November: Calendar Girl Book 11

“Me either. Well, not seriously. When I thought about life during my captivity, I kept imagining you swollen with my child, carrying our son and holding hands with our daughter someday in the not too distant future. It gave me hope. Something to wish for and dream of during the darkest times.” Wes cleared his throat. “Sometimes I’d have my eyes wide open, but all I’d see was you and a future I was worried we wouldn’t have. Again, that’s why I don’t want to wait to marry you. I want us to live each day to the fullest and accept anything that comes our way together.”

I swept my fingers through his dirty blond hair. “I like that idea very much.” I rose onto my toes and took his mouth in a kiss. We stood there out in an open field and kissed like we’d never get another opportunity. Fierce. Untamed. Wild.

The kiss turned heated, and there was nothing and no one around to stop the fire building. Wes got frisky, hands running up and down my back and then molding to my ass. He easily lifted me up, and I wrapped my legs around his waist and plunged my tongue deeper into his mouth. Before I realized what was happening, we were on the move, his strides long and purposeful.

Within twenty feet, we were back in the thick of the trees and my back was up against one huge trunk. The branches reached stories into the sky, the trunk wider than our bodies. Wes let my feet drop to the ground where he made quick work of the button and zipper on my pants.

“Here?” I looked around wildly, making sure there really wasn’t anyone around.

Wes’s knees hit the ground. He tugged off each tennis shoe, pulled down my jeans and underwear, leaving me in nothing but my sweater and long coat. He got close to the wet heart of me and inhaled. “Christ, I love the way you smell when you’re turned on.” His gaze rose to mine as his tongue went out and flicked delectably against my clit. I moaned and gripped his hair.

“You’re crazy,” I whispered.

“And you’re tasty. Now lean back and enjoy.” He spread my labia with both thumbs, licking me from the entrance to the tip of my slut button.

It took Wes exactly one minute to have me pressing his head against my center, grinding shamelessly against his lips, desperately searching for that spot that would send me over the edge. He palmed my thigh, lifted it up, and laid it over his shoulder, giving him better access.

“Oh, Jesus, Wes. I’m gonna come.”

He lapped long and deep, sticking is tongue as far as he could go in this position. My body was alight with tingles, my orgasm right on the edge.

“Baby,” I warned again, in case he wanted to stop and take me with his cock.

He growled, pressed me open wider, and sucked hard on my clit. That was all it took. Every pore screamed. Each neuron fired. My entire body sizzled with heat as a beautiful wave of pleasure rippled through me. I fucked his face like a prized jockey riding a racehorse.

The orgasm went on and on until his lips left me right in the middle. I cried out. I was not done with him or his talented tongue. “No!”

And then all was right in the world again when somehow he’d unbuttoned his pants, pulled out his fat cock, and slammed home in one brutal thrust. With a swift lift, he hefted my legs up, and I wrapped them around his waist, wanting him closer. My back hit the tree, and his hand protected the back of my head from crashing against the tree with the force of each thrust.

“Gonna fuck you until you come again. Want to swallow this orgasm from these lips.” He spoke into my mouth and then dipped his tongue in to tangle with mine. He tasted of my arousal, salty and sweet at the same time.

I groaned, lifted my head back while he bit and nipped at my exposed neck. “Love you, Wes. God, I love you so much it hurts sometimes.”

The man played my body against that tree as if he were a lumberjack cutting wood. Only it was my * he pierced with his thick cock the same way I imagined an axe pounded into a tree. Hard. Relentless. Ruthless.

“Get there,” Wes ground out through his teeth, picking up the pace of his thrusts.

“Honey, need you to shift,” I begged.

He rotated his cock in a circular motion, and I moaned. When I gasped, signaling he’d hit the right spot, he grinned wickedly. Then he backed his cock out to the tip and rammed home, the crown of his dick hitting that special spot in me that had my o-trigger singing halle-fuckin-lu-ya.

“Oh, yeah, you’re gonna come again for me.” He thrust repeatedly, not letting up. Sweat misted against his brow, and his breath came in harsh labored puffs against my face.

Wes’s hips moved so fast I couldn’t keep up with his rhythm. His cock punched at my g-spot over and over until my entire body turned to liquid and I howled my release to the darkening sky.

He was right behind me, spurting hotly with each thrust, until we were both gone. Boneless and sated, still connected against a giant tree in the Texas woods.

Chapter Eight

When we’d cleaned ourselves up as best we could, Wes grabbed my hand and led me back toward Max’s house.

“I’m going to buy this property from your brother. We’ll find that house, renovate it, or demolish it and build whatever you want brand new,” Wes said completely off topic.