Need You for Mine (Heroes of St. Helena)

“I believe we had an appointment.” Chantel looked at her watch, then at the bifocals and frosted tips circling the merchandise. “Did I get the time wrong?”

“No, you’re right on time. Mondays are just busy.” Harper extended an arm toward the back of the shop. “Why don’t we head into Couture Corner so we can chat.” And so Chantel could see a room that hadn’t been picked over.

Late last night, right before Harper had finally turned in, she’d had a stroke of genius and turned the back storage space into a private showing room for their more high-end lines.

The transformation was incredible, Harper thought as they entered the room. It was exactly what the Boulder Holder needed to sway Chantel. Bright, bold, breezy, sexy, and of course highlighting the star of the day—the entire Lulu Allure summer line. A detail that Chantel certainly couldn’t miss.

Neither could she miss the tufted cream silk panels, silver and black accents, and chandelier Harper had salvaged from the garage and spray-painted to appear vintage. One of the secret tools of any good set dresser was the ability to accomplish high-end looks on a low budget. Harper could turn a fish bowl and an IKEA desk light into a realistic Tiffany sconce with only a glue gun, sea glass, and craft paints.

“This is . . . unexpected,” Chantel said, taking a seat, and Harper felt her shoulders lift. Finding sensuality in the unexpected was rule number nine. “It reminds me of this little Parisian lingerie shop I went to last spring. They would bring the customers a cappuccino and croissant while they brought in a selection of their merchandise that was hand-chosen for the customer.”

“That’s what we’re going for, only using selected local wines,” Harper said, grabbing a tray of chocolate-dipped fruit with a flight of Napa Valley wines off the shelf. She placed it on the small table separating the two plush wingback chairs she had dragged down from the attic. “We wanted to create an intimate space that would provide a luxurious and plush environment to make the women feel pampered, and to highlight our specialty lines. Also, pairing the perfect wines with elegant lingerie will encourage customers to slow down and really experience the merchandise.”

Chantel took a glass and lifted it to her lips. “I didn’t get the impression your clientele would be interested in lines like these.”

Harper swallowed down the bitter taste of judgment and smiled. “We get a lot of tourists, bridal parties, bachelorette parties, and groups of girlfriends up for a weekend of wine tasting. Our focus is to become the number one destination for bridal parties and girls’ days out in wine country, and cash in on the twenty-to thirty-something weekend wine tasters.” Harper stood and draped one of Lulu Allure’s biggest sellers over herself, as if she were one of those sexy and sophisticated twenty-to thirty-something weekend wine tasters. “Our new look and the Tempting Tastings parties are going to get us there.”

“I love what you’ve done with the shop, this room here, and the front window. And I absolutely adore the Tempting Tastings concept.” It was said as if she also absolutely adored Harper. As if Harper was reason enough for Chantel to say yes, and that she wanted to move forward with their relationship.

And that felt good.

So good, Harper actually blushed a little. “Thank you.”

“I have to be honest, though.” Chantel set the wine down without even tasting it, and Harper felt her blush instantly blanch. She clutched the bra and panty to her as tremors of a big but that would no doubt rock the Boulder Holder loose shook the room—and her misplaced confidence. “I’m only here in person because we’ve had such a long-standing relationship with this shop. The team back home has strong concerns with having the Boulder Holder as our exclusive dealer in this territory—”

“Clovis was the first store in the state to carry Lulu Allure. She has always been a loyal client,” Harper quickly pointed out, trying her best to remain calm, but she felt the garments in her hands droop. “In fact, between online and in-store sales, more than a third of the product we sell is Lulu Allure.”

“A third of sales in a small-town shop is quite different from a third of sales in our boutique on Wilshire Boulevard.”

“The Boulder Holder recently moved to the other end of Main Street, which caused some issues with foot traffic.” She tried to keep the desperate edge out of her voice. “But the storefronts in this area have filled up, foot traffic has increased as you can see, and come August, when the harvest is in full swing and wedding parties flood to the valley, the tourists will outnumber the residents ten to one.”

Marina Adair's books