No Love Allowed (Dodge Cove Trilogy #1)

SITTING BENEATH THE shade of a tree on a thick blanket with a pretty rose pattern, Didi brought a grape to her mouth and appreciated its tart sweetness with a moan while she studied the sketch of Caleb she had started. She just wasn’t feeling it for some reason, having woken up on the heavier side this morning. She had almost begged off on coming today so she could stay in bed, but she had made a deal.

Noticing that she wasn’t in the mood, Caleb had excused her from making the rounds and was off speaking to someone important. She couldn’t remember the person’s name, even though they had been introduced once before. She didn’t dwell since she wouldn’t be seeing any of them again after all this anyway.

Not quite getting what she wanted out of the pencil, she flipped to a fresh page and picked up the charcoal stick from her case. A short distance away, Caleb joined a circle of guys she had dubbed the Lacoste models. They all wore polo shirts and a mix between Bermuda shorts and chinos. Would it have killed them to wear jeans outside of a Western-themed party? She rolled her eyes.

Among the group stood Nathan, looking absolutely delicious in red and white. Beside him was Preston in stripes and a light blazer. Both of them together looked lethal—a contrast of dark and light. Her charcoal flew across the white page, quickly filling it up with lines that slowly became figures and forms and faces.

It surprised her that with all the handsome walking around, Dodge Cove didn’t have some sort of annual calendar. She bit her knuckle and stared at Caleb, Mr. December. Of all the guys, he was the cool to Nathan’s warmth. She imagined him in a gray suit with an ice-blue tie that went with his eyes, and she practically melted on the spot.

“Keep looking at me like that and I’ll be forced to kiss you.”

She blinked back to the present. Caleb was sprawled by her feet on his side, popping an apple slice into his mouth. How long had she spaced out? She dropped her gaze to the sketch, then at the guys, who were no longer there.

“Well, crap,” she said, her shoulders slumping.

Concern on his face, Caleb leaned closer. “What is it?”

She scratched her cheek. “I was sketching you guys and got caught in a daydream. Now you’ve scattered, and I’m not even close to done.”

Shifting up to his knees, Caleb brushed his thumb across her cheek.

“What are you doing?” She would have flinched if her back hadn’t been pressed against the tree.

“You have charcoal on your cheek.” He chuckled, then tapped the tip of her nose, which made her scrunch it. “There, done.” Then he studied her sketch. “That’s really good. You got Nathan and Preston smiling at each other just right. Want me to gather everyone again?”

From the earnestness in his tone she knew he would do it too. All she had to do was say the word and he would call the group over to stand at the exact same spot she had been drawing them from. Heart somersaulting, she picked up a grape and pressed it against his lips. He opened his mouth and nipped at her finger playfully when he bit down on the fruit. Heat gathered in her cheeks. As if he couldn’t help himself, Caleb leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the corner of her mouth, just missing her lips. He might have promised not to initiate any kissing, but from the wicked look he gave her, he knew what he was doing.

Smirking, she moved to push to her feet with the excuse of being thirsty. Just then, Nathan and Preston ambled over. On Nathan’s arm walked the prettiest girl she had ever seen. This gave her pause, staring blatantly.

Wavy dark locks fell past slim shoulders like a sable waterfall. The periwinkle flowers on her dress set off the blue of her eyes. She had a face Renaissance painters would have been falling all over themselves to immortalize on canvas. She was captivating. Then Didi noticed the resemblance between the girl and Nathan.

The trio stopped just outside the blanket.

With a proud grin, Nathan said, “Didi, let me introduce you to my sister, Natasha Parker, princess of Dodge Cove.”

Natasha laughed, good-naturedly slapping him on the arm.

Didi got to her feet and curtsied. “It’s a pleasure meeting you, Your Highness.”

This brought on a round of laugher from the guys as Natasha studied her intently. Then she said to Nathan, “She’s everything you said and more, Nate.”

“Caleb”—Natasha looked toward him—“I need to borrow your girlfriend for a minute. Do you mind?” Before Caleb could speak, she grabbed Didi’s arm and pulled her away from the blanket. “We’ll be right back. Girl talk.”

All the boys could do was stare wide-eyed after them. A thrill of satisfaction at stumping them washed over her. Didi had never seen someone take complete control of a group the way Natasha had. No wonder the guys worshipped the ground she walked upon.

“Be honest with me,” Natasha whispered when they were out of earshot, tightening her grip. “Between just us girls, why did you say yes to being Caleb’s fake girlfriend?”

Without hesitation, she said, “Because I had nothing better to do this summer.”

The Dodge Cove princess paused in her stride. “Forgive me, but I don’t believe you.”

Kate Evangelista's books