The cell reception was choppy and Slam was the only one who had a phone that was able to take the calls.

My cell started to go crazy on the ride back into town but I wasn’t able to check it. I had to hit the clubhouse before I could go see Linds.

The garage was in full swing, business as usual. Which was good.

I went into the office and cut to the left, going right for chapel. Uncle Jakey was at the head of the table while the rest of us started to fill in the empty seats.

“Any contact yet?” Uncle Jakey asked me without hesitation.

“Nothing,” I said. “I’m sure he’ll be all over my ass when I leave here though.”

“I’ve filled everyone in on what’s going on,” he said. “We’re all on the same page here.”

“In a book I don’t want to fucking read,” Ari said. “What if this ends with King going back to prison? Getting the needle?”

“Then that’s my fate,” I said. “This isn’t about protecting me. This is about protecting the Reap. The name. The cut. The club. All of you.”

“I’m gathering up what I need,” Uncle Jakey said. “We’ll talk about a plan soon enough. I have some more calls to make. This is a tricky situation to be in.”

“Why this guy?” Matteo asked.

“Why not?” Uncle Jakey asked, obviously avoiding the question.

I looked at Knox and gritted my teeth. We had a few deep talks up in the mountains about Uncle Jakey and what he meant to the Reap. For fuck’s sake, he didn’t wear a leather cut. He didn’t represent the MC at all. It was just a power and pride kind of thing.

Not that I would push back against the man who acted as the President of the Reaper’s Bastards.

“Keep your eyes open out there,” Uncle Jakey said. “Keep things calm, collected. Move with purpose and stay the fuck out of sight. If this guy is after the Reap, that means all of us. King, the second he contacts you, you contact me. We keep everything in this room and we find a way out of this.”

“What about the legal case?” Slam asked. “King’s case?”

“What about it?” I asked.

“If that shit is legit,” Slam said, “you could get out no matter what happens.”

“We can talk to the lawyer,” Knox said. “See how real it all is.”

“Oh, it’s real,” I said. “I signed papers…”

“Anyone could sign papers,” Uncle Jakey said. “The way this system works… they’ll let out one little rat to take down the entire nest.”

“Rat?” I asked. “I don’t think I’m a rat, Uncle Jakey.”

“Let’s keep ourselves focused,” he said. He grabbed the gavel and slammed it down.

The meeting was over.

I jumped up and grabbed my cell.

I had to hear her voice. I had to see her face.

I stood outside the garage and called Linds.

“Hello? King?”

Her voice was angelic. Smooth and sweet. Just enough to calm my outlaw nerves as they bounced in my body.

“Sweetie, I’m back,” I said.

“I was trying to call you… he was looking for you.”

“He? Who?”

“That guy. In the yard. The one you were talking to.”

I felt my heart jump like someone had punched it. “What?”

“He was at my aunt’s house yesterday. Posing as an employee for the electric company. I have no idea what he was trying to do.”

“Oh, fuck,” I said. “I’m so sorry, sweetie.”

Fucking Anderson.

“You have to tell me what’s going on,” she said.

“Where are you right now?”

“I’m at work,” she said.

“Leave work,” I ordered. “I’m coming to pick you up.”

I wasn’t giving Linds a choice. It was a clear order.

I ended the call and hurried to my motorcycle.

I sped away from the garage and clubhouse going toward the west side of town.

Linds was standing at the side of the building. She looked fucking beautiful in her nursing scrubs. Her hair pulled back. Her badge clipped to the pocket on her shirt.

I pulled right up next to her and ripped my helmet off. I handed it to her and then grabbed her by the waist with one hand and pulled her in for a kiss. The second our lips touched it was like a fire had been set in my body.

“Fuck, I missed that,” I growled. “So fucking much.”

Linds touched my face with her free hand. “I’m scared, King.”

“Not anymore,” I said. “I’m here. I’m back. I said I was coming right back. Can we go to your place?”

“Yeah,” she said.

Linds put the helmet on and climbed on the back of the motorcycle.

I was halfway to her apartment when I saw a car come out of nowhere and start to follow me. The driver was not trying to be discreet at all.

Which told me one thing.

Anderson wanted to talk to me.

ANDERSON PARKED his car in the far corner of the apartment parking lot. I sent Linds inside with a kiss to her cheek, whispering to her that the guy was here. Fear spread across her face as she rushed to the apartment building.

I turned and made a line right for the car.

I walked right to the open window.

Jaxson Kidman's books