On the Prowl (Bad Things #2)

“I like very little about this night.”

He kept walking. “It’s Luke’s house.”

Her eyes squeezed closed. Luke. Luke Thorne. Luke…AKA the Lord of the Dark. The guy who controlled every dark paranormal creature in the world. She was pretty sure he might just be the devil, but she’d always been too afraid of the man to actually ask that question. She did know certain very scary facts about the Lord of the Dark.

He was the most powerful dark paranormal being in the world. No question. Period.

And he’d been able to bring her back from the dead. He’d used some kind of black magic to turn her into a vampire.

The third thing she knew about him? He terrified her.

“I’m not going to Luke’s place.” He had an island nearby. His own private slice of paradise—or, well, hell considering what he was. Luke didn’t like to be near the humans so he generally kept to himself. And woe be unto the person who tried to disturb his sanctuary. “I can’t see him.”

“Relax.” He’d stopped walking, just for a moment. “Luke isn’t there. He’s gone with his lady love. He and Mina vanished to an undisclosed location for the next few weeks. They wanted some quality time. You don’t have to worry about him.”

Had he seriously just said Luke had a “lady love” right then? And that the guy had jetted away for quality time? “He can’t love anyone.”

Now Julian looked back at her. “You think because someone is called…evil…by the rest of the world…you think that automatically means the person can’t love?”

When it came to Luke, yes. She did believe that. Rose nodded.

“He’d die for Mina. He’d give up all his power in an instant—for her.” He stared at Rose. “Even the most powerful beings have weaknesses.”

She glanced toward the flames. Fire. That was her weakness. Luke had been the one to warn her that if she ever burned to ash, she was dead, forever.

“Let’s go. The boat is close by and I am done with this fucking night.” He turned once more.

And she found herself hurrying after him. He was her paranormal protection, right? So she’d stay close, for the moment.

Besides, she didn’t exactly trust him not to hurt the human. Julian could be unpredictable, thanks to his beast side. If he was going to interrogate Francis, she intended to be there. Someone had to keep the panther in check.

They walked in silence for a time, until they approached what she thought was a private house. Only Julian didn’t go into the house. Instead, he headed for the dock behind it.

“Marcos!” Julian’s voice rang out. “Get the boat going, now.”

A man appeared, rushing out to untie the boat. Her gaze darted to the side of the vessel. Devil’s Prize. Oh, jeez…that had to be Luke’s boat.

Julian jumped onboard and dropped the human onto the deck. He just let Francis fall with a thud. “Probably going to need to tie him up,” he muttered as he studied the human with narrowed eyes. “Marcos, toss me some extra rope.”

And the guy did—no questions asked. Marcos just tossed the rope to Julian as if it were a normal thing to basically kidnap a person.

Rose bit her lip as she stood on the wooden dock.

“Marcos.” Julian was tying up Francis, not looking at her as he spoke. “The lady hesitating over there and looking all judgmental is Rose. She’s coming back to the island with us.”

Marcos gave her a quick, searching glance.

“And Rose, this is Marcos.” He tied a quick knot, then nodded, as if satisfied. “Marcos is ex-Navy, and he’s the all-around best captain in the Keys.” Julian ran his hand through his hair, sending droplets of water flying. “Now, the introductions are done, so let’s get the hell out of here.”

Rose exhaled and jumped onto the boat. As soon as her feet touched the deck, Julian was there. His hands wrapped around her body to steady her. Not that she needed steadying.

“Good choice,” he whispered, and she felt his breath stir against her ear. She would not shiver.

She shivered. Dammit. “I didn’t realize I had a choice. You said I had to stay with you. Twenty-four, seven, right? Weren’t those your words?”

He was wet. But warm. Always warm.

“Yeah, those were my words.” He smiled. “But you could have run again. Made me chase you.” He…nuzzled her.

Seriously, that was what he’d just done. Nuzzled her neck as if he were giving her some kind of panther caress.

Then he let her go.

“But if I’d chased you, that would have just brought out the beast in me.” He stared at her with his glowing eyes. “It’s better if he comes out when we’re alone. Not here.”

Rose swallowed. “Julian…”

The boat was already moving.

Julian turned his back to her. “Don’t forget…”

Her hands twisted nervously in front of her.

“I’ve already kept up my part of the deal. Your turn will come soon.”

She knew he’d just given her a warning.

Chapter Five