Obsession Mine (Tormentor Mine #2)

She’s breathing so fast I can feel her rapid exhalations where I grip her neck. “Y-you do.” The words are barely audible as they leave her lips, and it’s not enough. It’s not nearly enough.

Releasing her throat, I reach between her legs, feeling the silky flesh stretching around my cock, the gliding slickness of the lube mixing with her cream. Sara’s panting intensifies, her ass arching up as her moans grow louder, and my fingers travel higher, slipping between the pale, firm mounds of her cheeks.

“Peter… wait. Oh God, Peter…” My name comes out a choked gasp as I find the tightness of her other opening and press the tip of my finger in, ignoring the resistance of clenched muscles. It takes all my self-control to go slow, to not take her as violently as my body demands. I don’t want to tear her, don’t want to hurt her despite the darkness gnawing at my soul. The lube eases my finger’s passage as I penetrate her deeper, but she’s still too tight and I almost come as I imagine how tight she’ll be around my cock, how her ass will grip and squeeze me.

She whimpers at the discomfort of my penetration, but I don’t stop until my finger is all the way in and I can feel my cock through the thin inner wall separating her orifices. The sensation is dizzying, surreal in its intensity. It sharpens the hunger inside me, turns it even darker and more feral.

My beautiful caged ptichka.

It’s time I fully claimed her.

After tonight, she’ll have no doubts that she’s mine.



* * *

Overwhelmed, I clench my pelvic floor muscles, feeling the impossible girth of his cock and the stinging burn from that invading finger. Even with copious amounts of lube, it didn’t go in easily. I feel painfully full, violated and overtaken, and my breath comes in hard pants as I try to adjust to the strange sensation of being penetrated in two places.

To my relief, my tormentor withdraws his finger, only to have it return joined by another. The thick digits work into my ass slowly, stretching the tight ring of muscle with great care, but it still hurts, my body resisting the intrusion.

“Push out, ptichka.” His voice is a devil’s whisper, seductive and controlled, even as his cock throbs deep inside me. “Relax and let me in. You’ll like it.”

Panting shallowly, I try to do as he says, fighting the instinctive urge to clench harder. My bound hands flex behind my back, my fingers twitching as they press into my palms. Despite the stinging pain of the invasion, a part of me is curious about this, almost eager in some twisted way. Something about the very discomfort of this—the way my insides cramp and burn, the sensation of being forced and violated—resonates with that strange, submissive streak within me, with the craving for punishment my monster has awakened in me.

If it hurts, it’s not a betrayal.

If I have no choice, I’m not falling for the enemy.

“Yes, that’s it, my love… Now relax and breathe.” The two fingers are inside me now, thick and hard, the edges of his nails abrading tender tissues. It’s too much, too overwhelming, the sensations beyond anything I’ve known. My heart is like a fluttering bird in my chest, my breathing so fast it feels like I’m hurtling into panic. Only his voice keeps me present in the moment, that dark, caressing voice with its subtle accent.

“That’s it, my love… Relax…” His free hand strokes over my hip, the calluses on his palm rasping across my skin. “My pretty ptichka, so delicate, so sweet… It’ll feel better in a moment, I promise you, my love.” Crooning more endearments, he begins to move his cock in slow, shallow thrusts, and my heartbeat picks up further as the rocking movement rubs my clit against the mound of pillows.

The pleasure builds up slowly, maddeningly, the tension rising at a snail’s pace. The pressure of the pillow on my clit is far too light, his shallow thrusts too gentle. I’m too aware of the stinging fullness in my ass, and I moan into the mattress in frustration, pushing my hips higher, needing him to go harder, faster. I was on the verge before, and I’m almost there now, but I need more.

I need him to take me all the way and hurl me over, to give me both more pleasure and more pain.

“Peter, please,” I beg, but the perverse bastard stops and pulls out of me completely. Only his fingers remain in my ass, and in the next moment, he withdraws them too, leaving me aching and empty, on the edge and frustrated beyond belief.

“Peter,” I groan, but then I feel him reach to the side behind me, and more cool lube is squirted between my cheeks.

“Shhh,” he soothes as I clench instinctively at the feel of his massive cock pressing against that opening. “It’ll be all right, my love, just let me in…” He pushes harder, and the pressure on my sphincter grows more intense, the stinging pain worsening. He’s much bigger, much thicker than his fingers, and I can’t relax enough to let him in.

“Peter.” Growing panicked, I begin to struggle, tugging at the belt binding my wrists behind my back. “Peter, I don’t think it’s—”

The ring of muscle gives way with a painful pop, letting the broad head inside me, and a wave of dizziness crashes over me as he slides in deeper, the slickness of the lube easing his way. It feels like I’ve been speared, invaded in the cruelest way, and as he bottoms out inside me, his thick cock stretching me unbearably, I want to scream at him to stop, to end this. The fullness is beyond anything I imagined, and my stomach churns and cramps with nausea, cold sweat trickling down my trembling back.

Why was I so curious about this?

How could I have wanted this in any way?

Yet because I did, I remain silent, sucking in shaking breaths as I wait for the pain to ease. Peter is crooning to me again, stroking my back and hip—praising me for something, even—and soon, the pain does ease, the worst of the discomfort fading. The extreme fullness remains, however, and as his hand slips between my legs to find my clit, I start to tremble with a different kind of tension. It’s too much, the twice-thwarted orgasm and the merciless invasion, the feel of him where no man has been before.

“That’s it, ptichka,” he murmurs as I cry out at his light pinching of my clit. “Now you can have it. Now you can let it go.”

He starts to move inside me, carefully and gently, yet each stroke feels like a new invasion, my body wrenched open every time he pulls out and thrusts back in. It hurts and burns, but the steady pace does something, intensifying the throbbing tension in my sex. It begins to feel hypnotic, the rhythmic thrust and drag inside me, the pinching pressure of his fingers on my clit, and as I sink under the spell of the sensations, the tension grows, the pleasure coiling deep within my core.