Oblivion (Lux, #1.5)

“What? Why would I be insecure?”

“Good question, but what do you call your little episode with Blake yesterday in the hallway? And that stupid question about me wanting to help Blake?”

I snapped my mouth shut. She was talking about when I’d kissed her in front of Blake. What the hell was that supposed to mean? I could kiss her… Oh well, okay, I did kiss her in front of Blake, because I simply liked kissing her and because she was in front of the douche bag.

“Ha! Exactly. It’s even more ridiculous for you to be insecure. Let me spell it out for you.” Electricity jumped from her skin. “I loathe Blake. He used me and was ready to turn me over to Daedalus. He killed Adam. There’s only a teeny-tiny bit of me that can actually tolerate him. How can you even be any bit jealous of him?”

My jaw popped. “He wants you.”

“Oh, dear God, he does not.”

“Whatever. I’m a guy. I know what other guys are thinking.”

She threw her hands up. “It doesn’t matter if he did. I. Hate. Him.”


“And you don’t hate Ash. There’s a part of you that loves her. I know you do and maybe not in the way you feel about me, but there’s affection there—there’s history. Sue me if I’m a little bit intimidated by that.” She pushed off the bed.

I followed, moving so I was standing in front of her. Cradling her cheeks, I looked her straight in the eye. “Okay. I see your point. I should’ve said something. And the stuff with Blake—yeah, it’s stupid, too.”

“Good.” She folded her arms.

Oh, those claws were still out. Really messed up that I found it hot. “But you’ve got to understand that you are who I want. Not Ash. Not anyone else.”

“Even if the Elders want you to be with someone like her?”

Where did that even come from? I lowered my lips to hers, kissing her softly. “I don’t care what they want. I’m incredibly selfish like that. Okay?”


“We’re good then?”

“If you promise not to give me any crap about going with you tomorrow.”

Sighing, I pressed my forehead against hers. “You drive a hard bargain.”

“I do.”

“I don’t want you going, Kitten.” I wrapped my arms around her. “But I can’t stop you. Promise you’ll stay close to me.”

“I promise.”

I kissed the top of her head. “You always get your way, don’t you?”

“Not always.” She placed her hands on my sides.

Thinking about her being with me Sunday night made me shudder, but I wasn’t going to be able to stop her. Just like I couldn’t stop Dawson. “Come on. Let’s get the bacon and eggs going. I’m going to need all my strength for today.”

“What for…” She trailed off, and then seemed to remember that Douche Bag was coming over today to go over plans for Sunday. “Oh, yeah…Blake.”

“Yeah.” I kissed her again. “It’s going to take a lot for me not to commit bodily harm. You know that, right? So extra bacon for me.”

Chapter 13

There was not enough bacon in the freaking world or in the universe to deal with the Blake meet-and-greet.

Dee had welcomed him into our home with a punch to the jaw that should’ve cracked it, which Andrew and I found hilarious.

Okay. Everyone in the room with the exception of Blake found it hilarious.

We’d gotten down to business immediately, because sitting around and chatting with that asshole wasn’t on anyone’s prerogative list. He’d brought a map of Mount Weather with him. The red line we’d be following tomorrow night was a fire access road, a back entrance into Mount Weather.

According to him, we wouldn’t be able to drive the whole way up, which was a big “no shit.” We’d have to park several miles down the road and travel by good old Luxen speed.

I looked up from where the map was sprawled across the coffee table and looked over at Kat. I’d only seen her get to those kinds of speeds once. “Can you do this?”

“Yes,” she said after a moment of hesitation.

Shaking her head, Dee stood. “How fast can they really run?”

“Damn fast when need be,” Blake said. “Come at me again, and I’ll show you how fast I can run.”

Dee snickered. “I bet I’ll still catch you.”

“Perhaps,” he murmured and then said to Kat, “You need to practice all day tomorrow. Maybe even tonight. We can’t have anyone slowing us down.”

“I’m not going to slow anyone down.”

“Just making sure.” His eyes churned as they met mine.

Irritation flared. “She’s not your problem to worry about,” I snapped.