

“Farther than the ocean?” she continued.

I struggled to keep a straight face at her serious tone. “Way farther,” I told her somberly.

She was quiet for a long time, this working in her little five-year-old head. Then she turned, resting her head in her chubby little hand, the other one touching my cheek lightly.

“Then Momma, I love you all the way to the moon,” she declared.

I gathered my precious little girl into my chest, one single tear escaping my eye. Everything I had gone through the past five years, everything, was worth my little girl uttering that single sentence. “Me too, baby. To the moon,” I whispered against her blonde head.

I looked at that same blonde head, much bigger now and full of so many mature adult thoughts it scared me slightly. I turned out her lamp and left the room, feeling almost swollen with the love I had for that little human. The one that, no matter how big she got, would always still be the little girl who declared she loved me “all the way to the moon.”

As I slipped into a cami and shorts I got slightly tearful at the realization my little human was turning into a little woman. One that was strong, smart and sensible.

My thoughts were interrupted by a sound that I felt in my belly. That I felt below my belly. Harley pipes.

I peeked out my window to see the lone headlight of a motorcycle pulling into Zane’s driveway. A huge figure got off the bike, disappearing into the house. I swallowed, desire and longing pooling in my stomach at the sight of that figure. I felt like I had been without him for days, not hours. With the help of alcohol lowering my inhibitions, I found myself crossing the street without even a robe on.

I didn’t even pause as I approached his door, one thing on my mind. The door opened before I could even knock, dark eyes locking onto me.

“Babe,” he growled as I made it to him, his jaw hard. “You don’t have anything fuckin’ covering you.” He sounded pissed, and maybe if I had been less inebriated I would have heard the concern underneath.

But alas, cocktails and an inability to hold my liquor gave me a one-track mind. And a crazy amount of confidence apparently, because I pushed his chest, directing him inside.

I knew it wasn’t my mad upper body strength that had us moving into his hallway; it was more like the surprise and desire that flared in his eyes.

I didn’t register much beyond the need to touch him, feel him inside me. My hand reached up to his neck, yanking his mouth to mine.

That’s where my actions stopped. His arm locked around me, clutching my ass firmly while his mouth claimed mine. I moaned as his hard body pressed into me. As much as I would I have gladly liked to kiss him forever, I had something else in mind, which was why I pulled back.

Zane frowned at me, or more accurately, glowered.

I ignored this, directing him so his back was to the wall, lowering myself down onto my knees.

Zane let out a hiss of breath once he realized my intentions, his hands roughly landing on my head.

“Wildcat,” he murmured hoarsely.

I glanced up at him, my hands on his belt. “I want to taste you,” I declared brazenly, freeing him and clutching his beautiful length in my hand.

His face was taut, the muscles in his cheek twitching.

I kept eye contact with him for a beat, then resumed my mission. I licked the tip of him gently, teasing, tasting. His hand tightened at my head and I heard his rough curse. I smiled to myself and took him fully in my mouth, my panties soaked at the erotic control I had. Complete control over a man who, I had learned, liked to control everything with his strong hands. Not this time. Once I had gotten used to his size in my mouth I went for it, sucking licking, using my hands. Feeling more turned on than I thought possible, I used my free hand to touch myself while I continued sucking Zane.

“Fuck, Wildcat,” he bit out darkly.

Whatever control he had was lost as I touched myself. His hands moved to the back of my head and he started to fuck my mouth. He wasn’t gentle. He fucked my mouth. I took it. I fucking loved it. My hand moved in tandem with his thrusts, working myself to orgasm as I felt him tense. He let out a grunt and emptied himself in my mouth. I came hard as I swallowed him.

Without having time to recover, Zane’s hands were underneath my arms, and he yanked me up his body. He lifted me and carried me into his room, his face taut, hard. He set me down on the floor and I swayed slightly as he steadied me with his hands at my hips. I felt his cool gaze rove over every inch of me. I smiled lazily, my jaw slightly tender, but in a good way.

“You shitfaced?” he clipped, his voice low.

I grinned even more. “I wouldn’t use that term, rather pleasantly buzzed,” I amended.

He shook his head. “You’re shitfaced.”

I shrugged my shoulders, loath to argue. My grin was gone as his eyes turned hooded.

Anne Malcom's books