Oblivion (Lux, #1.5)

“Or not,” I muttered. Taking a deep breath, I followed him once more. This time he was at the window I’d been at.

Dee was sitting on the stairs, the set of her face weary. It was almost two in the morning. Our eyes met, and I shook my head tiredly at the question in her gaze.

Was he talking?

Dawson’s shoulders rose with a heavy breath. The hum from the TV continued as the three of us stood in sad silence until he turned and headed up the stairs, passing Dee without a word. I heard his bedroom door close.

Maybe he would sleep now

Dee lowered her head, pressing her face into her hands. I walked over to her and sat on the step below her. “This is progress,” I said, almost wanting to laugh. “At least he was out of his bedroom and not in the woods.”

“What was he doing?” Her voice was muffled by her hands.

I glanced up at the stairs. “I don’t know. He went into the kitchen and I thought he was going to eat something, but he didn’t.”

“He ate some turkey yesterday, nothing more than a handful.” She lifted her head, letting her hands fall limp between her knees. “With him barely sleeping, I have no idea how he’s up and walking around.”

“He’s strong.” The words sounded hollow. “He’ll…he’ll get better.”

Dee turned exhausted green eyes to mine. “I know.”

My smile was faint.

Hers was nonexistent as she whispered, “What did they do to him in there, Daemon? What did they do?”

There was no answer, none that I felt comfortable giving Dee, even though she knew everything now. Matthew had filled her in on what was going on with Blake—what he was, and what I had done to change Kat. Then I’d told her the rest, all that I knew about the DOD, and what had really happened on Halloween night. I told her about what Will Michaels had done to Kat and what he’d wanted from me. Dee had been shocked. Obviously. Because that was some legit insanity right there.

With everything in the open, Dee had been angry, but the relief of having Dawson back, having him alive, had left little room for the anger. For now.

Dee was hurt by the fact that I’d kept her in the dark, and she was devastated by the lies that Kat had told. I knew that it would take some time for her to fully get over it, but my sister was like…freaking sunshine at her core. She wouldn’t hold a grudge. Not even if it was a reasonable one.

As I sat beside Dee, both of us quiet in the stairwell, I thought about Adam. Hell. That hit me in the gut. And then I thought about Kat and the wrecked sound of her voice, the marks around her wrists and ankles that hadn’t completely faded yet. That slammed into my chest.

Following Dawson around had left little time for Kat. I knew she was a hundred percent understanding of that, but it still sucked not to see her. Being around her…well, it was peace in the midst of a violent storm.

A storm that had us all in a holding pattern, waiting for the DOD to spring on us.

Dee and I returned to bed, and I fell asleep around four and woke up no more than two hours later, wide awake and my heart pumping faster than normal. I stared at the ceiling for a moment, confused, and then I launched out the bed.



Book 3 of the Lux series, as told from Daemon’s point of view.

Chapter 1

Shoeless and shirtless, I raced downstairs and out of the house, into the heavily falling white stuff. Snowed in at Winchester, Kat’s mom wasn’t home, but as I slipped inside, I immediately sensed another presence in the house.


What in the holy hell? He was here? I wasn’t exactly surprised as I climbed the steps. I mean, yeah, him here with Kat at six in the morning was freaking weird, but Dawson…he was freaking weird right now.

I walked to Kat’s bedroom. The door was open. Dawson was standing by the window overlooking the front yard, and Kat was in bed looking…hell, looking like I needed to be in there with her.

God, I missed her.

Her gaze roamed over my face and then dipped south before returning north. Her cheeks were slightly flushed.

“Are we having a slumber party?” I asked. “And I’m not invited?”

Dawson shuffled past me and out of the room. A few seconds later, the front door closed. I sighed. “Okay. That’s been my life for the last couple of days.”

Sympathy poured into Kat’s expression. “I’m sorry.”

Hearing the raspy quality in those two words made me want to punch something as I walked over to the bed. “Do I even want to know why my brother was in your bedroom?”

“He couldn’t sleep.” Kat paused as I bent down and tugged the covers. Kat grabbed the sheet, but when I tugged again, she let go. “He said it was bothering you guys,” she added.

I slipped under the covers, easing onto my side so I was facing her. “He’s not bothering us.”

A look of doubt crossed her beautiful face, and then she shifted onto her side. “I know.” Her soft gaze was on the move again, and I wished she’d get those hands involved. “He said I remind him of Beth.”