Oblivion (Lux, #1.5)

Andrew jogged over to where the panel was stuck behind an overlay. “Ready.”

Glancing at Kat and then me, Dawson nodded and focused on the middle door in front of us. “Ready.”

“Labyrinth,” I murmured from where I stood behind Kat and Dawson. “And please, God, spell it correctly.”

Andrew snickered and then entered the code. A second passed and the door quietly slid open, revealing a wide orange tunnel. All the way at the end were the elevators. From there, we’d go down six floors, and then we’d find the cells.

What happened next was so fast.

Dawson stepped through the door, Kat right behind him. I reached for her, wanting her to stay at my side, but before I could even touch her there was this small hissing sound, as if we’d neared a pit of vipers.

Without warning, Dawson dropped to the ground in a withering heap. My stomach dropped as horror and anger rose swiftly. I raced to his side, placing my hands on him. He jerked as if my touch scalded him. I scanned his body, seeing no visible injuries.

What the hell?

“No one moves,” Andrew ordered as Blake’s face paled.

Then it hit me, the way Dawson contorted his body. It was so familiar, as was the glazed-over look of raw pain in his eyes. Onyx.

The whole damn world stopped as I looked up. On the frame of the door, there was a series of nozzles, facing down. The hissing sound came again. Onyx, I realized stupidly, weaponized, airborne onyx.

I lurched forward, but it was too late.

Kat locked up, her back stiffening unnaturally. Her mouth dropped open in a silent scream as she took a direct hit.

Chapter 14

Instinct took over as everything else shut down. Reaching Kat, I winced when pain clouded her face as I picked her up. Gathering her against my chest, I spun around as Andrew grabbed Dawson. I had to get the onyx off her.

I ran fast, speeding across the lawn and back through the woods, near the access road, reaching where the others waited in less than a minute. I had no idea what kind of damage airborne onyx could do, but the bitter tang of fear was overwhelming.

“What happened?” Dee cried out, racing forward.

“Onyx—it was in the air. It’s all over her.” I stepped back when Dee came forward. “Don’t. It’ll get on you. Andrew is bringing Dawson. I need to get it off her. Now.”

Matthew cursed, slamming his fist into the side of his car. Metal dented. He whirled on us. “The river! Get her to the river.”

Spinning, I took off again, knowing that the river was at the base of the mountain. Wind howled as I raced to the river we’d passed on the way in. It was bone-chilling cold, but it was the quickest way for me to get the horrible stuff off her.

Everywhere she touched my bare skin, the onyx burned. The red-hot pain felt like tiny hooks were under my skin, digging in and ripping through bone and tissue. I powered past the fiery hell, focusing on the river. Once the musky scent of the water invaded my senses, I wanted to drop to my knees but couldn’t. We hit the water at full speed.

“Hold on to me,” I told her. “It’s going to be cold, but the onyx is all over your clothes and hair. Just hold on, okay?”

Kat didn’t answer, and I strung together a mouthful of curses as icy water lapped at my legs and then my knees. I gritted my teeth, and when the water reached Kat’s leg, soaking through her pants, she tried to scramble up me, but I couldn’t let her. Holding on to her and hating myself for doing this to her, I folded my hand along the back of her head and then dunked both of us under water.


The ice-cold water seized up every part of me, and I knew if it was this bad for me, it was worse for Kat. She was shaking her head erratically, stirring up sediment, but the burn was fading.

Using my knees, I pushed us both back up. Our heads broke the surface. Kat dragged in air by the lungful as I raced us out of the water onto the riverbank just as Andrew launched into the river, taking Dawson under. Gently, carefully, I laid her down on the bank. Hands shaking, I smoothed the clumps of wet hair off her pale face. Her gray eyes were wide, lips nearly blue, and her chest rose and fell sharply.

Behind me, water splashed. I looked over my shoulder, surprised to see Blake helping drag Dawson out of the water. They laid him next to Kat. She slowly turned her head toward them. None of us moved.

Then Dawson flung an arm over his face as he bent one leg. “Crap.”

Relief made my knees weak. I cradled her cheeks again, turning her head toward mine. “Are you okay? Say something, Kitten. Please.”

“Wow,” she croaked out.

I stared at her a moment. Wow? Then I was moving without thinking. Folding my arms around her, I lifted her into my arms as I fell back on my ass, holding her so tightly she let out a hoarse squeal.

“God, I don’t even know…” I cupped the back of her head. “I was scared to death.”

“I’m okay.” Her voice was muffled. “What about you? You had to have—”