Never Kiss a Bad Boy

Together, we ducked into the elevator. Grabbing her shoulders, I spun her until her face was in my chest. I heard the burst of air from between her lips. “Kite...!”

“Calm down.” I chuckled so only she could hear. “This way, he won't see anything but the back of my head. He'll think you're just another girl I'm taking home for the night.”

Marina stiffened in my arms.

Without looking, I bumped my elbow on the button for my floor. The doors shut, sealing the two of us away with a 'ding.'

Marina's hair tickled my nose. It took every bit of control not to openly inhale her smell. She fit against me naturally.

The front of her skirt bumped my zipper. Squeezing my eyes shut, I counted each floor.

It was a very, very long elevator ride.

The doors spread. Carefully, so the camera wouldn't catch a glimpse, I shoved her out with my whole body around her. In the hall, free of unwanted eyes, Marina was the first to break away.

She put five steps between us, lips puckering with her heavy breathing. I swear, I saw the hard tents of her nipples.

Using her duffel bag as a barrier, I adjusted my frustrating erection. Focus, Kite. Shit.

My door was nearby, keys already in my hand. I wanted the familiarity of my apartment. I wanted to get away from Marina. My fingers itched and throbbed.

“Welcome home,” I said, stepping over the threshold. She followed me in, closing the door behind her. The duffel bag dropped at my feet. “Want a tour?”

Her jaw was slack. I saw the surprise in her face, the way she wandered towards the giant windows and the sea of twinkling lights below. “You live here?” she asked.

Normally, this was where I would guide the woman up to the window, talk wisely about the beauty of the view—then touch her cheek and whisper about her beauty.

As Marina passed me, taking the position so many had before her, I resisted. “Yup. You like it?”

She pressed her palms on the glass. “This is amazing.” Her whisper smeared a light fog. There was a delightful sparkle in her eyes that transferred to her grin. “I sort of pictured your home being less... majestic.”

“What, because of what I do—or did?” I corrected myself.

Looking back out over downtown, Marina pushed her nose on the window. “Yeah. I knew you had to make good money from your clients, but this is just—wow.”

“You should have seen where I used to live.” Sliding to the counter, I grabbed a bottle of whiskey. It spilled into one of my few clean glasses. “That shit hole would have fit your preconceptions better.”

Sipping the drink, I saw her eyeing me. Was that... concern? Don't talk about your past, idiot.

I said, “Come on. I'll show you where you're sleeping.”

Marina left the window reluctantly.

In the hall, we passed my open door. “That's where I sleep. Not bad, right?”

She leaned into the room, noting my messy bed and the stacks of clothes. Both of us spotted the black panties. “Real nice,” she mumbled.

Ignoring the shame that started to creep up, I kept walking. Why the fuck should I feel embarrassed? I reprimanded myself. It's not her business if I have someone's underwear lying around or not.

Still... I wished I'd thrown them out.

The end of the hall led to a bathroom. To the left of it was a small, spare bedroom I'd been storing random items in. The bed was clean, I hadn't ever slept in it. “Just leave your bag in here,” I said. “The bathroom is right outside. If you need anything, grab it yourself. I might not wake up if you knock.”

“Wait,” she said. “You're going to bed now? It's barely after ten!”

Leaning in the doorway, I put the rim of the glass to my lips. “You want to stay up all night with me, sharing stories? I have more than enough of them.”

Her wince was brief, but it was there. “Forget it. I'll see you in the morning.”

Gesturing with the whiskey, I headed down the hall. Behind me, I heard the distinct sound of her door shutting.

No, I wasn't tired.

I was anything but tired.

Tonight, Marina had ambushed me, turning my life upside down in a single second. Worse, as much as I wanted to hate her, her soft body kept worming into my mind. Everything combined had left me wide awake.

There was only one way to soothe my rabid lust.

Closing myself in my room, I finished the drink and got out my gun.


My clock blinked.

Three in the morning, I noted silently.

I was sitting on my mattress, the Ruger polished and put away hours ago. I'd thought that would be enough, but when I was finished, I'd succumbed to my most basic need.

I'd polished my cock, too.

The whole time I jerked myself off, Marina filled my thoughts. I couldn't get her out of my skull, even if I'd wanted to. Exhausted, I'd flopped back on my sweat soaked pillow and simply... waited.

Now, it was time to act.

With precision, I slid to the floor. My bare feet carried me soundlessly to my door. I knew how to open it so it made the barest of 'clicks' in existence.

Straining in the hall, I listened for any signs of Marina being awake. Gingerly, I put my ear on the surface of the white wood of her door.

Nora Flite's books