Oblivion (Lux, #1.5)

“Don’t act like you didn’t have as much fun—”

Kat smacked me in the chest—hard, too. I couldn’t help it. I laughed, and she made this cute little sound of disgust as she started to push away. Her small hand moved across my chest and it took everything in me not to grab her hand and do…well, other stuff with it.

I arched a brow. “Are you feeling me up, Kat? I’m liking where this is heading.”

Her lips parted as she continued to press down. My pulse picked up a little as I watched her. Blood drained from her face. “Our heartbeats…they’re the same. Oh my God, how is this possible?”

“Oh crap.” Not how I wanted to start off this conversation.

Our eyes locked, and I placed my hand over hers and squeezed. I suspected as much. This only confirmed it, but what I knew about my kind healing humans was so limited, and what I did know was more like whispers and rumors.

“But it’s not too bad,” I said. “I mean, I’m pretty sure I morphed you into something and this whole heart thing proves we must be connected.” I grinned. “Could be worse.”

“What could be worse exactly?” Her voice had risen.

“Us being together.” I shrugged. “It could be worse.”

“Wait a sec. You think we should be together because of some kind of freaky alien mojo that has connected us? But two minutes ago you were bitching about being stuck with me?”

“Yeah, well, I wasn’t bitching.” I just had a moment of really bad word choice. “I was pointing out that we are stuck together. This is different…and you’re attracted to me.”

Her eyes narrowed much like a pissed-off cat. “I’ll get back to that last statement in a second, but you want to be with me because you now feel…forced?”

I shifted. “I wouldn’t say forced exactly, but…but I like you.” Kat didn’t immediately respond, and I prepared myself. “Oh no, I know that look. What are you thinking?”

“That this is the most ridiculous declaration of attraction I’ve ever heard,” she said, standing. “That is so lame, Daemon. You want to be with me because of whatever crazy stuff that happened?”

I rolled my eyes as I stood. “We like each other. We do. It’s stupid that we keep denying it.”

“Oh, this is coming from the dude who left me on the couch topless?” She shook her head, sending locks of brown hair flying. “We don’t like each other.”

“Okay. I should probably apologize for that. I’m sorry.” I took a step forward. “We were attracted to each other before I healed you. You can’t say that’s not true, because I’ve always…been attracted to you.”

And it hit me then how freaking true that was.

From the very first time I’d seen her standing on my porch—the first argument, the first time she called me a douche, and from the very first time I realized how strong and brave she truly was, I’d been attracted to her. I’d wanted her.

Perhaps I had protested too loudly this whole time.

“Being attracted to me is as lame a reason to be with me as the fact we’re stuck together now.”

“Oh, you know it’s more than that.” I paused, sort of dumbstruck by the fact that a year ago I would have died of laughter if someone had said I’d be where I was right now, saying what I was. “I knew you would be trouble from the start, from the moment you knocked on my door.”

Kat laughed drily. “That thought is definitely mutual, but that doesn’t excuse the split personality thing you’ve got going on.”

“Well, I was kind of hoping it did, but obviously not.” I flashed a quick grin. “Kat, I know you’re attracted to me. I know you like—”

“Being attracted to you isn’t enough,” she said.

“We get along.”

She shot me a bland look.

I couldn’t stop the grin that time and tried for a, “Sometimes we do.”

“We have nothing in common.”

“We have more in common than you realize.”


I caught a piece of her hair and wrapped it around my finger. “You know you want to.”

She hesitated a moment before she snatched her hair free. “You don’t know what I want. You have no clue. I want a guy who wants to be with me because he actually wants to be. Not that he’s forced to be out of some kind of twisted sense of responsibility.”


“No!” Her hands balled into fists as she drew in another deep breath. “No ‘sorry.’ You have spent months being the biggest jerk to me. You don’t get to decide to like me one day and think I will forget all of that. I want someone to care for me like my dad cared for my mom. And you aren’t him.”

“How can you know?”

She stared at me a moment and then turned toward the door as if she planned on leaving. This conversation was so not over. I moved faster than she could track, appearing in front of the door.

“God, I hate when you do that!” Kat shrieked.