Oblivion (Lux, #1.5)

“Wow.” I cocked my head to the side. “You’re just now figuring that out?”

He stared at Kat, keeping his arms pinned to his chest. “The good news is you can do it on command now, but that doesn’t mean you have control. I hope it does, but we really don’t know.”

Geez, he was a really positive polly over there.

“I have an idea. You’re going to need to completely trust me. If I ask you to do something, you can’t fire back with a thousand questions.” He paused while my eyes narrowed. “We need to see something amazing.”

“I’m doing my best,” she said, her shoulders tensing.

“Your best isn’t good enough.” He exhaled loudly. “Okay. Stay here.”

She glanced at me as he disappeared into the foyer. “I have no idea what he’s up to.”

I arched a brow. “I’m guessing it’s going to be something I don’t like.”

There was an odd clank of silverware and then Douche Bag returned to the doorway, one hand behind his back. “You ready?”

“Sure,” she replied.

The kid smiled and then cocked his arm back. I saw the light reflecting off metal a second before he threw it—threw the knife straight at Kat.

Kat threw up her hand, a look of horror etched into her face. The knife stopped in midair. Frozen inches from her chest, pointy end facing toward her. It just stayed there, suspended.

My mouth dropped open as I blinked slowly.

He clapped. “I knew it!”

“What the hell, Blake?” Kat screeched as the knife fell to the floor.

He did not just throw a butcher knife at Kat’s chest.

I came out of my frozen stupor in a rage, what he had just done finally cracking through my skull. I was like a rocket of anger. Flipping into my true form, I slammed Blake into the wall, my whitish-red light nearly swallowing him.

I was going to kill him, right here and right now. This dumbass fucker was going to die. I lifted him until he was halfway up the wall.

“Whoa! Whoa!” he yelled, arms flailing in the light. “You need to check yourself. Katy wasn’t in any danger.”

That’s it. I’m going to kill him. That was my only warning to Kat. He didn’t hear me, but he knew death was coming. Windows began to shake and walls trembled. The flat-screen on the TV stand rattled. Puffs of plaster filled the air. My light flared, swallowing him whole.

“Daemon!” Kat shrieked. “Stop!”

Air heated and charged around me. Her terror-filled scream cycled over and over. She would hate me if I killed him—absolutely hate me. That I could almost deal with, but she would also be scared of me, and that…yeah, that I couldn’t handle.

With Herculean effort, I dropped his rat ass. Unfortunately, he landed on his feet and not his head. Kat darted in between us. “Okay. You two need to freaking stop.”

He ran his hands down his shirt, straightening. “I’m not doing anything.”

“You did throw a freaking knife at me,” she shot back.

I will break him in two.

Hearing my voice, Kat looked at me. “Stop.”

Fury hummed through me. He could’ve killed her, just like that, and I had sat there like a freaking idiot and let it happen. No more. I was done with this. She was done with this.

Still in my true form, I reached out and brushed my fingers along her cheek. Her skin was soft as silk and so damn fragile. Dropping my hand, I shifted into my human form. Only my eyes remained white and sharp like the damn knife he’d thrown at her.

“What the hell were you thinking?”

“She wasn’t in any danger!” he shouted. “If I thought for a second she couldn’t do it, I wouldn’t have thrown it at her!”

I sidestepped Kat, my hand curling into a fist. “But there was no way you would’ve known she could do it! Not a hundred percent!”

He turned pleading eyes on Kat. “I swear you were never in any danger, Katy. If I thought you couldn’t stop it, I wouldn’t have done it.”

I cursed again, but Kat blocked me. I stared down at her. “Who does that?”

“Actually, Kiefer Sutherland did. In the original Buffy movie,” he explained. “It was on TV a few nights ago. He threw one at Buffy, and she caught it.”

“That was Donald Sutherland—the dad,” I corrected. What an ass.

He shrugged. “Same difference.”

“I’m not Buffy!” Kat yelled.

A slow grin pulled at his lips. “You are definitely cuter than Buffy.”

I growled low in my throat. “You got a death wish? Because you’re really pushing it tonight, buddy. I’m dead serious. Really pushing it. I can hold you up against that wall until you run out of juice. Can you hold me off forever? No? I didn’t think so.”

His jaw jutted out. “Okay. I’m sorry. But if she hadn’t been able to catch it, I would’ve stopped it. Just like you would’ve. No harm. No foul.”

A whirlwind of rage was building inside me as Kat drew in a deep breath. “I think that’s enough for tonight.”
