Never Sweeter (Dark Obsession #1)

Oh, this time he fucked her back.

He really, really fucked her back. His hands went to the hollows of her hips, tugging roughly until she was sure she couldn’t take anymore. And then his fingers were searching out her clit and his hot moans of total abandoned pleasure were in her ears and she could, she could. She was coming again before she knew where she was, pussy tightening around his cock, cries of pleasure caught around the hand he put over her mouth.

God, when he put a hand over her mouth…

When he pulled her up, back almost to his front, that hand still on her clit…

There was nothing but pleasure after that. Nothing but him taking his pleasure, fierce and frantic enough that she would remember it forever. Just the sense of him wanting her, needing her—it was everything. It was the difference between the sex she’d had before, seedy and quick and without any thought to her beyond the hole she provided, and the sex she was having now. The idea that she mattered meant the world, and especially when he made it explicit.

“No one has ever made me feel the way you do,” he moaned against the side of her face, and then he was coming, she knew he was coming. He wasn’t silent, like other guys. He wasn’t furtive about it. He gasped her name in her ear, over and over. He told her he was doing it, now, just for her.

All for her.

As she sobbed, for all the things that could have been.

And everything they now were.

Chapter 21

She woke with him surrounding her, to the point where it was almost uncomfortable. His massive thigh was over her legs, as if he was trying to hug her with it, and she was pretty sure that heavy thing squashing her left shoulder was one of his chest muscles. It felt like a brick, when she pushed back against it—as did the arm he had looped around her waist. It was entirely possible she was going to die because he wanted to hug.

Yet somehow she couldn’t wipe the grin off her face.

Not even when his phone went off, and he fumbled for it.

He didn’t stop swamping her, after all. He just read the text while continuing to give her a hug with his leg and his chest, then sprawled back over her once he’d discovered it was Coach Parker and decided he didn’t give a shit. At all. He even informed her that he wasn’t replying as he snuggled down again.

Which made her very reluctant to say anything.

Almost too reluctant, considering how insanely comfortable being crushed to death was.

But in the end, she had to do it. Having that bull-headed, temple-vein-popping psycho mad at him was not something she wanted Tate to endure. Hell, she didn’t want to endure it? either, after the other day. She could still feel his spit landing on her cheek as he spat the word poisoned.

“You know you should really probably go see him. Just to let him know I haven’t murdered you and turned your body into a skin suit that I wear around campus to convince people you’re still alive.”

“That is a super elaborate plan to disguise my untimely death.”

“Thanks. I put a lot of thought into it back when I was sure you were out to get me.”

“It wouldn’t work though. Your wrestling skills are terrible.”

“I thought I wrestled you pretty good last night.”

“That’s true. Though I think the wrestling board might object to a bunch of your moves. Last I checked, squeezing someone to death with your pussy was not covered in any of the rule books.”

“Damn. That was going to be my secret weapon. Guess I’m going down hard.”

“Definitely going down hard. On the upside though, you’ll be rich after you do.”

“Why would I be—”

It was his expression that stopped her dead. That sheepish, I fucked up expression. Of course he tried to hide it by pulling away and flopping onto his back behind her, but it made no difference.

She knew exactly what he had been referring to, without having to ask.

“Oh my god, are you still in contact with those mobsters?”

The sheepish look deepened. Now it had a too-rapid head shake to go with it.

“Not in contact, exactly. That makes it sound like we do secret deals in shady alleys.”

“It doesn’t make it sound like that at all. You just made it sound like that by saying those words.”

He paused then and seemed to consider. She didn’t know why, however.

It didn’t make him sound more sensible.

“Okay, but you have to know that there was only one deal, and the alley was pretty well lit.”

“You have got to be kidding me. You agreed to throw a fight for them? Why, why, why would you do that? Why would you ever, ever do that? You could be arrested for wrestling fraud. Or gambling fraud. They might decide they want you to throw ten more matches, and if you don’t they remove one of your toes.”

“They’re not going to remove one of my toes, Letty.”

Charlotte Stein's books