
“Well, welcome home to you too,” she replied, her voice warm and happy. Her arms and hands were covered in henna tattoos, she had a new piercing in her nose, and her wild hair was in two frizzy braids.

Overcome with the need to hug her, I rushed out from behind the counter. A wave of patchouli washed over me, strong and earthy, and for the first time in a long time, I was very glad to see her.

But how odd that my first thought was, damn, was it time for her to come home already?

“A little help here?” Aunt Cheryl was struggling with what appeared to be both sets of their luggage.

“Oh, Aunt Cheryl, I’m so sorry, let me help you with that,” I exclaimed, snatching up duffel bags and tote bags filled to the brim with Spanish flamenco fans, Chinese New Year masks, a bamboo—

“Ma! You can’t just carry a bong around like a purse!” I threw a dish towel over the bamboo pipe.

She was waving to everyone like a celebrity. Oh boy. She’ll be milking this for the next ten years.

“It’s a ceremonial bong, Roxie. I got it from Laos. Your uptight is showing,” she said, walking further into the diner and taking a good long look.

Something tightened in my stomach as she sized up the changes I’d made, no doubt weighing how quickly she could change them back.

Shaking my head, I sprang into action. Maxine and I set all the bags off to the side by the door, while my mother was greeting everyone as if she’d been gone for years.

Someone at the counter asked the million-dollar question. “So, did you guys win?”

Mom and Aunt Cheryl passed a look between themselves before shaking their heads. “Sorry, can’t say anything. Contractually bound to be silent,” Mom explained.

“Aunt Cheryl, are you okay? You look exhausted,” I said, pushing a stool behind her.

“I’ve never been so tired in my entire life.” She sank onto the stool gratefully, resting her head on the countertop.

She was half asleep by the time I looked around for my mother, who was making the rounds, greeting her regulars, making conversation. She grew up in this town, she knew everyone, and she was well liked by all. Her return provided some excitement for this sleepy town, and she was getting her moment’s worth. As she walked around she continued to check out the changes I’d made, but there were no comments or questions so far. If she was irked by the changes, she didn’t say anything. Maybe because we had an audience. Or, maybe because she was happy with it. Unlikely, but stranger things had happened.

As I continued with my side work, the restaurant started to clear out from the lunch rush. And as I cleaned, I kept waiting for the feeling of relief to wash over me. That she was back, that I’d done my time, and I could return to my life in California. And I kept on waiting for that feeling.

But it never came. Funny.

When the last of the lunch crowd left, Mom locked the door. Making her way over to me, she sat on the stool next to her snoring sister, laughing. “Should we let her sleep?”

“She seems pretty tired.” I chuckled. “I say let her sleep.”

“Speaking of sleep—”

I jumped. Who’d told her about Leo already?

“How have you been sleeping, with all this fresh country air?”

I breathed in relief. “Oh, um, I’ve been sleeping pretty good, actually.”

“And you look really good,” she said, examining me carefully. “You look rested. You skin is good, your eyes are bright, and your hair looks nice and strong.”

“Thanks, I eat a raw egg every day for a shiny coat. You want to check my teeth?”

“Don’t sass your mother, Roxie,” she said absently, still looking me over too carefully. Could she tell? Did she know? “Mmm-hmm,” she finally said.

I felt the same way I had when I was a kid and I tried to lie about whether or not I’d done my homework. She always knew.

“You’re free to go, Rox,” she said.

Alice Clayton's books