Never Have an Outlaw's Baby: Deadly Pistols MC Romance (Outlaw Love)

Hated it even more that I couldn't assert myself, couldn't even meet his eyes when he gave me those slow, smooth glances in between staring out at the stars overhead.

“You oughta get in so I can take off,” he said, taking a long pull off his cig. “No need for your ma to stumble out here and see me hanging around.”

“It doesn't have to be this way,” I said, stepping up to him. “It doesn't have to be a bad night. I never got a chance to thank you for what you did back there, you and Freddy.”

It took every ounce of strength I had to throw my hands around his neck. I did it quick, clumsy, but God help me, I did.

Joker's eyes narrowed. Slowly, he reached up and pulled the cigarette from his mouth, blowing a last strand of smoke out the side of his lips.

The cig hit the ground and crunched loudly under his boot as he rubbed it out. Then, his hands were on me, jerking me in so fast I slammed into his chest.

Crap, crap, crap. My heart couldn't keep up with my head spinning a thousand miles an hour.

One rough, huge hand cupped my face, stroked my loose black hair back, and pulled me into him. Our lips touched like lightning splintering the sky.

For a split second, there was a sweet hesitation, a tease so hot I whimpered. He silenced me by bringing it home.

His lips crushed down on mine. My mouth opened, perfectly unlocked for his tongue. Trembling, I let it happen, let him push his tongue against mine. Twining, lashing, owning it in the first kiss I'd ever had that truly took my breath away.

This wasn't even in the same universe as the clueless boys I'd made out with before. This was a man's kiss, a kiss that would've brought me to my knees if he hadn't tightened his hold, keeping me against him.

This kiss pulled me under the storming sea named Jackson Taylor, stripped me bare, and refused to let go.

Suddenly, he tore his lips away from mine, leaving me to gasp for sorely needed air.

“That what you wanted?” he asked, a smug quirk pulling at his lips.

I still couldn't speak. So, I just nodded dumbly, moving my hands over his neck. A second later, he gently pushed me away, heading for his bike.

“We're done here,” he said, words that dashed my feverish lush like gun smoke.

“Hey, wait!” I whined, running after him. I caught up with him just as he was fixing his helmet.

He looked at me, pushed his hand against my face, holding a finger over his lips. “Don't give me any bullshit, babe. That's all you get, and it's a lot more than you deserve.”

Deserve? What?! I stopped cold in my tracks, shot through the chest by his words, wondering where the hell I'd screwed up.

“You look goddamned beautiful under this moonlight. Don't ever let a man tell you less.” He paused, straddling his bike, ready to start it anytime. “Trouble is, I ain't a fuckin' fool. You're barely on the right side of being jailbait, and I'm not biting, Summertime. You're too fuckin' young, babe. Too new. You deserve better. You're looking for more than skin and sweat when you kiss. I can't give you that.”

“Why?” I whispered, so hoarse it was painful.

He smiled. “I fuck, babe. Skin and sweat – that's all I know. Never take it any further than that. Never fuckin' will. The girls who hitch their hearts to this patch, they get fucked and they get wrecked. You and me? Hell, we're not even hitching a damned thing. I'm letting you off easy.”

My lips trembled. I wanted to curse him, plead with him, reach out and slap him all at once.

What the hell was wrong with me? What was it about him? Why, why, why did I feel more alive with this rage and confusion?

“You think I'm a bastard. Go ahead, girl. You're right. I'm a dyed in the wool son of a fuck, but I ain't a monster. You're a sweet girl, Summertime. Ain't breaking your heart by popping your cherry and taking off.”

Joker turned, reaching in his pocket for another cigarette. He started his bike, keeping his eyes trained on me while he held up his lighter.

“Promise me you'll try to be good, try to find a man who gives a fuck. Hope to hell it happens, but if it doesn't...if you don't find him, if I come back to this town and you're down to get dirty, look me up. We'll finish what we started tonight, babe. I'll fuck you and fuck you and fuck you 'til you're hoarse from screaming my name. Then you'll wake up the next mornin', and I'll be gone.”

“Asshole!” I screamed, finally caving. “Forget it! What kind of girl do you think I am?”

He rolled his eyes. “Fuckin' finally. I was wondering how many damned buttons I'd have to push to see. Listen, I know what kinda girl you are – you're a good girl. Too fuckin' good for me, or any other bastard wearing this patch. You keep your fuckin' distance, Summertime. Find yourself a boy who'll bring you heels and roses. It sure as shit ain't me, babe, and that's awesome. That's called me doing you a favor.”