Off Limits

Kade thrusted faster, his strong hands planted on either side of my head. I yearned to see him, to see his face, but the blindfold prevented me. Instead I let my mind focus on the feelings he was giving me while my mind’s eye filled in the visual details from my memory. His smile, the smirk in his face when he said something ironic. Most of all though, the way he looked at me, the glimmer in his eyes when he took me in. I had only recognized what it was in the past few days, but as my memories played back I saw it more and more as we went back.

His hips sped up, softly smacking into my own, and I trembled even more. I was on the edge, tearing the images of Kade’s eyes from my mind in order to try and hold out until he gave me permission. I sent my mind to somewhere, anywhere else, recipes for chocolate chip cookies, the time I went swimming in the Pacific in February, anything. I just needed to hold back a little longer.

With a yank, Kade tore the blindfold from my eyes, and I saw that he had dimmed the lights so as not to blind me. Instead, my vision was filled with the sight of Kade, powerful and beautiful, his face inches from mine. “Don’t, Alix. Focus on this, right now. Focus and control yourself. I promise you, you can do it.”

His face was shining with the sweat of exertion and I nodded, my breath tearing from my chest as he hammered in and out of me. “Kade . . . ”

“I know,” he said. “Hold on. Hold on, my love.”

I blinked and gritted my teeth, nodding as he sped up further. I was on fire, my body feeling like an over-taut guitar string, ready to snap at the next stroke inside me. Still he kept going, his face intent and studying me, never closing his eyes even as I did, not to escape but to focus on the man that I now knew I loved. Regardless of what else happened in the future, I loved Kade. That moment made me realize I would always love him, no matter what.

“Now,” Kade grunted, speeding up more. Released of his command, I clutched at him, my body crashing as my orgasm swept me away. Kade’s cock plunged into me one last time, his mouth claiming me as his while at the same time I could feel his cock twitching inside me. I held him tight, both of us pulling on the other until the moment ended and we collapsed.

I kept my arms around Kade, holding him inside me as long as possible. “Kade, my Kade,” I whispered over and over again into his ear as he lay his head against the hollow of my shoulder and shuddered in the aftermath of our lovemaking. It wasn’t sex, that was for sure. It was truly making love. For the first time in my life, I realized what that term meant, and that I would never be the same again.

* * *

I woke up the next morning to find Kade not in bed like I’d expected, but instead in the kitchen of his condo. I padded out, wearing the shirt he had dropped on the floor last night, wiping sleep from my eyes. “Good morning, Kade.”

He turned, his eyes taking me in and causing another ripple of warmth to go through me as he looked on me with such approval. “Well, well, well. What they say is true. Nothing can make a man’s shirt look better than a beautiful woman wearing it.”

“Thank you. What time is it?”

“Seven thirty. I was just going to wake you up in a few minutes with breakfast. What do you like on top of your waffles?”

“You made me waffles?” I asked in semi-shock, looking around at the collection of bowls and ingredients on the counter. “From scratch?”

“Yep. So, what do you want, maple syrup? Blueberries? I think I have some raspberries in the freezer, but I’d need about five minutes to turn them into a quick compote topping if you want them,” he replied, deftly opening what I now recognized as a waffle iron and pulling a large waffle out before pouring more batter. “Hurry up now, I don’t want our waffles to get cold.”

“Maple would be great,” I answered. “Butter too, if you have any.”

“Only organic grass fed,” he said. “You can find it in the fridge if you don’t mind. I slept late myself and need to hurry just a bit if I want to get into the office this morning.”

I found the butter and took it out. “Wow, your fridge looks like it was stocked at a total organic food store or something.”

Kade nodded. “It was. I’m not into a crazy diet of any one type, so I eat gluten, meat, eggs, all that. But I do figure on using whole organic ingredients as much as I can. As a model, do you have any special diet?”

I shook my head. “I think I’m going to be taking a sabbatical from modeling,” I said, smiling as I cut pats of butter from the stick and set them on a small white china plate I found in the glass-fronted cupboards. “Maybe I’ll go to college, like my stepbrother thinks I can do.”

“I think admissions for PSU are closed for the fall semester, but the winter term might be an option,” Kade said, taking it in stride. “Is your agent going to be pissed?”

“Probably, but they’ll understand. We models are supposed to be mentally irregular anyway. If I tell them that I’m only open for limited shoots, they’ll be happy enough. Besides, I don’t have a dedicated contract with them, they just represent me. But Kade, why the fresh breakfast?”

“It’s something I do,” he replied. “I guess afterwards, when you give yourself to me, I try and give myself to you in return.”