Oblivion (Lux, #1.5)

Kat jerked again, and when I looked up at her, her cheeks were flushed and lips slightly pursed. My hand stilled. “What are you thinking about?”

There was a pause, and then she blinked as her chest rose sharply. The flush increased. “Nothing.”

I rose slowly, holding her gaze. Now was not the time for any of this, but she was here, and in this moment, nothing else mattered but that. Not her fledging ability or the DOD. Not the douche bag she’d been hanging out with. Not the fight between Andrew and me. It was just Kat.

Placing my hands on either side of her hips, I leaned over the chair and rested my forehead against hers. I inhaled deeply, and when I spoke, I barely recognized my own voice. “Do you know what I’ve been thinking about all day?”


I tilted my head and brushed my lips over the curve of her cheek. Her soft gasp grabbed hold of me. “Finding out if you look as good in striped socks as you do in reindeer ones.”

Her cheeks rose against mine. “I do.”

Drawing back, I smiled at her. “I knew it.”

Kat’s gaze held mine. Tension grew between us, in us. Her heart rate picked up, and it reflected in mine. It was like both of us were racing but not moving fast enough. I held back, waiting for her to look away, to push me away. She did neither, and I realized then she was also waiting.

Waiting for me.

A whitish tint filled my eyes as my control slipped. There wasn’t even an inch of space between our mouths. I could already taste her. “Do you have any idea what you do to me?”

“I’m not doing anything.”

I shifted my head just enough that our lips brushed once…and then twice. I waited for her to stop this. She didn’t, and I wanted to shout with joy. I increased the pressure, and this kiss was different. I wasn’t trying to prove something to her. This kiss wasn’t out of anger. I was kissing her for the simple joy of doing so, and there was nothing as amazing as this.

Kat made this featherlight sound, a soft and breathy feminine moan, and I groaned in response. She undid me, completely, and she had no idea. Cupping her cheeks, I deepened the kiss. Her lips parted, letting me in. Our tongues met. Danced. Her hands curled around my wrists and then slid up my arms, leaving a storm of fire behind. I moved as close as I could with the chair between us, kissing her without coming up for air.

And Kat was kissing me back, her fingers digging through the material of my shirt, digging into my skin. What I was feeling, she was experiencing, and I—

The heavy oak chair trembled and then slid out from between us, as if one of us had pushed it away. The sudden void caught me off guard. I lurched forward, and Kat gave under my weight. With her tight grip, she brought me along with her, and then our bodies were pressed together.

My hips were between her legs and we were chest to chest, our bodies flush. Her legs curled up, drawing me in. My fingers splayed across her cheeks as she shoved her hands into my hair; her fingers tugged. I slid one hand down, over the sweet swells, until I reached her rounded hip. I urged her closer, blown away by the red-hot feel of her under me.

Slowly, deliciously, the intensity of the kisses lessened, but not the power behind them. With one last lingering kiss, I lifted my head and stared down at her, drinking in the sight of her flushed face and damp, swollen lips.

“I didn’t move that chair, Kitten.”

“I know,” she whispered.

“I’m assuming you didn’t like where it was?”

“It was in your way.” Her hands slipped down to my upper arms.

“I can see that.” I smoothed a fingertip over the curve of her soft bottom lip, committing the satiny feel to memory. Then I took her hand and pulled her up so she was sitting, knowing that the moment the passion subsided in her, she was going to flip.

I didn’t have to wait long.

Her eyes widened slightly. “We can’t keep doing this. We—”

“We like each other.” I let go of her hands and grasped the edges of the table on either side of her. “And before you say it, we were attracted to each other before I healed you. You can’t say that’s not true.”

I leaned in, brushing my nose along her cheek, and she answered with a shudder. I pressed my lips against the spot under her ear. “We need to stop fighting what we both want. It’s not going to be easy. It wasn’t three months ago, and it won’t be three months from now.”

“Because of the rest of the Luxen?” Her head tipped back as I blazed a path of kisses down her throat. “They’ll outcast you. Like—”

“I know.” I slid a hand around the nape of her neck and pressed in so our bodies were sealed tight. “I’ve thought about the repercussions.”

She lowered her head and opened her eyes. “And this has nothing to do with the connection or Blake?”