Nowhere But Here (Thunder Road #1)

A shirt over my head. Her tank top used as a pillow. Bra straps lowered and us leaving lingering kisses on every spot within reach. Other pieces of clothing are eased down and slipped off. A breeze blows over the hill and goose bumps form along her exposed skin.

I cover my body with hers and we’re moving. A rhythm that builds in a steady progression. The urge is to beg for more. Emily’s bold but she’s inexperienced. There are places I want to take her. A million ways I long to worship her body, but we have time and Emily is a forever type of girl.

Emily hooks a leg around mine and lets out a soft moan that causes me to apply pressure to her hips. Our mouths move, our touches grow more intense and instinct pushes us to the brink. Emily encircles her arms around me, cries out and I bury my head in her neck as the world shatters.

I slide off her while keeping her tucked close. We both breathe hard as we share long kisses that say more than words ever could.

“Do you mind that I want to wait?” she asks.

She’s talking about sex. We’ve had several conversations on the phone discussing what I’ve done and what she hasn’t. She grew up thinking she was the product of a one-night stand. Though she knows now that she wasn’t, she also knows, like I do about myself, that she was unexpected.

Neither of us want that type of unexpected in our lives anytime soon.

I sweep the hair away from her face. “I can do what we’re doing forever, Emily.”

“I like the sound of that,” she says.

“Me, too.”

She flashes me her beautiful smile, quickly kisses my lips and rolls away from me.

“Hey.” I reach for her and she giggles as she maneuvers out of my grasp. “I wanted to lie with you for a while.”

Emily’s already slipping her bra back on. “We promised Eli we’d make this a fast trip. If we don’t return soon, he’ll come looking for us, and I am not in the mood to be busted again.”

I chuckle as I button my pants and toss my shirt on. “You’re mine tonight and I’m not sharing. We’re watching a movie and you’re sitting with me. Eli can kiss my ass.”

She tilts her head, waiting. “Deal.”

I cup her face with my hands and draw in her lower lip as she takes in the top of mine. I’m trying to memorize every kiss. She’ll be gone in a few days and even though I’ll be making a run for the business through Florida in two weeks, each moment we spend together is crucial.

When we’re presentable, Emily grabs the bag and holds it in her lap. The spark she had fades and she skims her hand over the material. “I wish I could have been there when she passed.”

From behind, I enfold Emily into me and nuzzle the spot behind her ear. “You were there, in spirit.”

“Is it pathetic that I didn’t actually think that Olivia would die?”

“No.” But she did. “We don’t have to do this today.”

“Yes,” she answers. “I do.”

Emily zips open the bag and pulls out the box containing Olivia’s ashes. Olivia didn’t choose the casket and she admitted it’s because of the encounter that freaked out Emily. Olivia’s last request was this: for Emily to release her ashes into the wind.

The box trembles in Emily’s hand and I slide my fingers underneath hers to help support it. “Olivia told me that if this was too much for you, it was okay. She didn’t want you to do anything that pushed you too far.”

Emily sucks in a breath. “She told me that. But I want to do this. For her and for me.”

She opens the box and inside is a plastic bag. Crude, I know, but Olivia asked that she be separated and left specific instructions of what was to be done with her remains. This box belongs to me and Emily. She asked me to be here with Emily when Emily released them.

Me and Emily alone.

A flash of white in the box catches my attention. “What’s that?”

Emily retrieves an envelope and her eyes meet mine when we spot Olivia’s handwriting. I take the box from Emily and nod for her to open it. She does and reads aloud:

“Emily and Oz,

Someday you’ll tell your children a love story about yourselves. Maybe you’ll be together, maybe you’ll end up with someone else; regardless, what you’ve experienced is love. I know love when I see it. It’s how I look at Cyrus. It’s how Eli looks at Emily and Meg. It’s what you two share whenever you look at each other.

Yes, Emily, Honeysuckle Ridge is a site used by the club and Eli did use it when he was trying to figure out how to handle his situation with the police, but that’s not why I wanted you to find the place. I never wanted you to hurt with the truth. I wanted the truth to set both of you free.

You both have grown up feeling as if you weren’t properly loved by those who should have loved you the most. People make mistakes. They make wrong choices at the worst moments. Never at any time were you not loved.

Katie McGarry's books