On the Prowl (Bad Things #2)

“I think…I think there is more to you than that.”

Then you’re wrong. He dropped his hand. “How are you feeling?” he asked, and his voice was still cold. Cold and curt, but that was just how he sounded, not how he really felt. Looking at her…he felt good right then because Rose appeared okay. No, she looked way better than okay.

“I don’t feel like I’m burning up from the inside, so I figure that’s a good sign.” She made no move to cover her body because, obviously, she liked causing him pain. “What about you?” And the furrow between her brows deepened. “You’re the one who got drained dry.” She stepped toward him. “Why? You should have stopped me. You had to know I was taking too much. You got so weak—”

“For all I knew, Leo’s blood was poisoning you.” Killing you. “I had to make sure you survived, and the more of my blood I gave you…hell, I thought it might dilute whatever was in his. I just wanted…” He heaved out a breath. “I had to make sure you were all right.”

Her hands lifted and pressed to his chest. “I was out of control. I could have killed you.”

“It wasn’t that close.”

Her gaze searched his. “You’re a liar.”

“Only every day…” He turned from her, went into his closet, and pulled out clothes that he knew would fit her. He handed them to her. “Don’t want you walking into the room nude when we see Leo and Rayce again.”

She looked down at the clothes, then up at him. “Okay, this is the second time you’ve pulled out clothes for me.” Her head cocked. “Which means…you keep women’s clothes in your closet?”

“Cute. I keep clothes for you in there, okay? Don’t make a big deal out of it.”

But Rose shook her head. “For me?”

“Yeah, shit, I had some stuff on hand, okay? Just in case…”

“Just in case—what?” Rose prompted. “I wound up naked on the island?”

“Just in case I was ever lucky enough to have you back,” the words exploded and he could feel his cheeks heating. He cleared his throat and tried to sound a bit calmer as he said, “I wanted to make sure you had what you needed. It’s not a big deal.”

“You’re lying again. I think I can tell now when you do…”

“Because my mouth is moving?” He needed to get away from her. The blood exchange—the sex—the mating. It had all been too intense, and she didn’t even realize the ramifications of what had just gone down. Mostly because he hadn’t told her.

More lies. Shit. He should have told her what it meant for him to take her blood—for him to bite her neck and her shoulder. And he hadn’t just done that mating bite once—oh, no, this was the second time he’d marked her that way.

She had no clue what he’d done. He should tell her. Right then. But he…he didn’t want to change the way she was looking at him. Some of the tension was gone from her gaze. Her expression seemed softer. As if she might be…hell, maybe thinking about giving him another chance.

Too bad he’d already screwed that chance up for them.

Julian marched for the door. “When you’re dressed, join us.” He stopped and glared back at her. “Seriously, when you are dressed. If you walk out naked, I’ll have to knock Rayce unconscious.”

“I don’t…understand you.”

What wasn’t to understand? “When it comes to you, I’m a jealous bastard. Always have been. I…consider you mine.” That was as close to an admission about the marking and mating as he could get right then.

Her lips parted.

“Because you are.” Truth. The biggest truth he’d ever given her.


“Get dressed.” He yanked open the door and hurried into the hallway. Julian tried to breathe without tasting her, but she was in his blood—literally. Under his skin. Branded on his soul. He stomped his way down the hallway and joined the others and when Rayce took a look at his face, he winced.

“Tell me it’s not that bad,” Rayce ordered.

“It’s worse.” Because he’d mated with her—mated for life—and she had no clue. He’d let his beast go, their blood had melded, and there was no going back. At least, there was no going back for him. But a mating only worked for a shifter. He would be tied to her forever, but Rose didn’t have to know. She wouldn’t be forced to feel the same connection that he did. She could be free.

While he was trapped in hell without her.

“How could it be worse?”

His gaze cut to Leo and he gave a little growl. This wasn’t sharing time, especially not with Leo and the wide-eyed human watching them. Rayce got the message and gave a little nod. Finally. Exhaling, Julian glanced over at the woman who sat on the couch. The trigger-happy one. He rubbed his chin and she paled. Julian frowned. “Is that blood on her shirt?”

Coughing a bit, Rayce said. “Yes, there was an…altercation.”