Oblivion (Lux, #1.5)

Impatience colored Kat’s tone. “Not only are you asking us to trust you but to trust someone else?”

“That someone else is just like us, Katy.” Blake dropped his elbows on the table, rocking his glass. “He’s a hybrid but has gotten out from under Daedalus. And as expected, he hates them and would love nothing more than to screw with them. He’s not going to lead us astray.”

“And how does anyone get ‘out from under’ Daedalus?” she asked.

Blake’s smile was freaking creepy. “They…disappear.”

She tucked her hair back as she glanced at me. “Okay, say we do this, how do you get in contact with him?”

“You won’t believe anything unless you’re there to witness it for yourselves.” He picked up his glass. “I know where to find Luc.”

I smirked. “His name is Luc?”

He nodded. “He’s not going to be reachable by cell or email. He’s kind of paranoid about the government tapping cells and computers. We’ll have to go to him.”

“And where is that?” I asked.

“Every Wednesday night, he hangs at a club a few miles outside of Martinsburg,” he explained. “He’ll be there this Wednesday.”

I laughed. “The only clubs in that part of West Virginia are strip clubs.”

“You would think that.” The smugness creeping into his expression needed to be knocked out of it. “But this is a different kind of club.” He slid a quick glance in Kat’s direction. “Females don’t show up in jeans and sweaters.”

Her eyes narrowed as she swiped a fry from my plate. “What do they show up in? Nothing?”

“The closest thing to nothing,” he replied with a smile. “Bad for you. Yay for me.”

“You really want to die, don’t you?” I said.

“Sometimes, I think so.”

That surprised me, because there was a genuine quality to his words.

“Anyway,” he continued. “We go to him, he’ll get the codes, and then it’s on. We go in, you get what you want, and I get what I want. You guys will never see me again.”

“That’s pretty much the only thing you’ve said so far I like.” I shifted in the booth. “The thing is, I’m having a hard time believing you. You say this hybrid is in Martinsburg, right? There isn’t any beta quartz near that place. How come he hasn’t become some Arum’s afternoon snack yet?”

Blake met my stare. “Luc can take care of himself.”

“And where’s the Luxen he’s tied to?” Kat demanded.

“With him,” Blake answered. “Look, what happened with Adam—I never wanted that to happen. And I’m sorry, but you of all people have to understand. You’d do anything for Katy.”

“I would.” Static built on my skin. “So if for one moment I think you’re about to screw us, I won’t hesitate. You won’t get a third chance. And you haven’t seen what I’m fully capable of, boy.”

“Understood,” Blake murmured, his eyes downcast. “Are we on?”

I reached under the table and found Kat’s hand. I squeezed gently, and she drew in a shallow breath and said, “We’re on.”

Chapter 9

Since Blake was back in the picture and hanging around like a weed that wouldn’t go away, Kat rode in with me Monday morning and Dawson ended up catching a ride with Dee. After school, we made a pit stop at the post office.

Of course.

Kat loaded my arms up with packages, and when we got to her house, she stacked them on her desk, her fingers lingering on the yellow envelopes.

I plopped down on the bed, folding my arms behind my head. “You can open them now if you want.”

She twisted her hair up in a messy knot as she faced me. “I can wait.”

Grinning, I kicked off my shoes. “I know you want to do it now.”

Kat stuck her tongue out at me as she walked over to the other side of the bed and sat down, facing me. I knocked my knee off her hip. “You hanging in there?” I asked.

Nodding, she toyed with the string on her hoodie. “Yeah.”

I eyed her, knowing there was a lot on her mind besides the return of Blake and where we were going Wednesday night. She had talked to Dee last night, or at least tried to. She hadn’t talked to me about it, and neither had Dee, but I didn’t think it went over well.

I patted the spot next to me. “Come here.”

Kat crawled over.

“Closer.” I patted the spot again.

She rolled her eyes, but inched over.

I fought my smile. “Lie with me.”

An aggravated sigh was next. “You’re so needy.”

“I am the neediest needy guy out there right now.”

She shook her head, but stretched out beside me on her side, facing me. “Happy?”

Brushing a strand of hair back from her face, I pretended to think about it. “I’m happy, but I’d be thrilled if you put your head…”

Kat’s eyes narrowed as she peered up at me.

“…on my chest,” I finished with a sly grin.

Her lips twitched, and then she planted her cheek on my chest. “How about now?”

I curled my arm around her back, settling my hand on her round hip. “Much, much better.”