Once Upon a Dare (Risky Business)

He said a silent prayer for second chances. If Olivia had rejected his apology…well, he couldn’t even think about it. The prospect of going through the rest of his life without moments like this, without holding her close, was unfathomable. He would be true to his word, and when the time was right, he’d make her his wife, if she’d have him.

“Baby, you’ve only got a few more blocks to pull this fantasy off,” she chided, panting as she rode Cole to ecstasy, their bodies crashing together in harmony.

“That sounds like a challenge.” He smirked, slipping a hand between them to massage the bundle of nerves he knew would push her to oblivion. He rolled his thumb across her center as she rocked her hips furiously, clutching his shoulder and digging her nails into the soft fabric of his jacket. He leaned back, riding the ascent to his own orgasm as she drove him toward climax.

Just two more quick strokes and Olivia’s moans reached a crescendo the driver was sure to hear. Her body tightened around him, demanding he join her in a shattering release, the intensity of which he’d never experienced before. His body shuddered with pleasure as she withdrew everything he had to give.

When she finally collapsed on his chest in exhaustion, he held her tight, stroking her hair and planting a kiss on top of her head. What he wouldn’t give to extend the ride, even by a moment, so he wouldn’t have to let her go. This was what it was all about—the quiet moments with the one you loved. It had taken him a while, thirty-four years to be exact, but he finally understood.

“That. Was. Amazing,” she declared, sitting up and zipping his pants. Her eyes were bright and her smile was as wide as he’d ever seen. She truly was the most beautiful woman in the world. “We have to do this again.”

“Your wish is my command.”

Olivia threw her head back and laughed. “I’m going to hold you to that, you know.”

“I’d expect nothing less,” he admitted, grasping her hands in his once again. “I meant everything I said tonight. I am going to spend every day for the rest of my life doing whatever it takes to make you happy.”

“Whatever it takes?” she asked with a coy smile, her hair falling over one eye. “I like the sound of that.”


Olivia shivered and snuggled closer to Cole. He wrapped a well-muscled arm around her shoulder and pulled her in for a kiss, his peppermint-coated lips moving hungrily over hers. She sucked on his bottom lip, the tension between them reaching a maddening pitch. Yep. He’d definitely been sampling her Chap Stick again.

It was a brisk morning, giving her the perfect excuse to cuddle up to her man and indulge in a little PDA. Not that she needed an excuse. Besides, she was having too much fun to care who was watching. Five years in the city and she’d never even considered attending the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. It had always seemed touristy, crowded, and freaking cold. But PBA had recently done some work for the retailer and Cole had scored passes to view the event from Harold Square. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity, and they were making the most of it, guzzling hot chocolate and reveling in the excitement with three million other happy parade goers.

“Having fun?” Cole asked, nipping at her frozen ear and warming it up with his steamy breath. Desire stirred deep within her, desperate to be unleashed. It was colder than a polar bear’s butt and yet, somehow, he still managed to light a fire in her belly. He always had the effect, and it seemed to be growing stronger each day.

“With you? Always.” And it was true. Over the last seven months she’d managed to find balance between work and life, opening herself to new experiences with Cole. With him, she was happier than she’d ever thought possible. “You know, I was thinking…”

“Oh?” he asked, lifting his mouth from her ear and looking her in the eye.

“Maybe we could duck out early and head back to your place to warm up before heading to White Plains.” She arched her brow, letting him know exactly how she wanted to warm him up before dinner at his sister’s house.

Lust flared in his eyes, softening the normally vibrant silver to a sensuous gray. He spun her around so that her backside was pressed to the hard ridge of his erection, masking it from the crowd. His breath was hot on her cheek, sending a ripple of anticipation straight to her core. “You know, I like the way your mind works.”

“Then you’ll be really happy to know I’m not wearing any panties.”

He groaned. “But we haven’t even seen the man in the big red suit yet.”

Kermit the Frog floated past with about fifty handlers dressed in green spandex. Smiling, she leaned into Cole and circled her ass over his length. She cursed the twenty-five blocks separating them from his apartment. It might as well be on the moon for all the good it was doing them now. “I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I’m pretty sure you’re on the naughty list this year.”

“Only one way to find out,” he replied with a cocky grin. He smacked her bottom. “Besides, one look at you in those jeans and Santa’s sure to understand.”

Jennifer Bonds's books