Off Limits

“I said after you were clean. Now I’m going to take care of all your needs.”

I groaned as Alix stroked my cock in her hand. Perhaps because of the pain of the past few days, maybe because of the fact that Alix was nearby in such a sexy state of half-undress, maybe just because I’m half-crazy, either through love or my natural inherent nature, but I needed her touch at that moment. I was hard as a rock, and the light pain in my ribs just added to my desire. “Alix . . . ”

Her hand squeezed and stroked, the water splashing lightly as she pumped my cock in her fist. “Kade, I love you. More than life itself,” she said, her hand speeding up. My hips lifted out of the water, trying to follow the maniacal pleasure of her strokes before falling back, trying to thrust into her soft, heavenly hand. “I want you to do something for me.”

“What?” I said, half opening my eyes to watch Alix’s intent face. She was alternating her eyes from my cock to my face, then back to my cock.

“There are so many things I’ve never done,” she said, half smiling as she saw that I was looking at her. “No man, even the silver-tongued ones, were able to talk me into them. I want to go to all those places with you. My body, my mind, my soul and my heart are yours. I’m going to do a first right now,” she said. Reaching across her body, she pulled the plug of the tub, letting water out until my entire cock was out of the water. Getting higher onto her knees, she bent over, her stomach pressed against the porcelain edge, and looked up at me. “In my mouth.”

I nodded, watching in dumbstruck awe and arousal as my angel wrapped her pink lips around the head of my cock. After the pumping she’d already given me, it didn’t take long. Her tongue massaged the head of my cock for barely a few seconds before I gave Alix a warning groan, and then my cock was erupting, hard and thick blasts in her mouth. It’d been three days since I’d last had a release, and there was a lot of it. I could see Alix’s eyes widen with surprise until it finally came to an end. Pushing back onto her knees, she looked me in the eyes, and I knew before she even did it what she was going to do.

Tossing her hair back, Alix looked at the sky and swallowed, her lean throat working visibly to swallow every drop of what was in her mouth. It was such a small thing, I guess. In the realm of sexual things we’d done, her swallowing a load wasn’t much on the standard scale of normality. But the emotional aspect added to the gravity of it all. I felt bad actually, as I could tell from the hard protrusion of her nipples and the way her thighs were pressed tightly together that she was as aroused as I’d been. “I’m sorry,” I whispered, taking her hand.

Alix opened her eyes to smile at me. “Why?”

“I’m in no condition to return the favor,” I said. “I want to, but I’m not able to yet.”

Alix grinned and stood up. “Then I guess you’re going to have to just tell me what to do while I take care of that myself,” she said.

Chapter 27


Vince was a good sport the week we were in the hotel, giving me and Kade plenty of privacy when we needed it. Part of it was that Kade recovered his strength remarkably fast, so fast that even Doctor Harrington was surprised. “I’ve never seen a man recover as quickly as you have. Normally, what you had takes five days in the hospital, and then five or six weeks to fully recover. You’re less than ten days post-surgery, and you’re moving like a man who’s halfway through recovery already. What’s your secret?”

“Classic TLC,” Kade said, squeezing my hand. He was lying on his back while Harrington snipped the last of the sutures and pulled it out, then wiped away the tiny pinprick of blood that followed. “You know that makes everything better.”

Harrington glanced up at me and smiled. “The textbooks say different, but my mother would agree with you. In most instances, my mom knows a lot more than UCLA Medical School with disturbing frequency. Now let me help you sit up, and see how everything else is looking.”

“I’m just glad you didn’t have to put a tube in my bladder,” Kade said as I helped him up. Sitting up was still a bit painful for him, but he could do it if he had to by himself. “One of the nurses told me about that.”

“Didn’t have time for it,” Harrington said. “Besides, that’s more important when we’re going further down in the abdomen. You know, I have to say, Mister Prescott and Miss Nova, when the scandal broke, I wasn’t one of the people on your side. But seeing the way you two are together, who can stand in the way of that? Good luck, both of you.”

Harrington wrote up the last of his notes and offered his hand to Kade and me, who both shook with him. Leaving the hospital, Kade slowly stretched his arms over his head and smiled into the sunlight. “That feels better. It’s not a clean bill of health, but at least I can travel again.”