Out of Bounds

He bends his head closer to my neck. “I’d bury my face between those pretty legs of yours. You’d wrap your heels nice and tight around my neck, and I’d fucking devour you,” he says in a low, dirty growl in my ear.

“Oh God,” I moan, and I’m lost. I’m absolutely lost in pleasure as he strokes me, faster and impossibly faster still. “I’m close. So close,” I say, panting. I’m vaguely aware of the car moving slowly forward, and maybe the traffic has picked up or maybe not, but then my brain turns to a blur as he trips a switch inside me.

Every muscle tenses blissfully as an orgasm charges through me, my legs quivering, pleasure quaking in my body as I rock into his hand, grinding against his fingers. My world turns white-hot. Bursts of electric pleasure pulse in me, and a wild sensation of pure erotic bliss radiates from my center all the way through to my toes, to my hair. Hell, my eyelashes might even be turned on.

I cry out as I come undone in his car, bucking into his hand, panting like a wild woman. That’s who I’ve become with this captivating man. My eyes are squeezed shut, and as the orgasm subsides, I blink them open, getting my bearings again, coming down from a high.

“Guess that’s the first time I’ve ever been glad to be stuck in traffic,” he says, then gestures ahead of us. The snarl of stalled cars is finally breaking and he hits the gas.

“Yes, that was the best use of traffic I’ve ever experienced.”

He glances at me, a satisfied smile on his handsome face. “By the way,” he says, his tone both full of pride and happiness, “you were blissfully orgasmic.”

“And I bet you’re immensely hard,” I say, and then he wiggles his eyebrow. “Can I find out?”

He eyes his crotch, then me, then the freeway. “Let’s just make sure we don’t crash, because that would be incredibly bad for the team,” he says with a wink.

Right. The team. The reason we aren’t supposed to be messing around.

But as I drop my hand on his hard-on I’m not thinking about the team. I’m thinking about his cock. How much I want to touch him, feel him, taste him.

I’m dying to wrap my lips around him, but I just don’t know that there’s room in the front seat for me to go down on him while he drives. Plus, you know, it’s a bit dangerous. But I can stroke him, even as he drives. I work open the zipper, slide my hand inside and run my palm over the outline of his hard cock. He’s so big, and so hard, and I want to touch him, flesh to flesh.

“Fuck, Dani, that feels good,” he says in a throaty rumble as I run my hand over the outline of his erection. His very thick erection.

“It would be better if it were hands-on.”

“Then get your hands on me,” he says, as he drives.

I dip my hand inside his briefs, wrap my palm around Drew Erickson’s cock, and it’s fucking fabulous. It suits this man. It fits his build, his size, his strength, his skill. Everything about him is bigger than average, and thank the Lord, that includes his dick.

I run my hand up and down the length of him as he accelerates. Touching him like this sends a deliciously dirty thrill through me.

He groans, gripping the wheel harder as I stroke. My thumb slides over the head, and I swipe off a drop of his arousal, then bring it to my mouth. Briefly, his eyes flick away from the freeway as I lick the taste of him off my thumb.

“Oh fuck, that’s so fucking hot.”

“You taste so good,” I say, and I fist his cock for the next several minutes while he drives as slowly as he can get away with. His jaw is tense, concentration etched in his eyes, as he tries to focus on the road even as I stroke his dick. As I lower my hand to cup his balls, he hisses. Then, before I know it, he switches lanes, hopping right, then right once more. A determined man, he pulls onto the exit ramp, speeds down it, brakes right into a 7-Eleven parking lot, and cuts the engine.

He turns his face to me. His eyes are dark, shining with desire.

But I’m the first to speak. “Can I get you off like this? Just my hand?”

“Why would you ask now? You were halfway there on the freeway, honey. Time to get this one all the way downfield.” He opens his pants more, pushing them lower, and gives me full access to his beautiful cock. I grip him tighter, pumping and tugging on his shaft, and he groans.

And then he does the sexiest thing I’ve ever experienced when it comes to hand jobs.

He threads a hand in my hair and whispers against my lips, “Kiss me hard. I want to come while you’re kissing me.”

Electricity flares in me. Spreads through every vein. Kissing while coming might be the hottest request ever. My body agrees, since I’ve never been wetter.